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I'm going to teach in Japan for a year. I have a relaxer and I want to still grow my hair long. Any suggestions? I saw a woman on here that went to teach in Japan somewhere in 2006.
But I couldn't find where I could e-mail her and ask her questions.

Also is there anyone else in Japan at the moment or that has lived in Japan that is dealing with growing out their hair, and relaxing their hair?
I need help/suggestions. I need advice please help! My hair is down to my shoulders now and if it comes out again, I will be devastated. I've worked too hard on my hair to go back to zero.

Thanks ;-)
i lived in Japan for 2 years. i would suggest:

-invest in a shower filter. your hair & skin will thank you for it cause the water over there is harsh

-look for Tsubaki oil (Camellia oil) in stores over there. it's GREAT stuff for the hair & skin. most are in a yellow box with a red flower on it

-stock up on hair products that you use and take them with you or have someone send them to you. a lot of people use Sheseido products over there, but i never tried them

there are lots of Africans over there so you can get your hair braided

i was natural when i first went there but i texlaxed while i was there. i did it myself though cause i don't trust anyone in my hair but me :look:

my hair did fine since i had that shower filter and my good hair products. but i also did my hair myself, so you will just have to find a good stylist i guess.
I just got back from the Japan after spending five weeks. All I have to say is.....the water is TERRIBLE for your hair. I did not realize that the water was so harsh. So while taking a shower my hair got wet. My hair was so dry it was breaking off into pieces. It was not even "regular" dryness you experience, I cant explain it.

Two days after I got back, I had to go to the hairdresser to get my hair cut. I've been back two weeks and it has gotten better, but I now i have to deal with this huge set back.

I can't even give you great advice, but do not let the water touch you hair!!! If you do, as the person stated above, invest in a shower filter if you can find one.
To Langt

Umm...I don't think it's about having caucasian hair as it is living in a society that dosen't cater to african-american hair needs. African-American hair is very versitle in fact the most versitale of all. Any other style braids, curls, dreads, afro ect is very cool. If I wet set my hair I don't need a mess of damaging hairspray to set it. I only run into hair drama when I choose to straighten my hair because I'm going against my hair's natural growth pattern which is growing up. Hair is dead stuff that is growing out of my head so I feel I can do what ever I want with it for the time being. I've had tried everything with my hair, braids, afro, afro-puffs, bantu knots, senegalese twist, cornrolls, and I plan to try dreads when I am older. At this point i'm trying growing it long and I will probably cut it off when I'm tired go natural and get dreads. But good luck with learning to love your hair. And love yourself. My best friend's boyfriend has alopecia and he dosen't have that option. It's not as bad as you think It's just hair.
I'm going to teach in Japan for a year. I have a relaxer and I want to still grow my hair long. Any suggestions? I saw a woman on here that went to teach in Japan somewhere in 2006.
But I couldn't find where I could e-mail her and ask her questions.

Also is there anyone else in Japan at the moment or that has lived in Japan that is dealing with growing out their hair, and relaxing their hair?
I need help/suggestions. I need advice please help! My hair is down to my shoulders now and if it comes out again, I will be devastated. I've worked too hard on my hair to go back to zero.

Thanks ;-)

First let me say CONGRATS on this wonderful opportunity. I was blessed to live in Japan for 3.5yrs. Just moved back to the USA in July 09. What area will you be located? I lived in the Kobe area. I went a scalp cut to APL hair while living there. However I was a DIYer the entire time I lived there. I would say to stock up on any products that you like b/c you WILL NOT find them there. At least I didn't in my area. I frequented sites like iherb.com b/c they have AWESOME shipping to Japan. For my Indian powders, I visited local Indian stores in the area. Kobe has a large Indian population.

You hair will be fine as long as you are prepared to take the extra time to care for it. Also make a buddy in the USA that won't mind sending you stuff from time to time. But brace yourself, SHIPPING TO JAPAN IS EXPENSIVE!!!

Enjoy the journey....I absolutely LOVE Japan!!!


I'm moving to China in July and am worrying about the same things. Thanks for starting this tread. I will be sending you a PM shortly.
I would contact yokoyokogirl too. I did and she was very helpful. I messaged her through this site. BTW, I'm so jealous of you! I want to teach english in Japan so bad. I have to get my degree but I have to wait till I'm 24 because my parents won't help me. :ohwell: Demo Omedetou! :yep: Have fun!

Im entitled to feel what i feel about it.
I know alot of white people who want black features but nobody says anything about that...

I do wish i had caucasian hair or just a way looser texture.. And i do get jealous.. But tough luck.

OT, (and disclaimer,I'm not bashing you..this is just real talk) but Caucasian hair really has nothing to do with it. At boarding school, we had some white exchange students (one from Germany and one from Australia) who had issues with their hair and skin, because of the change in water quality, food and products available. And there are many Indian women who move to America and have hair problems, because of the same thing.

When you make a major move like that, it's not only going to be a mental and cultural shock. Your body will have to adjust as well. And that's true for all races and hair types. I don't know why people think that all problems in life can be solved/avoided if only they had a head of 3a-3c hair.

And I don't even know how you wanting a looser texture entered into the conversation, because the thread had nothing to do with that.

Back OT, congrats on the opportunity, OP! I'm sure you'll have a lovely time! :yep:
Lol, I had this same question a year ago in prep for a trip that was postponed. I have a cousin stationed in Okinawa and apparently there is a salon run by some African American military wives on the Kadena Base. Also I got this link; the salon is owned by a black guy from NYC and they specialize in black hair.

I was also told that you can find lots of Japanese and Africans that braid hair very well, so no worries on that note.

OT, (and disclaimer,I'm not bashing you..this is just real talk) but Caucasian hair really has nothing to do with it. At boarding school, we had some white exchange students (one from Germany and one from Australia) who had issues with their hair and skin, because of the change in water quality, food and products available. And there are many Indian women who move to America and have hair problems, because of the same thing.

When you make a major move like that, it's not only going to be a mental and cultural shock. Your body will have to adjust as well. And that's true for all races and hair types. I don't know why people think that all problems in life can be solved/avoided if only they had a head of 3a-3c hair.

And I don't even know how you wanting a looser texture entered into the conversation, because the thread had nothing to do with that.

Back OT, congrats on the opportunity, OP! I'm sure you'll have a lovely time! :yep:

this is true. langt, you thinking "caucasian hair= better and more durable" is kind of inaccurate. I also have many friends who live in japan. My best friend is going to school in tokyo and I have another friend who is caucasian and she was accepted into the JET program and has been teaching there. Her hair had been FALLING OUT. as in, balding spots. She was so panicky that she was about to come back to the states because of it. It was the different climate, it wreaks havoc on your body, and she has straight up blonde 1a hair. She also had to buy a shower filter and start taking vitamins. So yeah, I'm not sure where that came from but whatever myths you have about "white" hair you should rethink it, lol
OP i have never been to tokyo but my best friend moved there and I know she gets a lot of her hair products from drugstore.com, since they ship over there. And yes, get a shower filter, or wash your hair with bottled water.

As for relaxers, its best if you can do it yourself, but if you can't, you can try thermal straightening. My friend does it at salons in tokyo. it's expensive but from what she describes to me it sounds like another version of BKT. I can ask her what exactly it's called if you want. It's not only in tokyo too, when she transferred from her school in wakayama (straight inaka) they had it there as well.
OT again: Luckily we all are entitled to our opinion :)
I do wish i had a way looser texture.. No need for relaxers and buying all these products and tossing them out for not working...
Off course i would rather be healthy.. But the caucasians i know eat crappy food and still their hair grows fast and beautifully...

And yes the styling options are prob better with our texture but i dont think its pretty most of the time. And thats just my opinion
Hey there, Langt. You're definitely entitled to your opinion. Your remarks are bit OT and a bit inflammatory. Let's try to respect OP's thread and keep the discussion to ways to help her hair thrive while she's in Japan, ok?

Congrats on the adventure, OP. Sounds like you've been given some awesome advice. Enjoy! :wave:
I have always wanted to visit Japan. The thought of how good the sushi must be drives me crazy. I have a friend who has been living there for three years and maintains a long, thick head of hair- I'll send an email to see if she has any hair tips I can contribute to this thread.
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Congrats, girlie! I've been in Japan since May. I agree with the poster that suggested Tsubaki oil...I love that stuff! I've been back and forth between mainland and Okinawa and I still don't have my haircare down to a science. The humidity in the summer was crazy! I'll keep you posted on any tips I learn. Also, you may want to get a friend with military exchange privileges. They have some products you may be used to using in the states (like ORS products and Herbal Essences). Also, shipping to on-base FPO (US post office) is the same cost as in the states. HTH!
I'm so jealous. I taught in Korea for a year, I want to teach in Japan so bad. I went to Japan on vacation, and the water is just like the water in Korea: HORRIBLE!! It will totally dry out your hair/skin. Like other ladies said, see if you can get a water filter. Stock up on your favorite hair products before you go. You may find familiar, US-brands in Japan, but they'll probably be wayyy more expensive. Enjoy your time there, it'll go fast!

Im entitled to feel what i feel about it.
I know alot of white people who want black features but nobody says anything about that...

I do wish i had caucasian hair or just a way looser texture.. And i do get jealous.. But tough luck.

You can have Caucasian hair or looser texture... easy!

1. flat iron
2. relax
3. weave

No reason to be jealous. This is America, baby!
You can have Caucasian hair or looser texture... easy!

1. flat iron
2. relax
3. weave

No reason to be jealous. This is America, baby!

I meant my natural hair beeing like that..
They retain length so much easier..
Im tired of thinking about detangling, retaining length and having to PAY or manipulate my hair for it to bounce like their hair does.

And no this is not america, but Denmark. Still the same though.
OT again: Luckily we all are entitled to our opinion :)
I do wish i had a way looser texture.. No need for relaxers and buying all these products and tossing them out for not working...
Off course i would rather be healthy.. But the caucasians i know eat crappy food and still their hair grows fast and beautifully...

And yes the styling options are prob better with our texture but i dont think its pretty most of the time. And thats just my opinion

I'm sure you've heard it before, and it's fact, not opinion, but no one NEEDS a relaxer.

Those with straight hair don't have it any "easier" than those with curly hair. The effort that goes into both is only "more" or "less" by comparison. So, I can understand that to you, it SEEMS like more, when to others, it may not seem so hard. But it all boils down to the effort you put into it and your attitude towards it. Natural hair is not difficult, by any stretch of the imagination, unless you MAKE it difficult.

Are you natural? I see you're in Denmark. Would you relax if you could?
I lived in Japan for 3 years. If you don't have your hair products ordered and shipped in, try to find someone that lives on the military base that can buy products for you from their department store. I know there is a military base in Okinawa and Misawa. They also have hair salons on the base that can handle African-American hair.
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