Question Godzooki's account ( admin please respond)


Well-Known Member
Hey there, Godzooki has contacted me via FB..she has paid her anual subscription since August but has been unable to logg in.. can someone please help her and activate her account?
thanks so much in advance
Thank you for trying, Asummertyme. I had to give up and pay AGAIN just so I can feel like I'm being heard. Well, now that I am being heard, I hope they take note and reimburse me my extra payment. This happened to me last yr too.
I was double charged recently. I have no idea how to go about getting a refund. :/

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Thank you for trying, Asummertyme. I had to give up and pay AGAIN just so I can feel like I'm being heard. Well, now that I am being heard, I hope they take note and reimburse me my extra payment. This happened to me last yr too.

Please send the admin / owner a private message or put in a ticket for her.
My subscription auto-renewed via Paypal but I didn't gain
full access to the board. I could log in but I couldn't post so
I thought it would take time.

After a week, I thought I would just go ahead and submit
a ticket via the link in Nikos's signature. My issue was
resolved quickly and my subscription date was adjusted
so I wouldn't lose any time.

The reason I submitted a ticket in the first place is that
Nikos posted this under Admin news.
Thank you for trying, Asummertyme. I had to give up and pay AGAIN just so I can feel like I'm being heard. Well, now that I am being heard, I hope they take note and reimburse me my extra payment. This happened to me last yr too.
the same exact thing happened to me (and a few other ladies) during my renewal time... i had to email beverly directly and she assisted me post haste
Thanks guys. Allandra, I did as you suggested so hopefully, it will be taken care of. I tried to find where to stop the automatic payments so this would not happen again next yr but could not find it.
This happened to me too and I was refunded, just took some time :yep:. I was PISSED!! Actually, what I did was to open a Paypal case... you might want to do that too.
This happened to me too and I was refunded, just took some time :yep:. I was PISSED!! Actually, what I did was to open a Paypal case... you might want to do that too.

The thing is that Nikos has posted about the problem with
Paypal subscriptions in the Admin news. That's where I saw
his post and decided to go ahead and open a ticket about

I included a link in my post above.

Nikos even canceled my subscription through Paypal and
readjusted my time so I would have a full year. It didn't
take long at all after I opened a ticket through the support
link in his signature.
The same thing just happened to me; I have issued requests to the Support center since yesterday and still have not received a response so I resubmitted another payment. I also disputed the previous charge in Paypal so hopefully I will be reimbursed soon. I'm also removing the autopayments to LCHF on paypal since it seems to be causing so many issues here..
This happened to me as well. My subscription automatically renewed but I couldn’t access the board for two weeks until I paid again. I submitted two help tickets and I emailed Bev but nothing came out of it so I had to pay the $6.50 again. I don’t think it’s fair that we have to pay twice, I’m not upset over 6.50 but it’s not cool.
This happened to me too. I have submitted a ticket including proof that my subscription renewed via paypal about two weeks ago and no response. I decided to pay again tonight and dispute the 1st charge.

I was going through some serious LHCF withdrawals man! :nono:
Same thing just happened to me. Except I'm on the 2 year auto-pay, and I had to go through paypal TWICE. So in addition to the $13 that was initially debited from my account, I've just shelled out an additional $26 within the last 10 minutes to access this site. That's $39 within a week! That is NO BUENO!!! :nono:

Why don't they just disable the auto-pay feature, and set everyone to manually pay at the end of their subscription? Having to beg for something you've PAID for is irritating beyond belief! :nono: