God Told Me I Would Marry You


formerly nicola.kirwan
Okay ladies,

Maybe it's just my age group and the fact that I went to a Christian university, but I hear these stories of "God said he was gonna be my husband," often--more often than is actually the case! Case in point: When a student bible study leader at my college got engaged to his current wife, he was approached by a handful of girls who said that God had told her that she was going to be his wife. Didn't hear the details of why they thought that, but still, that's too much. (He is a very cute, funny, godly man, but no, they said it was the voice of God rather than their own attraction).

On the other hand, I know stories of where people did think the Lord was leading them together and it actually did work out. Just wondering if you ladies have any experience with this and if you have any insight on discerning the Lord's voice from our own hearts.
I didn't hear God's voice when I married my first husband. BUT I didn't ask God either and my ex was the wrong man for me. :nono:

I think when I hear people say that God told me this is my next wife...it means (to me) that person has thought about it, wrote out his/her desires, prayed and meditated on it, and has put so much work in the "preparation" of their spouse that the voice that we hear is really God's confirmation of his divine plan in action... :yep:
I agree with Sugarbaby. For me instantly when I met my husband I thought...hmmmm...and we continued as friends. Then we had a 6 month period where we did not speak I began to pray to God about who this man was to me and praying about the posibility of God placing him in my life because he was to be my husband. I continued to pray for him and over him even though we were not in each others lives.

When we became friends again I was amazed when after 3 months he began to hint to me that he wanted to get married and desired me as his wife.

I think God begins to prepare you for marriage with no mate in sight so I don't know if you can hear the voice of God leading you to some magical person
Sometimes people decide who they want God to choose for them.

That is not how it works.

It takes maturity to know the difference between someone you want and someone God wants for you.

God would not send you:
1. A man who is currently married.
2. A man who does not believe in God.
3. A man who does not respect you.
4. A man who does not love you.
I was told to not tell the person if God tells me that he is my husband. Because if he's praying about me, God should speak to him as well and the message will be confirmed on both sides. Though I know who my future husband is, I would never tell him b/c i'm almost certain that God hasn't spoken to him about it yet. :o
I was told to not tell the person if God tells me that he is my husband. Because if he's praying about me, God should speak to him as well and the message will be confirmed on both sides. Though I know who my future husband is, I would never tell him b/c i'm almost certain that God hasn't spoken to him about it yet. :o

That's what I think, too. Here is where I see situations like this go really wrong, where Christians (men and women) will tell the other person, "God told me..." expecting the other person to fall in line with that, when the message hasn't been confirmed in them independently.

Besides, I think waiting (praying meanwhile) for the Lord to speak to the man's heart about it serves as a good check for us, so we don't go turning our wants and desires into the voice of the Lord. If it actually is the Lord's will, He will bring it to pass.

ETA: Yes and amen to the Lord not bringing you a man who does not love you.
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I agree with Sugarbaby. For me instantly when I met my husband I thought...hmmmm...and we continued as friends. Then we had a 6 month period where we did not speak I began to pray to God about who this man was to me and praying about the posibility of God placing him in my life because he was to be my husband. I continued to pray for him and over him even though we were not in each others lives.

When we became friends again I was amazed when after 3 months he began to hint to me that he wanted to get married and desired me as his wife.

I think God begins to prepare you for marriage with no mate in sight so I don't know if you can hear the voice of God leading you to some magical person

This is where I am at with a particular male friend of mine! I do this daily!:yep: He is always asking me to lift him in my prayers and wants to go with me to CHURCH =) God is so Good!
Very interesting.

Before we were married my ex-husband told me that God told him that I was his wife. At the time and up until we were officially engaged I asked God for confirmation. At the time I believed I received confirmation. But now I'm not sure.

I don't know if I heard God's voice or if I made it all up in my head. But since we are divorced now, I'm gonna go with I wanted to hear God's voice but maybe it wasn't really him confirming our union but my own emotions.
imho god is within, our minds are connected to the energy of the creator so when somebody says that god told them, my reality states that it is their true self speaking. it's their spirit or soul feeling that magnetic pull towards another spirit or soul that they may have had an experience with before in another life or world.

I do believe that there are cases where people mistake (whether purposely or unintentionally ) their lust or attraction as a divine sign... this is where ego taming and control needs to be worked on.... but there are also times where they are reconnecting with an energy that they are familiar with... and it is definitely a true feeling and a true state of sub-consciousness that they're feeling consciously.

maybe I'm going off topic but I don't think its always a male female connection either that our god minds tell our inner being to drive towards... sometimes you can get that message, feeling or pull towards another female, or two males can get that pull.. its not always sexual, not always to result in marriage, love is universal, unconditional and eternal so you will always get that connection feeling with plenty of different universal energies and you'll get them eternally and should share them unconditionally..

just my humble opinion...
Thanks for starting this thread, that has always been something I wondered about. Now i'm clearer about this issue.
I was told to not tell the person if God tells me that he is my husband. Because if he's praying about me, God should speak to him as well and the message will be confirmed on both sides. Though I know who my future husband is, I would never tell him b/c i'm almost certain that God hasn't spoken to him about it yet. :o

This thread is like WHOA! I mean in three days God is done some things I don't understand....but this...is...I

anywayz....Alabama/Amerikan.....you sound like me. I know....but I know not to say anything to him. God hasn't spoken to him yet since it's not time..... but I mean....everything keeps being confirmed over and over.....wow...I think I'm gonna go pray to make sure lol
I think if you ask him, he will tell/reveal/show you.
When I started dating my husband I was also dating someone else. :look:
So I am just enjoying life and being me. Well one of them starts talking all serious and looking for a commitment. Upwardly mobile, MBA, handsome and worldly enough to have an intelligent conversation with anyone - he would have been a good logical choice.
But I asked God and he showed me 2 possibilities.
One was this guy and him cheating on me...."What..No!!! But he is so smart and pretty":grin:

The other possibility was the other guy (who wasn't even leaning toward being serious or rich or close to it) unconditionally loving me and always being faithful. Not flashy just completely and wholly good.
Well, I told Mr. Pretty what happened and I would decline because something else was for me.

Twenty one years later I am so thankful that God gave me a glimpse of my husband and what was to come. These years have been the very best of my life and I am so thankful that God doesn't save his revelations for just the righteous.
^^^Yup....also before I go to sleep...I remember some point in 2006 asking to meet my husband...even if we could only be friends for a while but to help each grow and prepare to be together even if we weren't ready and he didn't know.

I also remember reading in a book...does God have faith in you to handle what you ask for.....

He may of had the faith in me but I didn't know what I was asking for.

Anywayz....before I met him I had three dreams about him and didn't figure it out til like ten months later.....inbetween that I had three more...now they're starting to come to fullfilment....but it's like the closer I get to God the better things get...that wasn't my reasoning for getting closer to God but I def see his blessing
I think if you ask him, he will tell/reveal/show you.
The other possibility was the other guy (who wasn't even leaning toward being serious or rich or close to it) unconditionally loving me and always being faithful. Not flashy just completely and wholly good. ^^^

I wish G-d would have done this for me. I thought I had it, prayed that I would have a spouse that would never cheat. Several miserable financial years and 4 kids later I'm raising without help, I wish I'd never ever met him. I love my children to death. But I could kill him for making my life after him hell. I don't want to end up alone and want a complete family but there is no possibility with him. Not at all. Now, who wants to date a woman with children if not to abuse them? Scared to trust, even reading signs and being careful. I wish G-d would show me too...but I think it's not possible.

I believe something good comes from everything.
First of all four children is a blessing in itself (AKA your retirement plan:lachen:). Your child will always be your family, husbands can come and go.
I completely understand your mistrust of men and the abuse issue, however, I know there are men who are nurturers. There are men who can love and restore and for whatever reason are not married. I also know that if you never remarry God loves you and will not fail you. Sometimes the plans we envision ourselves having are not in our best interest. We have to trust in God and know (not just say we know, but know without thinking about it) that God has our back.
I love you and am praying for you as I type.
Be careful though... there were at least 3 women that I know of that claimed God had shown them my current husband was supposed to be their husband. More than a decade later we are still together - (Thank You Lord).

One of the girls mother even bought a ring and gave it to him to present it to the girl. Praise God he did not agree with this and never presented the ring to the girl...
Wow, these are some crazy stories.

The bible says "HE who finds a wife finds a good thing" not SHE who finds a husband. I strongly believe that GOD will reveal a partner to a man before he confirms it in the heart of the woman.

All this other stuff is just foolishness.
Wow, these are some crazy stories.

The bible says "HE who finds a wife finds a good thing" not SHE who finds a husband. I strongly believe that GOD will reveal a partner to a man before he confirms it in the heart of the woman.

All this other stuff is just foolishness.

I so agree with this. I think that's why most of the relationships where the women were chasing after a man failed miserably because of this.
Wow, these are some crazy stories.

The bible says "HE who finds a wife finds a good thing" not SHE who finds a husband. I strongly believe that GOD will reveal a partner to a man before he confirms it in the heart of the woman.

All this other stuff is just foolishness.

Hmm I disagree with the bolded. 2 of the marriage counselors at my church married who God revealed to them and God spoke to the woman first. In fact one lady knew 2 years before her husband did. I agree that we are not to pursue men. God promised me that He would reveal to me my husband and He did. At that time that he was revealed to me, I'd never met him before. Fast forward 3 months and we have been introduced. :blush: I know that he is to be my husband but I can't say whether or not God has revealed that to him. We just speak in passing right now nothing big nor will i ever pursue him. It is up to him to follow Gods will not me to tell him that I am his wife nor to try and get close to him.
Hmm I disagree with the bolded. 2 of the marriage counselors at my church married who God revealed to them and God spoke to the woman first. In fact one lady knew 2 years before her husband did. I agree that we are not to pursue men. God promised me that He would reveal to me my husband and He did. At that time that he was revealed to me, I'd never met him before. Fast forward 3 months and we have been introduced. :blush: I know that he is to be my husband but I can't say whether or not God has revealed that to him. We just speak in passing right now nothing big nor will i ever pursue him. It is up to him to follow Gods will not me to tell him that I am his wife nor to try and get close to him.

I see where you're coming from and I can't deny your relationship with God and what he has revealed to you.

The basis of my statement steams from the way God operates. 1st Corinthians 14:40 says "let everything be done decently and in order" Because the man is considered the head I would feel as though God would reveal himself to the man first. I think any other route causes confusion, as in the stories that were described in the thread.

However, I would also like to say that these are my opinions and based on what I've been taught. I am not a bible scholar in the least and I don't profess to know everything. Heck I may be wrong all together.
The basis of my statement steams from the way God operates. 1st Corinthians 14:40 says "let everything be done decently and in order" Because the man is considered the head I would feel as though God would reveal himself to the man first. I think any other route causes confusion, as in the stories that were described in the thread.

I think that you're right in saying that the man is the head and I also believe that no woman should pursue a man, regardless of what she believes the Lord has revealed. But if the Holy Spirit speaks equally to men and women, and prophetic gifts also come to both, I don't know why a woman couldn't be shown that. Could it be to help her prepare her heart?

I honestly don't know...but like other people have said, I have heard one too many stories where multiple women believe God has shown a certain man to be her husband. Discerning one's own heart is so difficult. Right now I'm taking the prayer approach of, "Lord, not my will be done, but Thine."

ETA: At some point when thinking about this, I was reminded of the verse in the Gospels describing Mary's response to all the miraculous prophesies preceding and directly following Jesus' birth (the angel, his dedication in the temple, the wise men). What the Scriptures say is that "Mary pondered these things in her heart." She didn't run out telling everyone what God had revealed. She didn't even presume to understand fully what it meant; but she just kept it in her heart and waited for the Lord to manifest His will. I think that's applicable here.
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I think that you're right in saying that the man is the head and I also believe that no woman should pursue a man, regardless of what she believes the Lord has revealed. But if the Holy Spirit speaks equally to men and women, and prophetic gifts also come to both, I don't know why a woman couldn't be shown that. Could it be to help her prepare her heart?

I honestly don't know...but like other people have said, I have heard one too many stories where multiple women believe God has shown a certain man to be her husband. Discerning one's own heart is so difficult. Right now I'm taking the prayer approach of, "Lord, not my will be done, but Thine."

ETA: At some point when thinking about this, I was reminded of the verse in the Gospels describing Mary's response to all the miraculous prophesies preceding and directly following Jesus' birth (the angel, his dedication in the temple, the wise men). What the Scriptures say is that "Mary pondered these things in her heart." She didn't run out telling everyone what God had revealed. She didn't even presume to understand fully what it meant; but she just kept it in her heart and waited for the Lord to manifest His will. I think that's applicable here.

I like your post.

I agree that God speaks to men and women equally. Based on that he could very well speak to a woman first. I need to do more searching on this topic for my own edification.

I guess the take away for me is that its important to:

1. understand/pray about your own will vs. God's will.
2. keep those things in "your heart" and wait for God's manifestation of your revelation.
Wow, these are some crazy stories.

The bible says "HE who finds a wife finds a good thing" not SHE who finds a husband. I strongly believe that GOD will reveal a partner to a man before he confirms it in the heart of the woman.

All this other stuff is just foolishness.

Yes...but just because you know, doesn't mean that you should go after him. Let God lead him to you...even if ya'll are already in each others lives.

Because just as easily a man can run right after a woman who wants nothing to do with him. And think just like a woman that God is telling him that's his wife...shoot some men say it now as a pick up line.
Hmm I disagree with the bolded. 2 of the marriage counselors at my church married who God revealed to them and God spoke to the woman first. In fact one lady knew 2 years before her husband did. I agree that we are not to pursue men. God promised me that He would reveal to me my husband and He did. At that time that he was revealed to me, I'd never met him before. Fast forward 3 months and we have been introduced. :blush: I know that he is to be my husband but I can't say whether or not God has revealed that to him. We just speak in passing right now nothing big nor will i ever pursue him. It is up to him to follow Gods will not me to tell him that I am his wife nor to try and get close to him.

To add on to what Alabama said. I was reading Power of A Woman by Michelle M. Hammond. One thing she even said that there will be times where God will reveal something to a woman but her point in knowing is not to tell the man...but to carry in her heart. It's just something He is allowing her to know ...but don't go yelling off no rooftops about til God says something.... Or even that if she is directed to God will confirm it for him. But
I think that you're right in saying that the man is the head and I also believe that no woman should pursue a man, regardless of what she believes the Lord has revealed. But if the Holy Spirit speaks equally to men and women, and prophetic gifts also come to both, I don't know why a woman couldn't be shown that. Could it be to help her prepare her heart?

I think it is to prepare her. I never told my husband the story of my two choices (him being the better choice), but I do know that if it had not been revealed to me, I probably would have dated as many people as I could have...just because.
AND my husband told me that he knew I was his wife before I ever layed eyes on him. He told me this years after we had been married. When we were dating he never mentioned this to me. I thought I was the only one who knew. Apparently we both knew (separately) and didn't tell the other. So now I can't imagine God revealing it to one and not the other although I suppose it is possible.
A Christian author writing about interpreting personal prophecies had a separate chapter just for this topic. He said that he had never seen a case where this was revealed to one person and not the other. We can't put the Holy Spirit in a box, but it seems to be true.

At the same time, there are plenty of non-Christians who say, "I just knew I was going to marry him/her," and it's more of an intuition thing rather than a "God" thing.