God showing out and off for me


New Member
So a few days ago, I went quite a ways from my house to pick up a prescription, went to start my car and it idled hard and no pushing on the gas helped it pooped back out, did that a couple times, then no start.

I'm like scared and frustrated, its the middle of the night, call my Mom she is in bed/sick and cant even fathom her coming out or even what she could do and had to be up in a few hours for work, nobody to call. Told my daughter to pray, noticed the oil gauge was all the way on low, not that I know one thing about cars, but sent my daughter in to buy oil and back again, i ended up putting 6 quarts of oil in my car :lachen::nono:

still nothing, call my recent supposed man from God I posted about who is now history but still friends umm kinda, LOL, whew long story but ANYWAY, he knows about cars told me its probably my fuel pump, I'm kicking myself at this point for not getting AAA when I was thinking about it last time

I go in this store, very upscale store, very upscale area, so I go up to this cashier and and explain my situation and I'm like ' do you have a shuttle bus around here or something' in that area they probably do, but she said ' I would usually be off several hours from now but tonight I'm off in 15 so sit tight and I will call AAA for you'

So she did , we talked while waiting, all of a sudden she got teary eyed and stuff and started saying to me 'Your beautiful' clarified she meant my heart, I was like awww (thinking only God could be talking to her now its happened to me with others before, but mostly God telling me about someone) so she says your full of wisdom, and she is just crying and me and my daughter , are just tripping knowing its God, then she says the same about my daughter that she is beautiful etc. Its like all you could feel was GOD ALL AROUND US, we were all overwhelmed, we were thanking her for helping us, and she was saying this blessing is going both ways right now. So by the time the truck came she WANTED to still talk to us and she had us ride in her car, still being blessed talking all the way, we got to my place get my car in my garage, by this time we all had hugged like I dunno 50-eleven times and teared up due to his presence, but I was giving her one final hug and thanking her from the bottom of my heart, I felt her hand go quick into my purse, I thought 'did she just lift something out my purse' so I said "you went in my purse? ALL CONFUSED, she said " Dont worry about it, I looked down and saw a WAD of Cash, I WAS LIKE OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hugged her so tight and cried and she was crying and my daughter was crying and it was funny cause my daughter didnt even know yet haha

when we got in the house, it was 500 dollars!

and guess what, it cost 538 dollars , for towing and a new fuel pump plus labor tax etc.


And guess what after these two lame relationships, I REALLY JUST TOTALLY DEDICATED MYSELF BACK TO THE LORD , IN A NEW WAY


I am deeply reminded again and BACK WHERE I BELONG!!!!
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That's amazing. God has a way of getting our attention, doesn't he?


I know just what happened to me and why, I faced possible breast cancer and lost a friend to it and after my surgery and it being benign after the year from hell going through not knowing, I decided I WAS GOING TO LIVE , whatever that meant right? But I know it meant GETTING OUT, so I went on a date , first date , hit off, he asked to be exclusive, yada yada , he took me all kinda of places and we were good for 'living in the moment' which after what I just went through was all I wanted to do, just live in the moment, we had fun and TONS of it and thats also all I wanted to do after that dark trial and storm and in the grief of the loss of my best friend, just to feel I was 'living again' didnt take too long to start feeling the 'bondage of sin' and the pain, and the dying , not living, he was not the man for me , became verbably abusive and all that, it killed me so much-the pain, i fought hard to get away, well basically I RAN to the first guy that crossed my path that loved/knew God, I dont know I guess his intentions were good, But again NOT THE ONE for me, no questions asked, but he gave me a safe haven-no sin- and time to heal and gain strength to break away from my ex, after a while it dwindled with us, ok went south! LOL, briefly I ran back to my ex, but by the third date, I was on empty again, knowing I couldnt believe in it or do it or have anything to give, so I cut it off again, and after all this running and jumping, and wanting LOVE and being fooled and hurt, I cried out to the LORD and re dedicated my walk with him , I got wayyyy off path, but I am back and that was him saying 'I GOT YOU BABY' you dont need man! only me!!

I knew that before , really lost my way, but like I said I AM BACK!


but its all good

Because all things truly do work together........
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The funny thing is my ex said ' You can call me if anything like that happens' after I told him about it

But God showed me VERY CLEARLY I was not supposed to

He was showing me, I dont need him! :yahoo:
Iris, I am so sorry you went through so much with your illness, death of your best friend, past relationships and car problems. What the enemy means for bad, God always means for good. He can turn a horrible situation into a blessing. He LOVES you for you and shows us time and time again. The lady in the store was an Angel and was moved by your spirit. Praises!!! When I think about His goodness...
Iris, I am so sorry you went through so much with your illness, death of your best friend, past relationships and car problems. What the enemy means for bad, God always means for good. He can turn a horrible situation into a blessing. He LOVES you for you and shows us time and time again. The lady in the store was an Angel and was moved by your spirit. Praises!!! When I think about His goodness...
Indeed she was an angel girl. A beautiful blessing, a touch from God and a renewing of my faith right on time, a msg from my Father that was very much needed and yes when I think of his goodness , all I can do is praise. He knew I needed that touch/experience. Although she claimed the blessing went both ways , and I cant see fully how, but the tears in her eyes and the love I felt , he touched her too in a way I cant understand fully

that was a blessed beautiful night sweetie

something I shall never ever forget
:hugs: Great story of faith and kindness and God's love.
Just keep yourself open to receiving love and a serious committed relationship but don't try so hard to "make things happen" with a guy. Work on yourself, on your life, raise your vibrations and God/Universe will provide. Are you following LOA? that can help alot.
:hugs: Great story of faith and kindness and God's love.
Just keep yourself open to receiving love and a serious committed relationship but don't try so hard to "make things happen" with a guy. Work on yourself, on your life, raise your vibrations and God/Universe will provide. Are you following LOA? that can help alot.
I hear you on the not trying hard to make things happen, thats just where I am now, trusting God and letting him makes things happen and me with his guided help. My ex is changing and changing and changing , Ive been carefully watching his change from a distance with all my running over the last year, so we shall see how this goes. I see such newness and goodness in him now and such love, he never stopped fighting for me. We got a long road to re build, I'm willing, but still watching what he does, not just what he says

No LOA for me girl, just my personal relationship with God, faith and prayer , I trust thats more than enough. I dont understand LOA and wouldnt even want to at this point in my journey. I know the principles and they can be a part of my relationship with God, just not my source. But you have spoke words of wisdom and after much pain I am in that place or more letting Go and letting God :kiss:

love ya girl!