God has truly blessed me


New Member
I just have no words for the relief I have with my daughter now having the BC to get her through the PMDD and that we dont have to live that hell anymore

he also 'completely' delivered me from all feelings and connections to my ex. The verbal abuse was horrific, and just before , the night I called the police on my daughter, I FELT I WOULD DIE , living with her rages and destruction and his verbal abuse, I mean I REALLY FELT I WOULD DIE , from the pain and saw no end

but, I cried out to the LORD and he heard my cries, I knew there wouldnt be any way I could deal with 'those spirits' of anger and rage and abuse coming from them both and not just die.....it was killing me spiritually and physically from the MAJOR stress and heartbreak!

He heard my cries and gave me total deliverance in both situations , my life has DRASTICALLY changed. AND I met (well actually he has been my freind on and off for ten years) a man that truly LOVES God, and little did I KNOW God started speaking to him about me, years ago, while we lost contact , and everything he said to me , that the LORD told him was EXACTLY on point. so while I FELT I was dying, and there was no way out, God was already prepping for my deliverance and restoration and a new beginning and TRUE LOVE!

I dont care how dark it gets, never ever never forget the power of the LORD to work things out , heal, restore, deliver and bless you!

and thats just all I can say right now. The LORD has blessed me and blown my mind!
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oh and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you who extended LOVE to me, it was sorely needed! even the ones that were 'harsh' I could have done without that, but you know what......its so ALL GOOD now it could never hurt now or matter. and mostly thank you thank you thank you thank you for your PRAYERS!!!!!!!!

oh and Ms Honey

on something you spoke about my situation with my ex

well listen to this, if you see this.......

The man God has sent me said this

'He did not give you to me to lead you away from him, I will not let you fall," he WILL NOT engage or even try to 'you know what' LOL, until Marriage

He said 'He has to keep me and us in the Favor of God'

oh and Ms Honey

on something you spoke about my situation with my ex

well listen to this, if you see this.......

The man God has sent me said this

'He did not give you to me to lead you away from him, I will not let you fall," he WILL NOT engage or even try to 'you know what' LOL, until Marriage

He said 'He has to keep me and us in the Favor of God'


Wow - that is really awesome!! Please keep us posted on how things go. :)
Wow - that is really awesome!! Please keep us posted on how things go. :)

I shall girl! I shall!

funny thing is years ago, he was in atlanta girl and we were just becoming friends, and I was praying in California, that night, for a specific amount of money I told nobody why, I just prayed, I was sick and on disability and my fridge went on the blink, well first God made a way for a new fridge, then I needed money to put food in it, the VERY next day , he said ' I dreamed all night over and over and over to send you 200 dollars * the exact amount I prayed for* and I am not a fool I am listening to the LORD,,,,,, and he sent me the money, barely knew me girl. I was blown away from that blessing

but check this, what God was 'really' up to, the man I was to be with YEARS later, God ALREADY proved to me and showed HE DOES HEAR FROM THE LORD AND OBEYS, YEARS in advance girl!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad to 'hear' this. I thought of you a few days ago and prayed that all was well. And now I'm finding out the good news. Go head sista! :grin:
Iris, thank you for your testimony. Can we piggyback your thread to just spread some cheer after your example? I think it's a timely topic. Maybe we should all just witness for G-d's providential care.

G-d just blessed me from this evening. As I was cutting this 7 inch grass (it had rained and couldn't get to it sooner) and struggling with the lawnmower that most certainly DOES NOT HAVE WOMEN'S STRENGTH in consideration in it's design and nearly put me into a meltdown, I was crying...."why couldn't my husband have been a mensch? Why me? Why don't I have somebody helping me with this crazy 3-tiered lawn, working full-time, taking care of the kids, doing everything on my own when I'm not feeling at all well, with not any help whatsoever?:cry:" It dawns on me, well, at least I have a lawn and I can give up my suffering to G-d, for the kids, because they have a place to roll around in the grass that is theirs and will forever be in their memory of childhood. I felt better...even though, OY!, I was in pain lol. I chose to move beyond the hurt.
Iris, thank you for your testimony. Can we piggyback your thread to just spread some cheer after your example? I think it's a timely topic. Maybe we should all just witness for G-d's providential care.

G-d just blessed me from this evening. As I was cutting this 7 inch grass (it had rained and couldn't get to it sooner) and struggling with the lawnmower that most certainly DOES NOT HAVE WOMEN'S STRENGTH in consideration in it's design and nearly put me into a meltdown, I was crying...."why couldn't my husband have been a mensch? Why me? Why don't I have somebody helping me with this crazy 3-tiered lawn, working full-time, taking care of the kids, doing everything on my own when I'm not feeling at all well, with not any help whatsoever?:cry:" It dawns on me, well, at least I have a lawn and I can give up my suffering to G-d, for the kids, because they have a place to roll around in the grass that is theirs and will forever be in their memory of childhood. I felt better...even though, OY!, I was in pain lol. I chose to move beyond the hurt.
OMG , girl been there, sick with nobody complaining to God , how why blah blah, but he had put two people on my path to help me with grocery shopping , and getting it in the house, I COULDNT do it. I was so upset that he would have me alone in such a condition...he was like 'HELLO' I just put two people on your path to help you.......even though it was still hard, gotta admit its good to see the good when it at times becomes hard to see

I felt that blessing for you! and a special special thank you for your loving loving loving support!!!!!! ur the bestest girl!!!!!
OMG , girl been there, sick with nobody complaining to God , how why blah blah, but he had put two people on my path to help me with grocery shopping , and getting it in the house, I COULDNT do it. I was so upset that he would have me alone in such a condition...he was like 'HELLO' I just put two people on your path to help you.......even though it was still hard, gotta admit its good to see the good when it at times becomes hard to see

I felt that blessing for you! and a special special thank you for your loving loving loving support!!!!!! ur the bestest girl!!!!!

You don't know how much your post helped me! Love ya mamiye!
PMDD is NO JOKE!!! It is real and painful. I'm glad that the Holy Spirit lead you to a solution. Fish Oil and vitamins have helped me tremendously. No more irriational behavior. God is good.

Hormone imbalances can really affect your body and mind.
You are truly blessed! Thanks for sharing such a powerful testimony....
So where are we now

I think SIX months later , it was Feb the last 'episode' and since starting the BC not ONE episode , not even a half of one lol

:dance7: :woohoo: :yahoo: