God bless the children....


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
I've been having a great Sunday ... :yep:

But I just got off the phone with mom and I'm a bit sad.

My older sis is an RN in another state who takes care of disabled children who are wards of the state. I'd recently visited sis and met these precious lambs..one of them, a young girl who can't breathe normally without dribbling. Her body is twisted and she can't do anything for herself. She was the victim of shaken baby syndrome when her mother abused her as an infant. It hurt my heart to see young children live like vegetables, but my heart is also soothed by people like my sis and the nurses who help her with these children 24/7.

Last night this little girl died. What makes it worse is she's what they call DNA ... if something happens to her, she can't be revived. So when the paramedics came, they started to take action but when they read her chart, they stopped and put away their equipment to LET her die. I was like WHAT?! Jesus. I can't in good concsious just let a child die ... but that is the law.

My heart goes out to my sis and those nurses I've met, for all the care they've has put forth for this child whose own mother didn't want her. :cry:

Please keep children like this little girl in your prayers. She never lived a normal life. She never got to sit on daddy's lap. She couldn't even tell them when she was in pain. I sometimes take for granted that I can walk, talk, breathe and for some of these children, it's a blessing that they can do anything that we sometimes take for granted. This really hits the PAUSE button for me.

I am comforted in knowing this child is at peace and in a better place. May she rest in peace.

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I've been having a great Sunday ... :yep:

But I just got off the phone with mom and I'm a bit sad.

My older sis is an RN in another state who takes care of disabled children who are wards of the state. I'd recently visited sis and met these precious lambs..one of them, a young girl who can't breathe normally without dribbling. Her body is twisted and she can't do anything for herself. She was the victim of shaken baby syndrome when her mother abused her as an infant. It hurt my heart to see young children live like vegetables, but my heart is also soothed by people like my sis and the nurses who help her with these children 24/7.

Last night this little girl died. What makes it worse is she's what they call DNA ... if something happens to her, she can't be revived. So when the paramedics came, they started to take action but when they read her chart, they stopped and put away their equipment to LET her die. I was like WHAT?! Jesus. I can't in good concsious just let a child die ... but that is the law.

My heart goes out to my sis and those nurses I've met, for all the care they've has put forth for this child whose own mother didn't want her. :cry:

Please keep children like this little girl in your prayers. She never lived a normal life. She never got to sit on daddy's lap. She couldn't even tell them when she was in pain. I sometimes take for granted that I can walk, talk, breathe and for some of these children, it's a blessing that they can do anything that we sometimes take for granted. This really hits the PAUSE button for me.

I am comforted in knowing this child is at peace and in a better place. May she rest in peace.

Love runs in the DNA of your Family. :yep: For it takes love to do what your sister and so many other nurses like her who give of their hearts, to care for those whose lives are without love.

As sad as it is, for it breaks my heart that this little one had to suffer and die, however, she did not die without love. For your sister was there, full heart and soul giving to her what no one else could or would.

God allowed this little one to know the warmth and love of humanity, before calling her home to Him to love her all the more.

In Jesus' Name, I plead the Blood of Jesus over those who have no one to love them. I plead the Blood of Jesus over their lives, and over their hearts which have been forsaken by human and social disorder. I thank God above for surrounding those without love, with those who will love them and care for them, and showing them, that they are of value just as much as anyone else; for it is from love that God created them and created them for.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Beautiful...just beautiful. God bless you for this Awesome prayer!!



God allowed this little one to know the warmth and love of humanity, before calling her home to Him to love her all the more.

In Jesus' Name, I plead the Blood of Jesus over those who have no one to love them. I plead the Blood of Jesus over their lives, and over their hearts which have been forsaken by human and social disorder. I thank God above for surrounding those without love, with those who will love them and care for them, and showing them, that they are of value just as much as anyone else; for it is from love that God created them and created them for.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Laela -

I'm speechless....this post brought tears to my eyes. God bless your sister and her coworkers.

I agree that it does take a special heart to take care of children that are disabled, abused, abandoned, and rejected by their own flesh and blood. God's word is true that He will never leave us nor forsake us. And He demonstrates His love and grace through people like your sister.

This goes to show how the community is needed and so important....

I've been having a great Sunday ... :yep:

But I just got off the phone with mom and I'm a bit sad.

My older sis is an RN in another state who takes care of disabled children who are wards of the state. I'd recently visited sis and met these precious lambs..one of them, a young girl who can't breathe normally without dribbling. Her body is twisted and she can't do anything for herself. She was the victim of shaken baby syndrome when her mother abused her as an infant. It hurt my heart to see young children live like vegetables, but my heart is also soothed by people like my sis and the nurses who help her with these children 24/7.

Last night this little girl died. What makes it worse is she's what they call DNA ... if something happens to her, she can't be revived. So when the paramedics came, they started to take action but when they read her chart, they stopped and put away their equipment to LET her die. I was like WHAT?! Jesus. I can't in good concsious just let a child die ... but that is the law.

My heart goes out to my sis and those nurses I've met, for all the care they've has put forth for this child whose own mother didn't want her. :cry:

Please keep children like this little girl in your prayers. She never lived a normal life. She never got to sit on daddy's lap. She couldn't even tell them when she was in pain. I sometimes take for granted that I can walk, talk, breathe and for some of these children, it's a blessing that they can do anything that we sometimes take for granted. This really hits the PAUSE button for me.

I am comforted in knowing this child is at peace and in a better place. May she rest in peace.

Today is her funeral.... I pause for a moment in her memory. Gone, but not forgotten.

wow!! i appreciate this post. God has been speaking to me about volunteering at a hospital for about a month now. i hate hospitals and have been dragging my feet on this assignment. i really hate hospitals. i said if i'm going in i really don't want to see sick people (LOL!). i would rather just stand outside or in the hospital chapel and pray for people from there. but i'm called to children and a burden and the actual logo for the children's hospital has been placed in front of me several times in the last couple of weeks. laela, your post was the match i needed to fire my buns into action.

please pray that every room of the childrens hospital i visit will become a healing room.
Hi jdub...

Sorry I missed your post! :nono:

Whatever you decide to do, you'll be a blessing to others I'm sure. I pray that every room you visit is a healing room, in Jesus' Mighty Name!

God bless

wow!! i appreciate this post. God has been speaking to me about volunteering at a hospital for about a month now. i hate hospitals and have been dragging my feet on this assignment. i really hate hospitals. i said if i'm going in i really don't want to see sick people (LOL!). i would rather just stand outside or in the hospital chapel and pray for people from there. but i'm called to children and a burden and the actual logo for the children's hospital has been placed in front of me several times in the last couple of weeks. laela, your post was the match i needed to fire my buns into action.

please pray that every room of the childrens hospital i visit will become a healing room.