Goal Length Talk


Active Member
Hi Ladies,
I'm new to the board. Been lurking in the shadows a while, but this is my first post. Please believe, I don't mean to offend anyone, but I was really confused at first with the mention of goals to the bra strap when someone said their present length was shoulders. It took a while to realize that "Bra strap" really meant bra clasp.
I'm really impressed with this board and have been enjoying all the info and pics. It is very inspiring. I'ld like to commend all the ladies participating as well as the ladies who created and monitor this board.

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Hair Goal Lengths
Welcome to the board Diamondlady. enjoy yourself and achieve your hair goal.
Hello everyone
this is my 2nd post. I am very glad to be on this site. I have looked all around for success Hair stories from all different types of hair. I am enjoying the form
, I am not sure how to put a picture there if anyone can tell me
.I hope this leads me to be successful with my hair growth. I would like to see more pictures of some of the members success
. Plz reply if you have any comments or thing you would like to share with me. I am new to this and need to learn lot about being natural healthy and successful.
Hi happylocks,

Welcome to the board! My hair is relaxed, but there are plenty of naturals here that can help you. Sweetcocoa, Iris, hairfanatic, Faith, Honey Vibe, Hennajoy, Tara, just to name a few. If they don't see this thread, send them a PM (private message) with any questions you may have. They're pretty good at answering any questions about natural hair care.
Hi Diamondlady~

I too am new to the boards. Im gald to hear I was not the only one confused regarding "bra strap" length. Looks as if we share the same hair type 4a/b. Let me know if any products work particularly well for you. Over the past week I have given myself conditioner washes 2-3 times. Taking care of my hair is new for me and I was anxious about wetting and styling
it myself. However,Im very impressed with the conditon and appearance of my hair.
I have enjoyed the forum and appreciate the tips and success storys.
