Go natural you become and inventor


New Member
Its funny to me how it seems that in alot of people's albums i see about hair i also notice they have some homemade recipes like for health(use lemon and honey for ya throat, use alcohol for your pimples, etc.), cleaning(household cleaning products, making homemade soaps), hair recipes(lemon is a natural lightener, cleanser, making your own hair gel etc.) not only for that but i notice alot of natural people seem to take too making things like scarves, shirts, hats, jewelry, food(im into candy and other sweet things i just canNOT stop going around buying stuff to cook with. And it taste good too ;^7) and making jsut about everything except a house and car. LOL. I'm guessing it is because as we have went through out journey of being natural and we learn about the harsh chem.'s in some of these mainstream commercial products we then look to other alternatives which are natural and we start to do our own this and that and concoct somethign that works. I guess also, the do-it-yourself ways that we HAVE to have since 1)many hair salons dont cater/ dont know how to do natural hair 2)since many of us have had bad experiences w/salons we just do it ourselves. So i guess that gets us into doing this and doing that. Anyone else have any ideas as to why this is?
Crazy .... I was just thinking the same thing recently. I know for me to go natural was a wholeself approach to it. I have battled acne for a while with no permanent results and then I started doing my own oats, honey scrubs with lemon aftwards to lighten scars and give a nice glow to the skin. I then started using vinigar to clean my windows instead of windex . Then started learning more things about African History and what really went down and not what was taught to us (wrongly) in schools and through the media and American culture. It was wierd how this was sparked by my desire to go natural after my bad experiences with perms ... my hair would do good forwhile get long not real long just long enough and then just die and break and I would wind up a square
one AGAIN.

I think when you go natural you just embrace your TRUE SELF at least for me, and work with what God gave you naturally. I just love it. My hair is thriving because I now LOVE it, and care for it, not just do it to look nice

does anyoen else get the message about your message being too short so therefore you are forced to put in more info? All i wanted to to was just bump this thing up not type all of this,but since im made to do it then ok. :^P
^lol, you have to type at least 10 words or symbols for it go through I think. Anyway, I'm not natural but I am a seamstress and love to make things w/my hands, including stlyling hair and making products from scratch. I do think that there is a connection w/not finding the right products on the shelves that send most naturals and others to mixing more natural products together and realize that it is better for their hair and works. Especially in the moisture department, I've been awaiting for some butters so I can make my own moisturizers using all kinds of oils and butters. But you do find for more natural albums that have become chemist. I think most of them should patent that product and put it on the market.
Not natural either but I have always been mildly crafty. I've been eating mostly organically for some years now and last year grew a few organic edibles in the back yard. I like natural cleaning products and have a book about making them, haven't quite done it yet so I'm still buying them manufactured.
I even make my own body moisturizer now because of the preservatives in mass-produced lotions/butters.
Maybe I'll check out some albums for new ideas.:D
I've been natural for some years now and I too found that it led me to have a more wholistic approach to all facets of my life. I guess it just brought made me even more down to earth because for me the decision was not just about my hair. It was about reclaiming some power in my life.

Also, this is just my little bias but I think of hair as antennas. Once I went natural my signals came in a lot clearer. I channel a lot of creative energy faster, easier, etc.

Funny, just today Iwas thinking about taking these extensions out so that my fro could do it's work!! LOL! This yaki pony/kanekelon/ etc. is blockin!!

Has anyone found INEXPENSIVE ways to make these natural/organic products? I have books on recipes but when I go to buy the ingredients I am left to weigh gas money over the costs.
I've always been a creative person, with a passion for the arts and all things crafty. I've been natural for almost 4 years and now that I have an album it is just an online place to showcase it to some of my natural sistas. Nothing has changed for me creativity-wise. I just have a new outlet and audience.

As far as products, I think that for many, if not most, going natural makes you more concerned with what you put on your hair. More natural products are a concern and if you can make them that's even better. Giving up chemical starighteners also means giving up many products with harsh chemicals as well. Kudos to the sistas who creative their own products and beautiful crafts as well.