Glycerin...Anything Bad About It?


New Member
Hi Ladies!

Question: I dabbed some glycerin on the ends of my hair last night and thought it would be a good idea to do since I thought I read somewhere that glycerin holds in moisture. I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's detrimental in any way? I did find a site online that said glycerin draws moisture out of skin. I'm wondering what the effects of it are on the hair. I know it's found in quite a few curl activators which have been known to retain moisture so I'm a bit confused. If anyone has any info I'd greatly appreciate it!
I've never used it on my hair straight but it's in my spray bottle with distilled water. I thought glycerin keeps moisture in the hair. I never heard of it being detrimental.
Glycerin takes moisture from whever it is most abundent and puts it where it is lacking. So if you have glycerin in your hair and the air around you is dryer then your hair, the glycerin will take the moisture from your hair and put it in the air. Or something like that..
Dat is right. Humectants, which is what glycerin is, draw moisture/water into themselves. So if you live in a very humid place, and you apply glycerin to your hair, it will keep your hair replete with moisture but sucking it out of the moisture into itself and thus your. But if you live in a dry climate, then the humectant has no other place to draw water from except your hair, so could leave your feeling dry. In that case, it's not so cool. But perhaps spritzing regularly with distilled water throughout the day can help fix that?
I love mixing glycerine with jojoba or olive oils in my conditioners. The combination is extremely effective for me in both hot and cold weather. It leaves my hair moisturized. I also add a drop of it in my leave in. I would never apply glycerine alone though. It works better when combined with other products.
Thanks Everyone for the information... I did notice today that the ends I applied the glycerin to are dry... I will mix it next time...