Glamtwinz334 They tempt me to "Heat Train"

BillsBackerz267, did they ever mentioned their transition and if they were trimming off their relax ends? That would have me wondering as well.
I'm pretty sure they still have relaxed ends because they never big chopped, they've just been getting trims every 6 months.
Their hair has some straight pieces, but I think it still looks really good curly. These twins are defiantly hair idols of mine!
Im also wondering if they still have some relaxed ends. Based on what they were saying their last relaxer as 2 years ago...and their hair is almost waist length :confused:

They don't explain how they went natural very well. They said they let their relaxer grow out and then cut off all the relaxer. They said they have no relaxed hair.

6 Months of new growth is what; 3 inches of hair? Doesn't look like their hair grows an inch a month so I don't know...

They lost me with that... :lol:
Yes they mentioned their relaxer was 2 years ago and never BC'd . I know hair can grow fast but bald to WL in 2 years is extremely rare. So thats why I assume they still have a good 6 inches of relaxed hair left.

@BillsBackerz267, did they ever mentioned their transition and if they were trimming off their relax ends? That would have me wondering as well.
Im also wondering if they still have some relaxed ends. Based on what they were saying their last relaxer as 2 years ago...and their hair is almost waist length :confused:

I was confused by this as well. They also said that it took them 6-12 mos to get to WL. So either their hair grew from bald to waist in 6mos or the ends of their hair is still relaxed.
I watched the FAQ video again they said their hair was SL when they stopped getting relaxers 2 years ago and they do have WL hair now. They said they never BCd but they transitioned and trimmed off the relaxed ends (so most likely they do have some relaxed ends left). I'm not sure what they meant when they said it took them 6 mos to a year for their hair to get as long as it is now that one has me confused.:spinning:
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empressri I watch your vids I remember when you had your heat damaged ends cut off. I admit your hair looks so much better now. Can I ask how often you straighten and what do you do to avoid heat damage?


I only straighten about two or three times a year and if it makes sense I've been doing my hair so long I know just how much heat and how high I can turn my flatiron before I actually burn my hair.

I learned this through burning my hair! lol But I no longer use marcel irons which were the cause, I use a sedu and a solia set to 390-400.

I only straighten about two or three times a year and if it makes sense I've been doing my hair so long I know just how much heat and how high I can turn my flatiron before I actually burn my hair.

I learned this through burning my hair! lol But I no longer use marcel irons which were the cause, I use a sedu and a solia set to 390-400.

Thanks for the response you hair is amazing!
so they're def still transitioning...i guess beause they havent had a relaxer in so long they just say they're natural.

I watched the FAQ video again they said their hair was SL when they stopped getting relaxers 2 years ago and they do have WL hair now. They said they never BCd but they transitioned and trimmed off the relaxed ends (so most likely they do have some relaxed ends left). I'm not sure what they meant when they said it took them 6 mos to a year for their hair to get as long as it is now that one has me confused.:spinning:
OP, I have definitely considered being a heat trained natural. I have worn a wash n go maybe five times in the last year. It just is not worth the painful detangling session after . Since I am in buns, twists and twist outs 25/8, why not just heat train? Cuz I'm still on my growth journey and would hate to set myself back.

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I understand how you feel OP. I was heat training my hair b/c of the ssks which i ended up trimming my hair more than i like...pretty much all my progress since June. I'm still heat training my hair but I change the tool I use, instead of the flatiron I am using a blowdryer. I'm hoping to make some progress this year.
I'm subscribed to them and even though I their channel, I don't believe them about being relaxer free. Their "new growth" is considerable tighter. I noticed that in their last curly video. As long as their hair is not breaking off, I guess their mode of heat training is not bad at all.
^^^yeah i noticed that their new growth is considerably tighter too but there may be reasons for that

they didn't explain the hair growth question properly at first so i didn't get it but SL to WL in 2 years sounds more plausible than bald to WL in 2 years lol
I have been on the fence about heat training many times because I see so many ladies retain length very well by doing it.

But I always shy away from it because of how much I love bu SUPER-Fro.
I do struggle with length retention. But I mainly think I just need to go back to doing protective styles for longer periods of time.
They're so pretty. I'm not natural and (because of that, probably) you'd have to tie me down to make me use heat, but I'm going to sub because I want to see more of their hair. lol
I'm considering going natural. Went to get a touch up this Sat and the hairdresser instead urged me to stop relaxing and go natural. She blowdryed and flat ironed my hair and said that's an option but I could loose some of my curl pattern. I'd like to stop with the perm and the option of becoming a heat trained natural somewhat appeals to me. I don't really care if I can't wear wash an goes - i've read to many things about them being a pain in the butt. I could always do a twist out/braid out and I'd have the option of getting my hair straightened. I also don't have interest in big chopping, wearing a fro dealing with constant SSKs. Again, to the naked untrained eye, heat trained hair doesn't look so bad to me. It's all your personal preference. how long have you been heat training and how is it working out so far? Do you notice less SSK's and tangles? Has you curl pattern changed at all yet?
OP, I have the same issue.

For the last 15 months I have used roller sets and light flat ironing to combat those awful single strand knots. I also for the most part have given up wash n go's. I don't do too many braid or twist outs anymore either. Sadly I find for ME almost any afro curly hair style promotes those knots. When I do decide to wear a braid out or twist n curl I ALWAYS place a roller or rod on the ends of my hair.

Keeping my ends smooth and tangle free reduces the knots and increases my retention.

It's funny because I felt the same way about going natural. I planned to wear my hair curly....out and free 24/7. I wanted wash and wear curly hair that hung down past my shoulders. Ironically that is exactly what I had for the many years I was mildly relaxed.:drunk:

I love my natural hair I just had to find ways to adjust my styling techniques to meet my goals.

I hope you find a solution that works for you! :yep:
they did not stop getting relaxers and decide to grow their hair out on the same day.

2 yrs ago they stopped relaxing and then 1 year ago they decided to grow it out (which is why they say 2yrs natural but 1 yr to grow hair out). And they said their hair was SL when they decided to go natural so then it was probably BSL by the time they started their grow-out process. So 1 yr BSL to WL is much more believable.

** Also they're barely 5'2 so their WL is most likely achieved sooner assuming you're of average height or taller...

I too believe they def have some relaxed ends (minimum 4 inches...) and think just because they offer up some kind of wave that those ends are "natural"

Anywho, they're cute and young. I've been a subscriber for a while...

I thought the wanting to be a twin thing would eventually fade but it hasn't. I still really wish I had a twin and am semi-jealous of ppl who do. I'm 25. lolll
They have gorgeous hair but I had a hard time understanding what they were saying.

The curly hair looked texlaxed on the ends so I guess it was heat damage??

Their hair looks better straight.

Maybe you could try a semi-wash 'n go: Just braid or twist your hair all the way to the ends after detangling in the shower and then seal with a heavy oil when you get out. Leave it alone for 20 minutes or so before untwisting it so it can dry a little bit. Then, fluff and go!

It may be just enough "stretch" to allow you to wear it loose without all the tangles.

sipp100 i like that idea. One day i will try that but with maybe 4 braids.
Boujoichic, consistently for two months and I did notice some texture change which lead me using a blowdryer than a flatiron. What I did notice that my hair is easier to handle and a reduction of ssks. I don't think I would be totally free of ssks while still natural but a reduction is a plus for me.
Honestly, even when I used my marcel irons, I only did so about once a month and my hair didn't break off.

As long as you take care of your hair and don't ABUSE heat, heat training can be done. But honestly I cannot see flat ironing once a week, hell to the naw. That is way too much.

My hair got this long using just marcel irons and before the hair boards or knowing about any of this other stuff, I still would flat iron once a month.

I will admit that I never got those damned single strands knots that I do now, but they're not so bad that I'd heat train my hair.


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their hair looks nice but i think like someone else said they still might have relaxed ends left.