Giovanni Direct and Shedding....


Well-Known Member
has anyone experienced shedding when using Giovanni Direct Leave-In when rollersetting??

since i've started successfully rollersetting, i've noticed a LOT of shedding after my hair has dried, when i first comb through the curls... could it be the Giovanni??... i only use it, serum and water to set... and i apply moisturizer before i comb out...

what could be the culprit?... :perplexed
I wish i could help with that one. i use giovanni direct all the time but not as a rollerset. bump, bump...
hmm, it might not be the giovanni. maybe you're manipulating your hair too much by combing out your set. the last time i combed out a set, i lost a lot more hair than i should have.

try finger combing only next time, maybe that'll help :drunk:
hmm, it might not be the giovanni. maybe you're manipulating your hair too much by combing out your set. the last time i combed out a set, i lost a lot more hair than i should have.

try finger combing only next time, maybe that'll help :drunk:

now that might help with the shedding but it won't help with the final look, since my whole reason for rollersetting is to cut out the salon... i mean it never sheds like that when the stylist at the dominican salon combs me out....

i think next time i'll leave out the Giovanni and see what happens...
I did my 1st rollerset since my BC last week with Giovanni & Infusium 23 only. I did not experience a lot of shedding but now come to think of it, I didn't use a comb - I used my fingers. :ohwell:
has anyone experienced shedding when using Giovanni Direct Leave-In when rollersetting??

since i've started successfully rollersetting, i've noticed a LOT of shedding after my hair has dried, when i first comb through the curls... could it be the Giovanni??... i only use it, serum and water to set... and i apply moisturizer before i comb out...

what could be the culprit?... :perplexed
It could be the moisturizer also. Maybe it isn't compatible with Giovanni. What kind of moisturizer are you using?
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has anyone experienced shedding when using Giovanni Direct Leave-In when rollersetting??

since i've started successfully rollersetting, i've noticed a LOT of shedding after my hair has dried, when i first comb through the curls... could it be the Giovanni??... i only use it, serum and water to set... and i apply moisturizer before i comb out...

what could be the culprit?... :perplexed

i have the same exact regimen: since hair sheds to about 60 to 100 strands a day: i rarely thought twice about my hair shedding once its dried: I comb once a day so i figured its just shedded hair the needs to come out