Getting your drank do you feel?

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I must admit,recently I have tried wine,just because I was curious. The stuff is NASTY,but I kept getting those .25 samples at the Olive Garden ,to see if there's one that tastes better. I've tried Merlot, White Zinfandel,and some other one and they were not good;however, I tried a Sangria, and I drank that stuff with one gulp!! I only had a taste of each one in addition to eating my meal and I went to my SO to visit. He told me that my breath smelled like alcohol!! I could not believe it since I drank the wine before eating and on top of that, I ate those chocolate mints they give you at the Olive Garden. How do you ladies feel about drinking alcohol and wine? There's a verse in the Bible in Proverbs that says that you should not be lead astray by wine or beer,but then there's the controversy over did Jesus turn the water into unfermented or fermented wine.
The bible is not against alcohol. It's against being drunk and being a drunkard. Drinking to the point where you are acting like a fool or are not in TOTAL control of yourself is wrong. And drinking to the point where you depend on alcohol to relax, feel better and just to function is being led astray and being controlled by it. Drinking alcohol is not wrong.
I've never tasted any alcohol that I liked. I tried a sip of this and a sip of that and nothing ever has tasted any good to me.
I'm sitting here thinking about you getting drunk for .25 a shot though:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Imagine if you got pulled over. You would've had to tell the cop you only drank .13 cents worth of merlot so your perfectly fine to drive.:lachen: :lachen:
AnnDriena_ said:
The bible is not against alcohol. It's against being drunk and being a drunkard. Drinking to the point where you are acting like a fool or are not in TOTAL control of yourself is wrong. And drinking to the point where you depend on alcohol to relax, feel better and just to function is being led astray and being controlled by it. Drinking alcohol is not wrong.
I've never tasted any alcohol that I liked. I tried a sip of this and a sip of that and nothing ever has tasted any good to me.
I'm sitting here thinking about you getting drunk for .25 a shot though:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Imagine if you got pulled over. You would've had to tell the cop you only drank .13 cents worth of merlot so your perfectly fine to drive.:lachen: :lachen:

I agree with this,As long as you dont make a complete fool out of yourself and you REMEMBER what when on at the time when you did drink then i dont feel its wrong. Plus the only alcohol I can really deal with is Smirnoff Twisted Wine Coolers:rofl:
I drink occasionaly. I don't get drunk though. But lately, two drinks is enough. LOL

I also watch who I drink around.
I agree that drinking is ok, I enjoy quite a few alcoholic drinks but moderaration is very important as is trusting the people Im with to tell me when I start giggling for no reason (basically just my family and close close friends). Drunkeness is no good and I think the bible specifically says that, plus the lowered inhibitions will get you in trouble...I dont know from experience but I have enough friends who drink to get wasted and I still dont get it at all.
As long as its not a daily habit & you know your limitations i see nothing wrong with it.
But drinking to the point where you cant remember what you did the previous day & doing things you wouldnt normally do, now thats a problem.
The way I see it: what does alcohol really do for me? why do I need it? can I get along without it? if I don't drink some will I be missing out?

I just don't see the point. Why drink it? I don't need to alter my mental state to have a good time. And if I was drinking it to alter my mental state in order to have a good time, why do I feel the need to do so?

I don't condemn drinking per se, but for me, I'll just have water, juice, soda or a "virgin" drink. Alcohol is not good for me and I can't justify drinking it, especially as a Christian. I don't look down on anyone else who does. It's a personal choice.
To those who drink in "moderation" I ask: how do you feel after you've have a "moderate" number of drinks? Do you feel better than if you'd had that many glasses of juice or pop? I'm just curious to know that if one is not drinking to get drunk or even buzzed, what's the point? Not trying to be judgmental, I am just trying to understand the logic.
I guess its personal taste--I like the taste of a daiquiri with alcohol better than without...also Red Wine is better for you than juice, I think dr's recommend about a glass a month for your heart.
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I feel fine after two drinks. I drink b/c I like the taste of wine, and beer with certain meals. I don't understand the logic of only drinking to get drunk.---ETA: Unless you are in college:lachen:
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OT: But I LOVE Olive should try a Ventian Sunset with your meal, its lighter and fruiter.

Anyways I like to drink- I'm a mix drink person and I enjoy some wines. I just like the taste really but I dont drink to get drunk. Most of the time when I drink its with a meal and its 1 or 2 glasses.
shinyblackhair said:
To those who drink in "moderation" I ask: how do you feel after you've have a "moderate" number of drinks? Do you feel better than if you'd had that many glasses of juice or pop? I'm just curious to know that if one is not drinking to get drunk or even buzzed, what's the point? Not trying to be judgmental, I am just trying to understand the logic.

I wish I had a bible here with me, but there is a scripture that says, "Wine makes the heart rejoice."

The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to "drink wine for his stomach troubles..."

Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, which he clearly would not have done if it were a violation of God's laws. The scripture even pointed out that when the best man tasted the wine, he complained because the wine was "the best" and traditionally they only served the best at the beginning of a reception and saved the lesser quality wine for later on in the reception. Jesus had turned the water into "top quality" wine...late in the reception.

If someone feels that the only purpose of wine is to drink to "get a buzz" then obviously they have a problem with it personally. That is like saying, if you eat they only purpose is to be gluttonous! Or like having a dinner knife is promoting murder...because that is what some have used it for.

Any thing God gives us can be abused by imperfect people. Just becasue people abuse it, that doesnt mean that ALL should stop using it.

I feel like this...If I have a friend that is an alchoholic (meaning they recognize they abuse alchohol and therefore do not drink it) then I do not serve wine at that dinner. However, if everyone there has no problem with it, then having wine at dinner should be viewed as insignifigant as having bread there. If they dont want any...noone should coherce them to take a drink and if you want some...noone should judge you. I respect a persons decision not to drink. Maybe their history and past behavior has made them set that limit on themselves. But you cannot make your own personal limit...God's doctrine. Especially when it is clearly stated in his word that "drunkeness" is prohibited...not the drinking of wine.

One scripture says, that Gods blessings are like "food dripping in olive oil and wine kept on the dregs"...the best.

Forgive me again for not quoting the scripture directly. I will try to remember to come back here later on and put the scriptures in.
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I agree that there's nothing wrong with alcohol. But there is something wrong with becoming an alcoholic and being out of control. I also think (ab)using alcohol (or anything else) to compensate is also wrong. It leads to dependency which is not healthy.

-shinyblackhair....the point of drinking for everyone is not to get a buzz or get drunk. you make is seems as if the only reason people drink alcohol is to get wasted, lol. some enjoy the taste of a glass of fine wine with their meal. some enjoy having a beer or mixed drink with friends at the bar. just like you might enjoy a glass of orange juice with breakfast. it's no different...the difference comes in when the substance is abused. but alcohol is not the only beverage that's abused. you can abuse/be addicated to non-alcoholic beverages as well. Look at how many people "need" a soda or two (or 12) to make it through the day.

for me, it's all about intention.
Who feels that alcoholism is a disease, like diabetes or cancer? I hear that terminology liberally used these days and wholly disagree with it.

I think being addicted to alcohol is just like being a junkie; it is not a disease, it is a choice.

That said, I don't think drinking alcohol is morally or Biblically wrong. It has more to do with the intention behind it. If it is used moderately and occasionally, then I think it's fine. Is it the best thing for us, health-wise? Not necessarily. But neither is aspartame, fried foods or sugary cereal.
When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias with a message he said of John (who was not born yet):

"For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he hall be filled with the Holy Ghost."

Also, taken from E.G. White's "Diets and Foods":

"Moderate drinking is the school in which men are educated for the drunkards career"

The mixed drinks and wine coolers, are very popular among teens and tweens due to the fact that they are very sweet and fruity, thus making it easier to drink a lot of them. Again, out of E.G. White's writings:

"Yet so insidious is the work of these milder stimulants that the highway to drunkeness is entered before the victim suspects his danger." Case in point: alcohol poisoning.

I'm a Seventh Day Adventist and I don't believe that as Christians we should be drinking alcohol. We (SDAs) promote a very strong health message due to the fact that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should be free from any hinderance that alchohol/drugs have upon us. I believe in having a clear mind at all times. Wine, beer, cocktails may taste good to some, but as a Christian I believe there are other things just as tasty and fun to drink without the alcohol.

I guess it just boils down to choices.

Honestly, I've never seen an orange juice addict, but definitely know of some who are addicted to alcohol, lol. Furthermore, I don't think that people become alcoholics overnight, but over time starting with what one would call a "moderate" amount of alcohol.

I guess this topic is a sore point with me due to the fact that I've seen firsthand what drinking can do to a family. To me, it's just not worth it, no matter how good it tastes, or how great it can me you feel.
pookeylou said:
I wish I had a bible here with me, but there is a scripture that says, "Wine makes the heart rejoice."

The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to "drink wine for his stomach troubles..."

Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, which he clearly would not have done if it were a violation of God's laws. The scripture even pointed out that when the best man tasted the wine, he complained because the wine was "the best" and traditionally they only served the best at the beginning of a reception and saved the lesser quality wine for later on in the reception. Jesus had turned the water into "top quality" wine...late in the reception.

If someone feels that the only purpose of wine is to drink to "get a buzz" then obviously they have a problem with it personally. That is like saying, if you eat they only purpose is to be gluttonous! Or like having a dinner knife is promoting murder...because that is what some have used it for.

Any thing God gives us can be abused by imperfect people. Just becasue people abuse it, that doesnt mean that ALL should stop using it.

I feel like this...If I have a friend that is an alchoholic (meaning they recognize they abuse alchohol and therefore do not drink it) then I do not serve wine at that dinner. However, if everyone there has no problem with it, then having wine at dinner should be viewed as insignifigant as having bread there. If they dont want any...noone should coherce them to take a drink and if you want some...noone should judge you. I respect a persons decision not to drink. Maybe their history and past behavior has made them set that limit on themselves. But you cannot make your own personal limit...God's doctrine. Especially when it is clearly stated in his word that "drunkeness" is prohibited...not the drinking of wine.

One scripture says, that Gods blessings are like "food dripping in olive oil and wine kept on the dregs"...the best.

Forgive me again for not quoting the scripture directly. I will try to remember to come back here later on and put the scriptures in.

:clapping::clapping: That was so well said. :)
shinyblackhair said:
When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias with a message he said of John (who was not born yet):

"For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he hall be filled with the Holy Ghost."

Also, taken from E.G. White's "Diets and Foods":

"Moderate drinking is the school in which men are educated for the drunkards career"

The mixed drinks and wine coolers, are very popular among teens and tweens due to the fact that they are very sweet and fruity, thus making it easier to drink a lot of them. Again, out of E.G. White's writings:

"Yet so insidious is the work of these milder stimulants that the highway to drunkeness is entered before the victim suspects his danger." Case in point: alcohol poisoning.

I'm a Seventh Day Adventist and I don't believe that as Christians we should be drinking alcohol. We (SDAs) promote a very strong health message due to the fact that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should be free from any hinderance that alchohol/drugs have upon us. I believe in having a clear mind at all times. Wine, beer, cocktails may taste good to some, but as a Christian I believe there are other things just as tasty and fun to drink without the alcohol.

I guess it just boils down to choices.

Honestly, I've never seen an orange juice addict, but definitely know of some who are addicted to alcohol, lol. Furthermore, I don't think that people become alcoholics overnight, but over time starting with what one would call a "moderate" amount of alcohol.

I guess this topic is a sore point with me due to the fact that I've seen firsthand what drinking can do to a family. To me, it's just not worth it, no matter how good it tastes, or how great it can me you feel.

Understood....But Jesus still turned water into wine. As someone pointed out, I don't think Jesus would have done if he knew it would lead people into sin at that party. (yes Jesus performed his first miracle at a PARTY! :lol: )

I think what needs to be understood, is not all people drink because how it makes them feel. If you're a moderate drinker, you don't feel anything anyway. To me (I'm not a drinker, but occasionally I'll have a daquiri), it's the's like soda :lol:

As someone mentioned, wine is actually GOOD for you if you have a glass a day. So while I understand what you mean about promoting health benefits and such, you also have to recognize that alcohol in limited amounts has as many benefits as not drinking it at all. If you drink wisely.
JuJuBoo said:
Understood....But Jesus still turned water into wine. As someone pointed out, I don't think Jesus would have done if he knew it would lead people into sin at that party. (yes Jesus performed his first miracle at a PARTY! :lol: )

I think what needs to be understood, is not all people drink because how it makes them feel. If you're a moderate drinker, you don't feel anything anyway. To me (I'm not a drinker, but occasionally I'll have a daquiri), it's the's like soda :lol:

As someone mentioned, wine is actually GOOD for you if you have a glass a day. So while I understand what you mean about promoting health benefits and such, you also have to recognize that alcohol in limited amounts has as many benefits as not drinking it at all. If you drink wisely.


You can have an alcoholic drink and still be clear, mentally. The problem is not with alcohol, but the abuse of it. To me it sounds like people are misinformed about alcohol because of personal issues that they've seen and how it affects other people who've abused it. You can't base how you feel about alcohol on what you've seen it do to someone else. Just because one person abuses it, doesn't mean you will. Just because people drink alcohol for fun or to get drunk, doesn't mean that's why everyone does.

Also, like I said before you can abuse/be addicted to ANYTHING. My friend is addicted to diet coke. Your body becomes adjusted to anything that you over-indulge in.
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Like most here I DO love wines...good wines that is. Also in agreement with others, I don't think a glass of wine is wrong. I think drinking to a point in which you have no control of yourself is a problem. Some people drink to get the courage to do wrong things, like have sex with someone and not feel guilty, but I think that would be wrong. I was told my my cardiologist that I should drink one glass of red wine daily and it seems that since she's said that I haven't had a glass...go figure :) But I do know wine can be good for your blood, especially red wines. I also don't think mixed drinks are wrong as long as you are fully in control after a drink or two. You should not drink until you are tipsy or drunk because that leaves you vulnerable to Satan's devices. Drink wisely if you are going to drink.
mkstar826 said:

You can have an alcoholic drink and still be clear, mentally. The problem is not with alcohol, but the abuse of it. To me it sounds like people are misinformed about alcohol because of personal issues that they've seen and how it affects other people who've abused it. You can't base how you feel about alcohol on what you've seen it do to someone else. Just because one person abuses it, doesn't mean you will. Just because people drink alcohol for fun or to get drunk, doesn't mean that's why everyone does.

Also, like I said before you can abuse/be addicted to ANYTHING. My friend is addicted to diet coke. Your body becomes adjusted to anything that you over-indulge in.

Girl you ain't said nothin' but a word. What is it about this diet coke. My aunt was addicted to that and I knew somebody else who was addicted to diet pepsi. They literally had to wheen themselves off of it and got terrible headaches in the process. I'm scurred of diet soda's.:look:
I wanted to say this but didn't know how. Very good post.
mkstar826 said:

You can have an alcoholic drink and still be clear, mentally. The problem is not with alcohol, but the abuse of it. To me it sounds like people are misinformed about alcohol because of personal issues that they've seen and how it affects other people who've abused it. You can't base how you feel about alcohol on what you've seen it do to someone else. Just because one person abuses it, doesn't mean you will. Just because people drink alcohol for fun or to get drunk, doesn't mean that's why everyone does.

Also, like I said before you can abuse/be addicted to ANYTHING. My friend is addicted to diet coke. Your body becomes adjusted to anything that you over-indulge in.
Personally, for me drinking alcoholic drinks isn't that deep of an experience for me. It's something that I can live without. When I became a Christian, I decided to leave a certain lifestyle behind. That's not to say I don't realize that there are many responsible citizens who don't drink to get drunk, don't drink and drive and all of that, but for me it's just not a practice I want to engage in.

Also, I most definitely have been turned off of alcohol through personal experience. From what I've seen, as a result of this potentially deadly and destructive drug I don't want to have anything to do with it. Not even a little bit. I can't help that.

I have a lot of Christian friends, from many denominations not just SDA and I would say 98% abstain from alcohol. The other 2% will occasionally serve non-alcoholic wine, or low-alcohol wine. I have never known any Christians who go to the liquor stores to buy wine, or go to bars and clubs to drink. I am hardly a sheltered person, but I have always known Christians to be abstainers. I am indeed so glad for this discussion. It has really opened my eyes. I do see that many Christians do in fact drink. I don't judge them at all. All I say is that for me, I feel my life is fine without it.
shinyblackhair said:
I have a lot of Christian friends, from many denominations not just SDA and I would say 98% abstain from alcohol. The other 2% will occasionally serve non-alcoholic wine, or low-alcohol wine. I have never known any Christians who go to the liquor stores to buy wine, or go to bars and clubs to drink. I am hardly a sheltered person, but I have always known Christians to be abstainers. I am indeed so glad for this discussion. It has really opened my eyes. I do see that many Christians do in fact drink. I don't judge them at all. All I say is that for me, I feel my life is fine without it.

Interesting Shinyblackhair. I have a group of committed Christian friends who my husband and I associate with. We almost always serve wine at dinners or have it when we go out. Not everyone, but most of us. (My husband, in fact, doesn't ever drink.) Those of us who do usually have one glass each and that will last us through the meal and the rest of the evening.
I agree with you SBH. I too have seen what it can do to a family. I have never consumed alcohol, and I never will. The bible also says (Pro 20:1) "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." My question has always been how can I tell that I have had "just enough" before it is too late and I am drunk? Therefore, I would just rather leave it alone.
I don't see a problem with Christians drinking in moderation. Howerver, when I'm around family members, I choose not to drink because there are several of my family members who have not accepted Christ into their lives. Since they know that I am a Christian, my having a drink in front of them could be a hinderance to them receiving Christ. They are uncomfortable drinking around me. I believe that is because they are drinking for the Buzz and deep down they know that is wrong. We are all born with a weakness toward something. For some it may be fornication or promiscuity, for others it might be alcohol. If alcohol weakens you, don't drink it. Growing up I was taught never to drink as to avoid any possibility of ever becoming an alcoholic.
slwe415 said:
My question has always been how can I tell that I have had "just enough" before it is too late and I am drunk? Therefore, I would just rather leave it alone.

lol, sorry but this is funny to me because it's obvious that you've never had a drink (and there's nothing wrong with that :)) you just reminded me of my friend who drank for the first time @ 28 years old. She felt like she'd be drunk w/ one drink because she had only seen the demonizing of alcohol. When she finally had a drink she realized that she was basing her opinion on what she had seen and not reality.

When you drink, you don't automatically feel something. I think that's what most who don't drink think. If you're not drinking with the purpose to get drunk, then you won't have to know when you've had "just enough." One or two drinks would suffice if you're drinking for pleasure. People who are looking to get drunk, drink way more on purpose. See what I'm saying? Once again, I think people are looking at it from a perspective of what they've seen other people do and it's clouding your opinion.


"If alcohol weakens you, don't drink it."

I totally agree with that tweezer :) We all know what we can and cannot handle.
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Me, personally I don't drink any alcohol. I use to socially drink when I was in hs and college, and after I got saved, I stopped drinking altogether. The concept of alcohol in general for moderation is not completely biblical, b/c the bible distinguishes b/t strong drink and wine, whereas strong drink is completely forbidden (strong drink includes beer, liquors, etc.). Only wine is mentioned to be done in moderation and even so, we must look at it as well in an historical perspective.

Here is an excerpt from Smith's Bible Dictionary regarding the wine (Greek for oinos in this perspective) used during Jesus' time: The use of wine at the paschal feast was not enjoined by the law, but had become an established custom, at all events in the post-Babylonian period. The wine was mixed with warm water on these occasions. Hence in the early Christian Church it was usual to mix the sacramental wine with water. (The simple wines of antiquity were incomparably less deadly than the stupefying and ardent beverages of our western nations. The wines of antiquity were more like sirups; many of them were not intoxicant; many more intoxicant in a small degree; and all of them, as a rule, taken only when largely diluted with water. They contained, even undiluted, but 4 or 5 percent of alcohol.

During biblical times, the undiluted wine was only about 4-5% alcohol, and even so this was heavily diluted with water. The wine we have today is at least about 8-10% alcohol in it, so its alcohol content is much higher than that of Jesus' time.

If u want to drink a glass of wine with a meal, hey to each his own though I personally would not advise it to anyone. If that is your choice I would be extremely careful about doing so, especially in public, b/c as a believer you always have people watching you, and you don't want to do anything to cause a weaker brother or sister in Christ to stumble (Rom 14:21).
mkstar826 said:
lol, sorry but this is funny to me because it's obvious that you've never had a drink (and there's nothing wrong with that :)) you just reminded me of my friend who drank for the first time @ 28 years old. She felt like she'd be drunk w/ one drink because she had only seen the demonizing of alcohol. When she finally had a drink she realized that she was basing her opinion on what she had seen and not reality.

When you drink, you don't automatically feel something. I think that's what most who don't drink think. If you're not drinking with the purpose to get drunk, then you won't have to know when you've had "just enough." One or two drinks would suffice if you're drinking for pleasure. People who are looking to get drunk, drink way more on purpose. See what I'm saying? Once again, I think people are looking at it from a perspective of what they've seen other people do and it's clouding your opinion.

:D That's no problem...I have always wondered about that. Thanks for shedding some light on the subject.

There has been a lot of friction between my aunt and cousin over the years, and one or both of them were drunk when things heated up. It was so bad one time that aunt shot my cousin (her daughter) in the leg...and it was on either Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day.:( Another instance that happened when I was a child was my cousin and her bf were arguing at my grandma's house. I happened to be staying with my grandma that day. Anyway, my cousin was pregnant, and her bf had been drinking. To make a long story short, he started beating her and hitting her in her stomach. The baby was born mentally ill, and never learned to walk or anything. For a long time, I hated the bf...and i didn't even speak to him when I saw him. Thank God for Jesus! A few years ago, I was able to forgive him and today I can speak to him and actually portray Christ's love towards him. Seeing relatives abuse alcohol along with my parents teaching against it greatly influenced my decision to leave it alone. It's sad to say, but I don't know if I have ever known anyone personally to drink alcohol without getting drunk. It seems like they just had to have it to the point where they were stumbling down the street. :confused:

I do understand your point, but I just don't think that it is for me. When my husband and I first became friends, he was really surprised at all of the things that I had never done/experienced. :D But that is another post! :D
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