Getting The Smell Out


Well-Known Member
What do you ladies use to get the smell out of your hair?

by "the smell" i mean both the burnt hair smell and the relaxer chemically smell

I washed and slathered w/ conditioner, DCed and moisturized and let air dry and it still smells burnt and chemically :(
Whimsy said:
What do you ladies use to get the smell out of your hair?

by "the smell" i mean both the burnt hair smell and the relaxer chemically smell

I washed and slathered w/ conditioner, DCed and moisturized and let air dry and it still smells burnt and chemically :(

The relaxer smell is usually gone by the next wash for me. However the burn smell may come from the heat appliances not being clean from the use of oils, sprays etc prior to being used on your hair or it could be that the stylist has the heat too high for your hair.
I get the relaxer smell out by clarifying soon after I neutralize. I then clarify to get that scalp gunk off (the scalp base and such) and to rid my hair of the smell. I then procede to use a moisturizing shampoo. This really works for me.

As far as the burnt smell, I say get a new iron. Once I threw away my cheapie iron and got a Sedu I was cool. I never ever EVER delt with the burnt smell again.
Oh and if you don't want to get a new iron (which I serioulsy suggest you do) please clean your plates after each use.

Some of that burnt smell maybe old product that was burnt onto your plates, getting on your hair.
Thanks for the advice ladies. I flat ironed my hair last Sat., not only did my hair stink but my bedroom and my bathroom. I had to wash my hair two days in a row to get the smell out. And I ended up Febreezing everything in my room and still DH was like, it stinks, nothing should smell like that.