Getting married tomorrow!


New Member
I'm getting married in the morning. I am nervous and excited but more nervous. I wasn't nervous until today. :drunk: Is this how you felt before you got married?
Dang, ya'll didn't waste any time. CONGRATS

I felt that way. I almost passed out at my wedding. I couldn't stand, my father had to hold me up. It was bad. But I got over it.

You'll do fine.
I am not married yet so no advice but I am so happy for you!
Have fun tomorrow...don't worry about it at all. I think I read how you guys met and marriage seems like your destiny.
I'm getting married in the morning. I am nervous and excited but more nervous. I wasn't nervous until today. :drunk: Is this how you felt before you got married?

I've never been married. I just want to say Congratulations.......:dance7:. May God bless your marriage. Have a long and happy one.
Congratulations!!!!! I was sooooooo nervous when I got married. Especially having my dad be the one marrying us it made it worse because it was hard for him to hold his composure and officiate the ceremony. Looking back though it was hilarious and I hope you wedding leaves you with tons of happy memories too!!!
I'm getting married in the morning. I am nervous and excited but more nervous. I wasn't nervous until today. :drunk: Is this how you felt before you got married?

CONGRATULATIONS!!! OK. . . . . breathe. . . I was SO nervous because of all the stuff that still wasn't done yet. My best advice to you is: try to calm down and be "in the moment" from now on. Just stop, look around you, and really take it in everything. Don't be so excited that you miss the details (you'll need them for good memories!) For me, it was all a blurr
OH! And don't worry if everything isn't exactly like you want it. The goal here is to get married, not to be perfect.

Dang, ya'll didn't waste any time. CONGRATS

I felt that way. I almost passed out at my wedding. I couldn't stand, my father had to hold me up. It was bad. But I got over it.

You'll do fine.

No we didn't want to waste time. Because that's what waiting is. We did our prerequisite marriage counseling and know that we're ready spiritually, mentally and emotionally... and we want to honor God and live our lives together in a way acceptable to Him.

Wow. I don't think I'm that bad, DLewis! LOL.
Wow, that was fast... Congrats. I've heard most brides get nervous so you'll pull through.
Girl get off of the computer and go lie down somewhere or get to the spa!!! Rest is a beautiful thing before your wedding. My advice, take time at the reception, step back away from the crowd and take everything in! It is such a whirlwind that you need a moment to take it all in. At the end of the day no one knows if anything went wrong but you so don't sweat it!

Congrats! Have a wonderful day and a blessed marriage!
Didn't yall just get engaged?!?!?!?!?! Wow, that is fast! Good luck to you on your special day. I don't have any advice but have a great day tomorrow.
Congratulations!!!!! May you have a blessed marriage!

I was a little nervous the day before, and I got like no sleep the night before my wedding. But when I got ready to walk down the aisle, I felt complete peace. I think my dad was more nervous than me, he kept asking me if I was nervous. I knew that what we were doing was absolutely right, and I was calm as can be. It seemed like it all went too fast (until I looked at the video). Enjoy your day!!!! I know you will be a beautiful bride.

I was soooo stressed and a little nervous. My in-laws were really stressing me out and I was like, " Is this what I'll have to deal with the whole time I'm married?":perplexed So, that's the only major concern I had. But, it's normal to be a little nervous.

Don't worry, you'll be fine. Take the time out to just get pampered today.
Awee..that is so great Caramela! Just remember to enjoy the day and not worry about specifics and what could go wrong b/c none of that really matters.

Are you guys going on a honeymoon?
Best wishes!!! I was nervous the day/night before, but not so much once the day came. By then I figured if anything wasn't in place, I couldnt worry about it anymore. I was just ready for it to be over with (smile).

Relax and enjoy your day!
I'm getting married in the morning. I am nervous and excited but more nervous. I wasn't nervous until today. :drunk: Is this how you felt before you got married?

congrats!!! I was not nervous at all. I just wanted everything to go off smoothly and thank the Lord that it did. My one ounce of nervous came when I didn't get home from the hair dresser until 1230pm and my wedding was at 2pm. Thank God it was just up the street and there was no traffic....
Really? Wow! That's so exciting. It did not really hit me until I was in the limo on the way to my chapel. I started tearing up and my matron of honor, came over and patted my eyes and whispered something about my makeup. There is a picture that someone captured of that moment.

I pray that you two have a beautiful and highly-favored marriage filled with love!
Congratulations Caramela! :D

My brother was so nervous at his wedding that I could see his body shaking from where I was sitting :eek: That brought me to's like going on stage - if you're not nervous you're not taking the situation seriously enough :) So you have to be's part of the experience.

I wish you both a wonderful and happy wedding day and a great marriage!
I didn't get nervous until my BIL(r.i.p.) decided he had to stop at a take out chicken place to get some wings, his waiting in line for chicken made me late getting to the church..... By the time we got there they told me my hubby was almost crying because he thought I had changed my mind :rofl: I got really nervous and started crying when I heard the Wedding March...I cried all the way down the aisle. But er' thang turned out great!!! :2inlove:

Congratulations on your marriage and enjoy your day! :congrats:
I'm getting married in the morning. I am nervous and excited but more nervous. I wasn't nervous until today. :drunk: Is this how you felt before you got married?

I wasn't nervous hours before, but when it was my time to walk down....I then got nervous. My dh had to come get me out the room. :perplexed

Our wedding was at my parents house, it was small and intimate (which I wanted over a big wedding).

But, yes I felt the same way. Even afterwards, I was still like wow, I'm married now. :look::spinning:
No we didn't want to waste time. Because that's what waiting is. We did our prerequisite marriage counseling and know that we're ready spiritually, mentally and emotionally... and we want to honor God and live our lives together in a way acceptable to Him.

Wow. I don't think I'm that bad, DLewis! LOL.

No, you can't be worse than me.....5 weeks after we met.

Oh and congradulations!! Enjoy each other and take it slow for the first few years (don't sweat the small stuff). :)