Getting layers while transitioning...(HELP!!)...long/sorry


New Member
Hi Ladies,
I really need some help here and would like opinions from those that are natural and have layers, relaxed and have layers and even those that don't have layers but have advice to offer.

I am now at mid back length and into my 7.5 month of transitioning. I am loving the fact that my hair seems much thicker without the relaxer (it's very fine and the relaxer makes it look anorexic) and that's what driving my desire to go natural. (see pics below) I can maintain my relaxed hair with no problem, but I think I am looking forward to the versatility of natural hair too. I have been doing fine with going to the dominican salon every once in a while and letting them blow the roots out and then bunning it after the bounce goes south.

Here is where my dilemma comes in. Last month when I went to the salon, I got bold and let the lady blow my hair all the way out:eek:, and even let her curl each section and pin curl it up! When she took each section down, it fell nicely, but would have looked so much better if I had layers. (Think Cleve gyrl's siggy!!! - beautimus!!) The next day my hair just lay there all one length. It still had bounce, but it wasn't interesting.

When I went to another salon yesterday and asked her to do the same thing, she kept telling me that she couldn't do it b/c my hair wasn't layered. I didn't argue with her but I really did at that moment want to tell her to just cut it!!! I have had layers before but it was when my hair was shoulder length. I have never had long layers.

My question is would getting layers while I am transitioning pose a big problem? I was thinking that maybe it wouldn't since I am getting relaxed ends cut off every 60 days and when I get the layers shaped up, I will still be getting ends cut off and my hair will still be interesting to me (b/c right now I am very bored with it:sad:) There has got to be some other pros and cons that I can't think of right now, so please chime in. (I feel like going to the lady right now and telling her to chop chop, but I am scared I would regret it and not know what to do to maintain them)


I combed out my air dried hair before going to the salon (i know it's a big no-no, but i would much rather be the one to pull my hair out than them!)


In a pony tail


Back in my bun


Day after the salon......
Your hair is soooo beautiful....I just can't bear to say cut it because I'm trying to get where you are :lol:

Since you are transitioning, cutting layers would help you get to your goal of being natural faster. You are said you are getting the relaxed ends cut every 60 days anyway so I think layers are going to work fine for you...and give you the variety you desire. If you're having a bad hair day you can always wear a bun :yep:

Good luck with your transition!
Your hair is soooo beautiful....I just can't bear to say cut it because I'm trying to get where you are :lol:

Since you are transitioning, cutting layers would help you get to your goal of being natural faster. You are said you are getting the relaxed ends cut every 60 days anyway so I think layers are going to work fine for you...and give you the variety you desire. If you're having a bad hair day you can always wear a bun :yep:

Good luck with your transition!

Thanks hon!!

I was kind of thinking the same thing about keeping the layers shaped up while getting rid of relaxed ends, but I was worried about my bun suffering (b/c of the different lengths of hair):sad: I wear a bun 50% of the time.
Just came in to say hi and good luck on your transition!:grin: I wasn't even aware you were transitioning; great method of transitioning and retaining length (60 day cuts).
Just came in to say hi and good luck on your transition!:grin: I wasn't even aware you were transitioning; great method of transitioning and retaining length (60 day cuts).

Thanks! I will need all the luck in the world!
I don't particularly think I could manage a length much longer than I have now, so I am really anxious about taking ends off every 60 days and keeping the same length.
I think that you should go for it. Since you're going to cut the relaxed ends off anyways this is a chance for you to have some fun with hair cuts before you go natural. This is what I did. I got my hair cut in layers while transitioning (it wasn't my first time getting layers though--but it had been a few years) and I loved it. I had decided not to do a "big chop" but rather to cut my relaxed ends off in stages to ease myself into the change.
I think that you should go for it. Since you're going to cut the relaxed ends off anyways this is a chance for you to have some fun with hair cuts before you go natural. This is what I did. I got my hair cut in layers while transitioning (it wasn't my first time getting layers though--but it had been a few years) and I loved it. I had decided not to do a "big chop" but rather to cut my relaxed ends off in stages to ease myself into the change.

When you were transitioning, how did you mostly wear your hair? In a style that really showed off the layers? ow that you are natural, how do you wear it now (mostly)? I've had layers before as well, but it was when my hair was shoulder length.

Cutting my relaxed ends off in stages would probably be the only way for me to do this without having a heart attack!
Hi Blackbarbie!

My hair is about the length of yours -- alas without that beautiful color. I've had layers before and they're fine when there's no humidity. Let the humidity rise above 70 % and unless I could pull them all into a bun, it looked like a big old lion's mane!! It took me three years to grow them out.

Last summer I had the stylist cut some looooong layers, just around the front. They were long enough to pull into a bun and really added nice dimension with a rollerset, but weren't so short that when it rained it looked like someone plopped an afro wig on top of my head!

I wish you luck! I love your hair and covet the color! I'm sure you'll look lovely whatever you do!
Oooh chile, your hair is freaking beautiful!

I say go for it, especially since you're going to eventually cut those ends off altogether to have 100% natural hair. I love the look of long layers on long hair. And I don't see how it could interfere with your transition.
I personally don't like layers, but I have them cause of how my hair grows. It may be a matter of personal preference but i think an even length just makes things easier sometimes for naturals.
Hi Blackbarbie!

My hair is about the length of yours -- alas without that beautiful color. I've had layers before and they're fine when there's no humidity. Let the humidity rise above 70 % and unless I could pull them all into a bun, it looked like a big old lion's mane!! It took me three years to grow them out.

Last summer I had the stylist cut some looooong layers, just around the front. They were long enough to pull into a bun and really added nice dimension with a rollerset, but weren't so short that when it rained it looked like someone plopped an afro wig on top of my head!

I wish you luck! I love your hair and covet the color! I'm sure you'll look lovely whatever you do!

Are you natural or relaxed? That lion's mane is what I am thinking of and what scares me! How do wear your hair most of the time.

Besides taking a picture to the salon with me, how do I stress to the stylist that i want "long" layers that I can still pull the shortest layer back into a bun?

Thanks for chiming in!

Oooh chile, your hair is freaking beautiful!

I say go for it, especially since you're going to eventually cut those ends off altogether to have 100% natural hair. I love the look of long layers on long hair. And I don't see how it could interfere with your transition.

Thanks girlie! On one hand, that's how I look at it (that I am going to cut the relaxed ends off anyway and getting my hair cut in layers won't be as painful as just getting my ends cut off and my hair still just hangs there)..........

But I am trying to think of it from 2 points of view: (1) from an aesthetic standpoint, and (2) from a practical standpoint (manageability)......

What to do, what to do????
I personally don't like layers, but I have them cause of how my hair grows. It may be a matter of personal preference but i think an even length just makes things easier sometimes for naturals.

See I was thinking the opposite for some reason. (about an even length for naturals).....I read somewhere about making sure that if you are natural and get your hair cut, that it's someone that really knows how to cut it (if you wear it curly most of the time) or else it won't "hang" right. I was just wondering how my layers would "hang" once natural.

But what if I keep it cut in layers during my transition to help make the transition go quicker and if by the time I am done transitioning, I could always let the layers grow out to all one length huh?
i didn't know my colored, relaxed inspiration was transitioning

:cry3: :cry3: :cry3:

now that I'm finished crying for the moment, good luck on whatever you decide
i didn't know my colored, relaxed inspiration was transitioning

:cry3: :cry3:

now that I'm finished crying for the moment, good luck on whatever you decide

Girl you crazy!!
Yeah, I'm sitting over crying myself:cry3: b/c I am really on the fence about the layers!

Yeah, I have gotten over the decision as to whether to transition or not (as if that wasn't hard enough to decide), so now I am having a world crisis on whether to get layers.
Are you natural or relaxed? That lion's mane is what I am thinking of and what scares me! How do wear your hair most of the time.

Besides taking a picture to the salon with me, how do I stress to the stylist that i want "long" layers that I can still pull the shortest layer back into a bun?

Thanks for chiming in!


I only relax my hairline. The rest of my head is manageable with a rollerset or hotbrush. I mainly wear a bun when the humidity is high. The rest of the time I rollerset/hotbrush and wear it out for a day or two, then I bun it. I'll NEVER have wash n' go hair, it's just too much hair! I tried the flat iron thing, but it caused too much damage.

My stylist knows that I can't handle layers above mid neck, because I have to be able to pull it back. Though she's great about keeping length at the bottom, she always wants to give me layered bangs so I can have the really BIG, sexy hair she always wanted for herself... But I can't deal!

Maybe when they come out with a de-frizzer that works for my hair (and doesn't have silicone), I'll get those layered bangs!

I'd bring along a photo and a stern demeanor to the salon!

I hope you let us know what you decide!
See I was thinking the opposite for some reason. (about an even length for naturals).....I read somewhere about making sure that if you are natural and get your hair cut, that it's someone that really knows how to cut it (if you wear it curly most of the time) or else it won't "hang" right. I was just wondering how my layers would "hang" once natural.

But what if I keep it cut in layers during my transition to help make the transition go quicker and if by the time I am done transitioning, I could always let the layers grow out to all one length huh?

You d o have a point-it does make sense. Now that I can picture it I think it's a good idea.
Sorry, I have no advice. Um, I really don't care what you do because you're my friend. I can't wait to see your new hair!!!!!
When you were transitioning, how did you mostly wear your hair? In a style that really showed off the layers? ow that you are natural, how do you wear it now (mostly)? I've had layers before as well, but it was when my hair was shoulder length.

Cutting my relaxed ends off in stages would probably be the only way for me to do this without having a heart attack!

I'm not very adept at styling so when I transitioned I wore a lot of slicked down ponytails, sometimes I straightened my hair, and I also used perm rods to do a curly style. Using the perm rods was especially helpful b/c it blended and hid the 2 different textures and gave me an idea of what I'd look like with shorter curly hair.

Now I still mostly wear my hair in a ponytail (my hair gets less tangled in a ponytail and I can wear it as a style longer), but I've sometimes worn twists, twist-outs, braid-outs, and wash-n-go's. I don't do french braids b/c the hair at my temples is prone to breakage upon stressing it. I also like soft, natural looking stlyes so I don't try to do really complicated styling procedures.

Also, cutting my hair in stages helped me in 3 major ways:
1) it made me commit to my transition (I had tried to go natural once before but didn't know what to do with my hair and just ended up relaxing it again--I wasn't on LHCF yet).
2) I avoided the shock of going from long hair to short hair all at once.
3) growing my natural hair out to a longer length before cutting the relaxed ends gave me more styling options when I went natural. For me, I wanted my natural hair to be long enough to put into a ponytail before I was fully natural (that way I could always fall back on wearing that style if I didn't know what to do with my hair at first).
I only relax my hairline. The rest of my head is manageable with a rollerset or hotbrush. I mainly wear a bun when the humidity is high. The rest of the time I rollerset/hotbrush and wear it out for a day or two, then I bun it. I'll NEVER have wash n' go hair, it's just too much hair! I tried the flat iron thing, but it caused too much damage.

My stylist knows that I can't handle layers above mid neck, because I have to be able to pull it back. Though she's great about keeping length at the bottom, she always wants to give me layered bangs so I can have the really BIG, sexy hair she always wanted for herself... But I can't deal!

Maybe when they come out with a de-frizzer that works for my hair (and doesn't have silicone), I'll get those layered bangs!

I'd bring along a photo and a stern demeanor to the salon!

I hope you let us know what you decide!

So your stylist is trying to live vicariously through you huh?:grin:
I am on the hunt for a photo to take with me and I am still working on the "look". (you know, the stern one that says "don't cut too much of my **** off!!")
I'm not very adept at styling so when I transitioned I wore a lot of slicked down ponytails, sometimes I straightened my hair, and I also used perm rods to do a curly style. Using the perm rods was especially helpful b/c it blended and hid the 2 different textures and gave me an idea of what I'd look like with shorter curly hair.

Now I still mostly wear my hair in a ponytail (my hair gets less tangled in a ponytail and I can wear it as a style longer), but I've sometimes worn twists, twist-outs, braid-outs, and wash-n-go's. I don't do french braids b/c the hair at my temples is prone to breakage upon stressing it. I also like soft, natural looking stlyes so I don't try to do really complicated styling procedures.

Also, cutting my hair in stages helped me in 3 major ways:
1) it made me commit to my transition (I had tried to go natural once before but didn't know what to do with my hair and just ended up relaxing it again--I wasn't on LHCF yet).
2) I avoided the shock of going from long hair to short hair all at once.
3) growing my natural hair out to a longer length before cutting the relaxed ends gave me more styling options when I went natural. For me, I wanted my natural hair to be long enough to put into a ponytail before I was fully natural (that way I could always fall back on wearing that style if I didn't know what to do with my hair at first).

Wow, the 3 reasons you posted are reasons that have definitely been on my mind and reasons that I have been trying to convince myself. Thanks for putting them in writing so I can be reminded of them!
STLCoverGirl has some really pretty layers in natural hair. Check out her profille for the link to her album. Good luck whatever you decide to do.
STLCoverGirl has some really pretty layers in natural hair. Check out her profille for the link to her album. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

WOAH! I just looked at her album you are absolutely right; hair is gorgeous!!!

Thanks for the to pm her with a million questions!

Thanks again Miss Tress.....

WOAH! I just looked at her album you are absolutely right; hair is gorgeous!!!

Thanks for the to pm her with a million questions!

Thanks again Miss Tress.....

You're welcome, blackbarbie!

If you don't mind posting STLCoverGirl's responses here, I would be interested in what you find out. I'm contemplating layers too for when (or if) I reach waist length end 2007/beginning 2008. :pray:
This is exactly what I did when I transitioned. I got layers and would get trims every 3 months. For me it worked GREAT.

When I was relaxed I had one length hair and loved it but now that I am natural that is not an option. I need layers to reduce the bulk of my hair (I have a lot) and to avoid the triangle look.