Getting back on track-Hair question.


New Member

Back in May of 2003, I BCed all of my severely damaged, relaxed and fried hair. I had totally unhealthy hair care practices. I decided to change my ways and see what would happen. So I stopped dying, harsh combing, using curling irons, and flat irons.
I wore protective styles, did the baggie method (when it grew out long enough for a pony tail). Braid outs and twist outs were very common styles for me. Two years later, I had healthy hair and was loving the thickness and length.
Here’s the bad part: When I got about 12-14 inches of hair, I threw caution to the wind and started flat ironing, and hot pressing it to death. I wanted to flaunt my length and wanted the “bouncing and behaving” look. Now it’s 2006 and I noticed my hair is thinning and I’m constantly trimming which means I hadn’t really learned my lesson. (Or gained any length).
Joining this site has made me dedicated to taking better care of my hair again but I really like to SEE my length. My question is, since my hair is natural and I like the straight look, would it be healthier just to get a relaxer and avoid the use of heat except for roller setting once per month OR should I press it with a hot comb once a month and do braid outs and twist outs the rest of the time?
My question is not about which style will look straighter but rather, which would be healthier and promote more growth.
All feedback appreciated!
If you are only considering using heat once a month then it should be fine, but if you like the look of straight hair and will be tempted to straighten it all the time then I am confused as to why you wouldn't just go ahead and relax.