Getting A Caruso Rollerset To Last

Pin curling for at least 30 minutes once the Caruso rollers are removed. Or Using a small amount a setting lotion or foam to help set the curl. Using smaller rollers may also help. Limit use of heavy oils or creams as well. Do not over steam the rollers. HTH.
Make sure your hair is DRY before removing the rollers or styling. I always blow dried my curlers and then left them in as long as I could before removing them. Blow dry your pin curls if you have any damp spots. When styling, separate the curls, but leave them chunky - don't comb.
Are yall natural?
I use them as a natural on either an old press or a stretched blowout.

The curls are best on Day 1 but Day 2 curls aren’t horrible.

I use end papers each time, and my hair responds better as a natural than when I don’t. When I was relaxed I could get away without using end papers.
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I am relaxed/texlaxed and have used Caruso curlers for no less than 15 years; can't imagine not having them. One way I get my curls to hold longer is that I let my hair dry after I remove the Caruso rollers and before combing my hair, as some of my curls are damp from the steamer. Also, since I've used the Caruso rollers for so long, I time the steaming so that the rollers don't get too wet. I also shake the water off each roller when I remove it from the Caruso base and before I roll my hair with it.
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