Get the guy book by Matthew Hussey. Let's discuss.

♥♡ he just invited me to go to an insanity class with him... unfortunately I already have plans to do a bike run. He jokingly was like so you picked " " over me lol
I have a lot of work to do lol. From reading this book so far, I feel I may come off as an ice queen even though I'm the complete opposite. I'm a very friendly, kind and witty person around those I know but I'm pretty quiet/shy around those I don't know unless they engage me first. I never flirt either :(
I have a lot of work to do lol. From reading this book so far, I feel I may come off as an ice queen even though I'm the complete opposite. I'm a very friendly, kind and witty person around those I know but I'm pretty quiet/shy around those I don't know unless they engage me first. I never flirt either :(

TrulyBlessed Yep, this is me to a T also. :yep: If there's one thing this book has been teaching me, it's that I need to just be more "AWARE" of others and try to notice my surroundings more. Be more engaging. :yep: I'm very outgoing with people I know, but around strangers I can be downright rude (so my mother tells me :lol:). I'm not TRYING to be, but she pointed out to me once that I don't "take notice" of people that I just casually come in contact with on the street.

So, I'm working on it! :yep: :grin:
Sorry, I still believe the way you start the relationship sets the trend of the relationship. I refuse to ask or insinuate to take me out on a date, if anything I'll make it really informal and say let's hangout as friends. I wouldn't approach a man either. I'll just show up looking my best and look at a man, the rest is up to him. In school or the workplace I'll be friendly, but let him take it to the next step.

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Sorry, I still believe the way you start the relationship sets the trend of the relationship. I refuse to ask or insinuate to take me out on a date, if anything I'll make it really informal and say let's hangout as friends. I wouldn't approach a man either. I'll just show up looking my best and look at a man, the rest is up to him. In school or the workplace I'll be friendly, but let him take it to the next step.

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From what i understand, that's exactly what he's saying... be nice and friendly to a guy you like and then its easy for him to take it from there if he feels attracted to you.
Sorry, I still believe the way you start the relationship sets the trend of the relationship. I refuse to ask or insinuate to take me out on a date, if anything I'll make it really informal and say let's hangout as friends. I wouldn't approach a man either. I'll just show up looking my best and look at a man, the rest is up to him. In school or the workplace I'll be friendly, but let him take it to the next step.

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@**SaSSy** Idk if you've read the book yet, but if you haven't, I think you should definitely pick up this book. :yep: I think when you read the book you'll get a more well-rounded view of what he's trying to say. :yep: It has nothing to do with chasing a man down or being the pursuer. :nono:
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Is there a section on figuring out whether someone likes you as a friend or something more?

@ScorpioLove Yes. I bought the audio book and he talks about the friend zone and how to get out. Its basically what's outlined in his article below but more practical and detailed. He explains the reasons why a man might put you in that friend category and then how to try and get him to see you differently.

I like the book and I'm almost done.

He gives some really practical advice although I think some of it would take a certain personality type to pull off....his. I'm going to put some of his tips into practice with a guy I met and see what happens. Nothing to lose. :look:
I read it. I got for free and it was a good read. I suggested it to other people, some of the points make a lot of sense. Will come back and edit with the quotes that got my attention. Off the top of my head, they were the train station analogy and the story of how he tried to break it off with this woman expecting her to react and she didn't give him to rail against and she also made it clear he wasn't a priority when he would still try to see her. Yes, its common sense or should be common sense, but sometimes the way certain things are phrased just makes a lightbulb go off.
I so was going to sit next to this guy this past Saturday at the laundromat and ask him a question about his graphing calculator because more than likely he's taking an upper division math class and I am too. But then this dude sat next to him and they started chatting it up the whole time he was there and the gag is this one girl sat in between the both of them, I thought the was rude but I knew what she was doing...dude was fine LOL! I do believe if you're just being friendly or ask a question that it opens up a door for conversation.