Get Right By Your Next Birthday Milestone


Active Member
After watching "Why Did I Get Married Too", I have decided that I want to achieve my goals by my next birthday milestone. (As a footnote, seeing Angela in a bikini made me realize that I too can look super fabulous even after I leave my 20's).

As a result, I have decided that I will reach (and maintain) all of my goals (Hair, weight, financial, spiritual, educational) by the time I reach 30 (which is my next birthday milestone). I have 3 years, so this is my long term goal.

Anyone in?
Well, Optinums Prime, I initially wanted to reach my goals by 25, but since I didn't really have any, and now 27 is rapidly approaching, I have moved it back to 30!

Hair: MBL. Ideally, I want to be able to walk around the house without a shirt and have more than enough hair to be completely covered.

Weight: I am aiming for 120lbs, which I would also like to maintain.

Financial: Pay off all debt (excluding student loans) and get a healthy savings going.

Spiritual: Work on a better personal relationship with God.

Educational: Finish school and work on educating myself on different aspects of my career.
I am in progress with this now. I turn 35 in June, so I am doing short term (ST) and long term (LT) for my 40th in 5 years.

ST- BC tonight and grow long, healthy natural hair. Puff by my 35th birthday. Hair Vits, water, exercise for growth.
LT- Grow my hair to MBL or WL in long layers. Continue with healthy natural hair. (I want my hair to cover my chi-chis in the front.) :yep::lachen:

ST- I am nearing the end of week 1 of a 12-week Biggest Loser challenge through my law firm. I'd like to lose 24-36 lbs by the end of the challenge (June 22). That's 2-3 pounds per week. I'd also like to train for a 5k and workout at least 5x a week. I'd also like to eat more healthy.
LT- I'd like to re-evaluate losing more weight once I lose my initial 36 lbs. I'd like to maintain my weight, at minimum, and continue to work out daily.

ST- I just paid off 1 of my 2 credit cards and I am paying the other down. I'd like to have $1000 of it paid off my June 11th (my 35th birthday). I'm also trying to save more and pay off medical bills/ other minor debts. I'd like to get a new car this year.

LT- Be debt free (except student loans) by age 36. From 36-38, I'd like to try and save $15K and increase my investments. I'd like to be in a new, larger home by age 39.

ST- Find a new church home.
LT- Have the whole family involved in church ministries.

Educational/ Career:
ST & LT- I already have a doctorate in law, so I don't need more schooling. I'd actually like to teach on the side of my practice to help save toward my savings goals. So I will be looking for online or community college legal course instructing work. I'd also like to continue becoming better at my current law practice and serve on more boards.

Great thread! Haven't seen the movie yet, but I am going this upcoming weekend on an out-of-town couples retreat trip to see it and hang out in a different city. Can't wait.

I love the support on this board! :love:
This is a great thread idea
My next age milestone is 30. That's a little more than 2 years
I want my stretched twists to be at or very close to mbl.... i think shrinkage will probably put me at BSL... which I'll take gladly

Health : I want to maintain a healthy size 8-10, eat less processed foods, commit to full vegetarianism (I'm pescatarian now),grow vegetables in my back yard... which brings me to the next point
OWN A HOME!. Have a $15000 safety cushion. Own or be in the process of owning a rental property. Be out of debt. (This one will be completed by the end of this year)

Education/career: I hope to still be happily teaching and starting PhD coursework

Maybe another child? But I want to continue to nurture my daughter's development, be sure to be there for her. I want to be the best, supportive, sexy wife (that all of his other married friends secretly wish they had)<-IS THAT BAD?
Hey Esq. we are sisters. I too will be 35 this June. I def. will not be BC this go around - I did that last summer.

I did a big trim last month, and my hair goal is APL by my birthday. Will be taking hair vitamins to help that along. grow an inch...KEEP AN INCH!

I have 10 more lbs to my goal weight of 120. I really have to get consistent in the gym on this.

I will be coming up on my new HJ anniversary this summer, and I did okay the past year, but I jumped around too much and being indecisive about what I really wanted out my hair.

For my 2nd year, the goals are to continue transitioning/stretching for as long as I can maintain healthy hair with limited breakage. If this becomes extremely difficult, I will go back to texlaxing, but have decided NOT to return to bonelaxed hair.

**Reach BSL by second year - June 2011
**Shortest layer reach APL by second year
**Do not skip regular trims (getting rid of bonelaxed ends)
**Keep working on edges (they've filled in, now for length)

Education goal:
**HAIR:get advanced training in haircolor; self-study product/hair chemistry
**ENGLISH: Take CELTA certificate and stop putting it off, go back to teaching English part-time

Travel more - stop looking, and do it.

Let stuff go, stop ruminating.