Get Out of Your Way.... "The Over" is Coming


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
As I was reading the Word today, these very words came into my heart.

"Get out of YOUR Way.... "The Over" is Coming"

God's word tells us that we are 'Over Comers'. We've been made 'Over Comers' by His Word, His Blood which yields to 'our' 'Testimony'.

You, I, 'we'--- can accomplish anything through the Christ Presence of our being.

All we have to do is to be conscious of God's presence within us. To be concious of Jesus Christ as our being. For it is in Him that we live and move and have our being.

Through the power of His divine presence within us, we can accomplish anything which we set our hearts to do.

Unlike the 'world', I choose to move out of my way, to correct my 'me' thinking into God's thinking. Thinking and living His word within my heart.

I will not doubt His power and His presence within me. I will not look 'back' into the void of thoughts, which say He is not 'here'. I'm moving 'me' out of my way...

... And I receive instead the 'evidence' of His powerful yet loving presence within me, for this evidence is the faith, of which I have in Him and even more, the faith that He has in me.

From now on, I'm getting out of my way, for the 'Over' is coming. The over of the trials, anxiety, struggles, challenges, and the over of fear that God is not here, with me and here 'for' me, for with me and for me... God is... always.

I'm getting out of my way, for the Over of the place, where I do not wish to be, is coming. The 'Over' is here, of the person, whom I will no longer be. For in the new me, I am not fearful, doubtful, unbelieving of the true God above and His love. That person I use to be is 'Over'.

Even when I do not feel or even 'see' the full evidence of the new me, it's all the more ... for inside of me where Jesus abides... the new me has come and is not leaving.

Each new day, I grow from Glory to Glory. I rejoice with God's Holy Spirit within me. Inch by inch, I continue to move.... out of my way. For the over of the 'old' has come and is here to stay.

Lord....... "I Believe". Whatever you say, "Lord, I believe." Your promises are true and I know what to do, when you give me each one.

When you speak to me, I know to move out of 'my' way...making for room for you, Lord Jesus, who has come to take 'Over'.

To each of you, Our Father God says, "My Beloved Child...

"Get out of your way... the 'Over' is Coming."

I love you... :love5:

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.

--Philippians 3:14
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..and from strength to strength :yep:

I enjoyed reading your exhortations... This is a very powerful Word that I receive... Amen :)

God bless

Each new day, I grow from Glory to Glory. I rejoice with God's Holy Spirit within me. Inch by inch, I continue to move.... out of my way. For the over of the 'old' has come and is here to stay.

Lord....... "I Believe". Whatever you say, "Lord, I believe." Your promises are true and I know what to do, when you give me each one.

When you speak to me, I know to move out of 'my' way...making for room for you, Lord Jesus, who has come to take 'Over'.

To each of you, Our Father God says, "My Beloved Child...

"Get out of your way... the 'Over' is Coming."

I love you... :love5:

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.

--Philippians 3:14
"Lord....... "I Believe". Whatever you say, "Lord, I believe." Your promises are true and I know what to do, when you give me each one. "

thanks for sharing Shimmie
I'm hittting my imaginary "Thank you Lord" button over and over again, reading this:yep::yep: I got one! THIS IS IT!!! (I'm not talking about the MJ movie,:lachen:). that is what is all about for me, my spiritual life is about letting the "Over" in my life. I trashed this old me, the one who was so anxious, fearfull, so full of herself, so controlling (trying to be in fact :perplexed), so sad, so worried about everything. The most difficult part of living in Jesus was to let Him take over, to lean on Him and let His will being done. Let that "Over" , the new me comes in and as you say STAY. It's in there in me, it grows and will and I'm just here to obey , follow the path and praise.

I lift my arms to receive and welcome it. There is nothing to be afraid for Jesus is by my side. He is in control, every single thing in my life, every single day He is here.