Genetics and Hair Growth (small vent)


New Member
I was just reading the thread on those blessed people that do nothing to their hair and it grows long and beautiful on its own. A lot of people commented on genetics having something to do with hair growth. I tend to not agree because my father has long (midback ponytail) nearly straight hair (probably in the 2 range somewhere). My mother has 3b hair that reaches her waist yet my brother and I both have type 4 hair (mine is mostly 4a and his is 4BBBBBBBBBBBBB). My hair has been knotty all my life and I greased it and only washed once a month when I was younger with the same collar bone length hair. WHY CAN"T MY HAIR BE LIKE MY PARENTS?????!!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!!

OK I feel better now...juist had to get that off my chest:D
it probaly is very similar - are you relaxed??

I thought I was adopted for a while but found out from stretching that my hair isn't as 4z'd as I thought it was. I was using the wrong strength relaxers and all. If I was to go natural, I would find my hair is very much like my mothers. 4a with 3c in the back. My sister is 3c/3b. daddy is 4a/4b.
I'm ....something. I stretched for 6 months thinking that maybe my hair was somewhat like my parents..ummmm NO!! I tried texlaxing at the end of August, but ended up with multi textured hair. I'll put it this hair is really pretty and springy curly when wet...once it dries I turn into a CHIA PET!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen:
My hair is not like my parents either, other than I think my hair has the same thickness of my mothers, except for the top, which is like my father's.

My hair shows much more coil/curl definition than either of theirs, and no one in my immediate family on my mother's side has hair like mine. I haven't met anyone on my dad's side with hair like mine either. It is genetics, but just not directly from my parents--obviously it's a combination from both sides of my family from other family members.
My daughter and son hair is like 3c but my hair and my SO is like 4a.
I used to wonder why our kids keep coming out with 3c hair but then I remember our family is from the west and it may be because of that.
My daughter has long hair and i really don't know why. My hair has never been as long as hers. Her hair is like BSL on her. I think my son hair is going to be that long too.
Girl, you gotta just work with what you HAVE. Stop comparing! Look in that mirror and tell yourself that you will make the BEST out of your 4a hair. If it's "knotty" make it more manageable. If it's tough, make it softer. If it's short, make it longer. That alone will give you confidence.

Dang. Looks like I need to start taking my OWN advice. LOL!
pinayprincess said:
Girl, you gotta just work with what you HAVE. Stop comparing! Look in that mirror and tell yourself that you will make the BEST out of your 4a hair.
I AGREE! :up:
Cheleigh said:
My hair is not like my parents either, other than I think my hair has the same thickness of my mothers, except for the top, which is like my father's.

My hair shows much more coil/curl definition than either of theirs, and no one in my immediate family on my mother's side has hair like mine. I haven't met anyone on my dad's side with hair like mine either. It is genetics, but just not directly from my parents--obviously it's a combination from both sides of my family from other family members.

:eek: i found my hair twin!... THATS MY HAIR?! omg..
I've noticed (not just in this thread) that a lot of people seem to think that something being "genetic" means literally that you will have x in common with your parents or siblings. That isn't true at all. It just means it's encoded in your DNA. Yes, you get your DNA from both your parents but they got theirs from their parents and they got theirs from their parents, and so on. And then there are genetic mutations and stuff. You may end up with a phenotype that isn't present in your immediate family at all but it's still genetic.
pinayprincess said:
Girl, you gotta just work with what you HAVE. Stop comparing! Look in that mirror and tell yourself that you will make the BEST out of your 4a hair. If it's "knotty" make it more manageable. If it's tough, make it softer. If it's short, make it longer. That alone will give you confidence.

Dang. Looks like I need to start taking my OWN advice. LOL!

That's it right here in a nutshell........
BlackCardinal said:
And then there are genetic mutations and stuff. You may end up with a phenotype that isn't present in your immediate family at all but it's still genetic.
This is so true. My mom and dad are probably 3c-ish and thin. I'm more 3b (with some odd wavier parts). My mom had a terrible time caring for my hair because it was different from hers and anyone else in our family. The only person that has hair comparable to mine is one of my cousin's daughters.
I truly believe that hair genetics as with every thing else skip a generation. My mother's hair is exactly like her grandmother's. My grandfather had dimples and almost all his grandkid's have dimples but only one of his kids do. etc...