GEL Users... how often do you apply (???)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I tried doing a search but couldn't find what I wanted...

How often do you apply gels to your hair during the week?
Do you apply gel to wet, damp, or dry hair?
And how often do you wash your hair?

Thanks in advance!
I rarely use gel nowadays, but when i do i usually apply it while my hair is wet. Since i hate to have product build up i dont reapply the gel daily, i just wet my hair a little daily to reactivate the gel. I always wash my hair weekly.
babyblue said:
I rarely use gel nowadays, but when i do i usually apply it while my hair is wet. Since i hate to have product build up i dont reapply the gel daily, i just wet my hair a little daily to reactivate the gel. I always wash my hair weekly.
thanks for your response. that makes sense to just re-wet your hair with water to activate the gel. I will do that instead of re-applying the gel daily to avoid buildup like u said. ;)
I use gel like 5-6 days a week, I wear my hair in a phony pony a lot. I wash everyday and clarify every 4 weeks so I don't have a problem with build up. Plus my Scurl gel doesn't make my hair hard so I don't get those white flakes in my hair. And my hair is damp when I apply gel, usually about 20 mins after I get out of the shower and it's had some time to dry a little.
Poohbear said:
I tried doing a search but couldn't find what I wanted...

How often do you apply gels to your hair during the week?
Do you apply gel to wet, damp, or dry hair?
And how often do you wash your hair?

Thanks in advance!

I apply gel maybe twice in the week if I'm keeping it on all week. If not, I rewet the hair with a leave in conditioner or water and apply a little more gel. I always apply aloe vera gel to wet hair which has been freshly shampooed and conditioned. First, I comb the hair with a large toothed comb and then I apply the gel and use a finner toothed comb and gently comb so the hair looks neat. I then gather the hair at the back, twist around and around (like when you're doing a bun) and then I hold it with a clip or similar hair tool.

However, I try to shampoo, condition at least once in the week and the reapply gel so that my hair is in good condition and not dry/matted.

I use an alcohol free, non flaking aloe vera gel.

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