gee over a year later and i don't see no progress


gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

for those that may remember me-i came here a few months after i started transitioning. its been over a year now and too be honest i don't see that much progress anymore. at first when i started taking GNC's HSN formula my hair got stronger and evened out in the back pf my head where i was having the most breakage & un even-ness. i changed to CD's HHB and even made sure to deep condition my hair

IMO it seems that my hair is growing really really slow or something is wrong-like breakage-there is 1 section of my hair that appears to be the same lenth as it was last year
. i experienced some major shedding/ breakage in january but i managed to get it to slow down or stop by using ORS products

i was looking at some old threads about vitamin usage since i ordered some PP biotin and MSM (they are having a buy 1 get 1 fee sale) and using ORS products more often. i am not sure what exactly to do. any suggestions on how to get over this hump?
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

maybe i should enclude how i wear my hair and what i put in my hair so someone could maybe point out where i am going wrong

currently i wash every 7-10 days
Optimum care super protecting shampoo/condition
ORS hair mayo-15 minutes
meduim blow dry heat for 15 minutes
either use CD's HHB or ORS carrot cream as a leave in-i apply generously for 2-3 days

on the 2nd or 3rd day i use KUZA's indian hemp grease to seal in the moisture

use wide tooth combs and finger comb hair
always wear my hair up in a pony tail in middle of head-sometimes ends tucked in sometimes not

vitamins-GNC HSN formula
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

Have you taken any pics of your hair over the year? Some of the ladies here have said they've seen no progress when indeed their hair is longer and more healthy-looking. They just can't "see" it. Since you're transitioning, the length may not show up as quickly, but it would be there if your ends are not breaking. You said your hair was breaking in January - did you figure out why?
on the 2nd or 3rd day i use KUZA's indian hemp grease to seal in the moisture

[/ QUOTE ]

Also, from what you said about your regime, it looks like you could do with more moisture. I've learned that the hair grease (or any oils) needs to be put on the hair while still wet or damp after washing, to seal in the moisture. Otherwise, it's just sitting on the dry hair and can possible contribute towards breakage.

Your thread is making me think more about getting a digital camera for pics!
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress


From the info. you gave us, might I suggest

*more frequent washing (every 7 days MAX)
*less heat(blow dryers are so evil--if you must use heat, try rollersetting or air-drying then flat ironing)
*more protective styling
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

I agree with Isis's recommendation for additional moisture. In my experience, Healthy Hair Butter acts more as a sealant that in does a moisturizer. Try something water-based (you could also mix up your own homemade spray - that's what I do) and apply it two or more times a day.

I think you should look more towards altering your styling and moisture techniques, and less towards the supplements.
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

I would suggest more frequent washing I have seen a big difference in my hair with frquent washing and adding protein to my diet.
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

hi-thanks for answering

in the winter its hard for me to wash my hair more because its TOOOOO cold and by the time i get home its so late i don't want to attempt to do it because i know i won't take care of my hair properly when i am too tired so thats why i do it only 7-10 days-and the dryer is just used cause its cold. i don't fully dry my hair but i do leave it slightly damp

also with the HHB i usually apply grease when my hair feels moist from that product and not "dry"

but thanks for the advice i will try to moisterize more and figure out another protective style to wear to protect my hair. maybe i should press my hair this week to see exactly how long it is and where i am having problems.
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

BronzeBrown said:
I agree with Isis's recommendation for additional moisture. In my experience, Healthy Hair Butter acts more as a sealant that in does a moisturizer. Try something water-based (you could also mix up your own homemade spray - that's what I do) and apply it two or more times a day.

I think you should look more towards altering your styling and moisture techniques, and less towards the supplements.

[/ QUOTE ]

is ORS carrot cream a moisterizure or its considered something else?
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

Are you natural...or do you relax your hair
This is important because of the moisture issue. Do you put anything in your hair daily or before bed ? What do you wrap your hair with at nite ? Just the simple things can make a big difference...
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

FineChyna ~

Do you work/go to school 7 days a week? If not, maybe your wash day could be that day. Or maybe, if you're indoors for work/school, you could spritz your hair with a small spritzing bottle (sally's beauty supply sells them where I live for well under $1), in combination with whichever humectants (attracting moisture) and emollients (adds to "slip" feel and can also act as sealants, e.g., castor oil or shea butter) your hair loves. That way, your hair gets fed desperately-needed moisture and will have dried significantly, if not totally, by the time you head home (with your silk-wrapped, well covered head
... see 3rd paragraph for more info).

Also, how is your diet? I found my hair took off when I started taking more protein, or specifically, fish. I know seaweed salads (I've found them at Whole Foods) are also great hair-growing foods. London Diva started an excellent thread a year or two ago about foods good for growth. If you do a search under her name combined with "food," you should be able to pull it up.

Also, are you covering your head every single time you go outside? That includes getting the mail, throwing out the garbage, leaping into your car, etc. Where I live the humidity is pretty low once the temperature plummets south of 0 degrees Farenheit. After seeing a hair-sprayed classmate's hair snap off when it was only in the 30s convinced me that the sharpness of the cold winter air is nothing to fool with.

<font color="red">Edited to add:</font> FineChyna, here's the link: Good &amp; Bad Foods for Hair Growth

Good luck! ...and please keep trying.
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

Wait it out with braids. I have been natural for 15 months and I just had a hair analysys done. My hair cuticles are still damaged and my scalp also has problems.

I've been using emu oil and jojoba oils on my scalp and that has helped a little. I think the problem is that there's still residue left from years of perming.


photo of a strand of my damaged hair
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

FineChyna said:

is ORS carrot cream a moisterizure or its considered something else?

[/ QUOTE ]

Look at the ingredients and see if water (aqua) is listed. If it isn't, then it is not a moisturizer. Probably an emollient. If water is listed but not at the beginning, then it's not a great moisturizer. In either case, if you plan on using it as your only leave-in, then make sure your hair is damp when you use it. Or spritz your hair with distilled water regularly to moisturize.
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

blacktresses said:
Are you natural...or do you relax your hair
This is important because of the moisture issue. Do you put anything in your hair daily or before bed ? What do you wrap your hair with at nite ? Just the simple things can make a big difference...

[/ QUOTE ]

i am going natural-i haven't permed my hair in over a year now. for a moisturizer i am using CD's HHB and just started using ORS carrot cream
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

Nyambura said:
FineChyna ~

Do you work/go to school 7 days a week? If not, maybe your wash day could be that day. Or maybe, if you're indoors for work/school, you could spritz your hair with a small spritzing bottle (sally's beauty supply sells them where I live for well under $1), in combination with whichever humectants (attracting moisture) and emollients (adds to "slip" feel and can also act as sealants, e.g., castor oil or shea butter) your hair loves. That way, your hair gets fed desperately-needed moisture and will have dried significantly, if not totally, by the time you head home (with your silk-wrapped, well covered head
... see 3rd paragraph for more info).

Also, how is your diet? I found my hair took off when I started taking more protein, or specifically, fish. I know seaweed salads (I've found them at Whole Foods) are also great hair-growing foods. London Diva started an excellent thread a year or two ago about foods good for growth. If you do a search under her name combined with "food," you should be able to pull it up.

Also, are you covering your head every single time you go outside? That includes getting the mail, throwing out the garbage, leaping into your car, etc. Where I live the humidity is pretty low once the temperature plummets south of 0 degrees Farenheit. After seeing a hair-sprayed classmate's hair snap off when it was only in the 30s convinced me that the sharpness of the cold winter air is nothing to fool with.

<font color="red">Edited to add:</font> FineChyna, here's the link: Good &amp; Bad Foods for Hair Growth

Good luck! ...and please keep trying.

[/ QUOTE ]

thanks for the helpful reply-yes i am either at work or in school almost every day of the week. saturday is usually my day off but i usually have to do errands that day. i will admit my diet isn't great but i am still working on it. and no i don't cover my head every time i go out-i didn't realize i should do that

usually before i go to bed i put some CD's HHB or more recently ORS carrot creme(lawd that stuff stinks
) and braid up my hair in 2 pony tails and then throw a scarf on top. i also have satin pillows for when my scrap slips off in the night. usually when i am at home all day (which is a rarity) i leave the scarf on all day. but never when i go outside. thanks for the link
Re: gee over a year later and i don\'t see no progress

I also agree with increase washing. A conditioner wash in the shower takes about 10 min tops and you're ready to go.