
Well-Known Member
I have been taking garlic tablets 5000mg for several months now. I have not taken them in 2 days and just washed my hair and had an EXCESSIVE amount of shedding- clogged plughole. The only thing that I did different to my hair was to apply some Curls curl creme to my hair. Is it possible to have excessive shedding from only 2 days of not taking the garlic tabs? Has this happened to anyone? I am natural and use OCT every couple days. Prior to taking the garlic I did have extra shedding from the OCT but it had stopped.
My mother shed's a lot. I just gave my mother garlic tablets and deep conditioned her hair with MT. So I am looking forward to seeing how her hair will react.
idk but I imagine its quite possible , if your body got used to something ,then its stopped ........I guess in these instances its best to taper down