Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Random vent, sorry.


Active Member
Men are stupid :( But anyway...

My ex and I haven't been together nor seen each other since mid-June of 2008. He's been distraught, I haven't. I can honestly say that I was good to him, gave him everything he wanted, and was hardly ever insecure, even when I should have been. He was very abusive to me, was a flirt, yet he's the one that broke up with me. I was down for a bit but picked myself up soon after and have been a much stronger person ever since. I can't say the same for him however. He's very feeble! He cried so much to me over the phone and was always begging me back. I always told him no. He hurt me in the past so many times, and I had been drifting from him for such a long time that it was preposterous to even consider going back to him. Well, one night, he calls me crying and inebriated saying that he's going to slit his wrists (his feebleness again). He gave me 2 choices. Don't call anyone and listen to him actually do it, or call someone and he would've done it by the time I called him back. I know my ex. He's idiotic, but this was over the edge. I don't have time for that Smokey Bear-like advice, "Calm your friend down, talk to him, try and change his mind." How am I supposed to do that over the phone? I'm only a voice. So I called 911. He snapped out of it, all scared and everything. Cops found him within 20-30 minutes. They spoke to him, then they sent him to a ward, but they found he didn't do anything so they sent him home. I've promised I won't tell anyone in his family or anything because he said it was when he was at his weakest. This was sometime in August by the way.

Today I get an upset text from him, the first one saying to stop worrying for him, the second one saying this (I edited/spell checked it 'cause lawd knows his grammar can use a boost): "I know you don't love me because if you did you would never have thought of calling the police on me. Not even a friend would have. I'll let you be because you killed the love I had for you. I don't see you in that way, or as a friend."

Last time I checked, friends help friends. He's very lucky I even bothered to pick up the phone that night. They took him to the ward and actually medicated him. He was scared because he didn't know what they gave him, but he was normal while under the influence of the medications. Once they wore off he went back to crazy. He's 28, turning 29 next month. He behaves like he's 5 though :S

The whole thing has left me thinking, "He can't be serious?" Anything can happen when someone's drunk. And he called me stupid for getting him help? Maybe I'm missing something...
You ain't missing nothing. They cry because they are abusers and are manipulating you to get what they want. Glad you didn't give it to him! Call his family and tell them how stupid he is. He just threw a temper tantrum because you weren't going to let him back in to your life to abuse you. What a moron! Next time he calls to threaten his life, ask him where the funeral will be cuz you'll go to support the family. What a jerk! Honestly, you did the right thing. But seriously, calling the cops and not provoking him was the right thing to do. But at times, you just wanna give them a gun and let them shoot themselves lolol :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
My ex and I haven't been together nor seen each other since mid-June of 2008. He's been distraught, I haven't. I can honestly say that I was good to him, gave him everything he wanted, and was hardly ever insecure, even when I should have been. He was very abusive to me, was a flirt, yet he's the one that broke up with me. I was down for a bit but picked myself up soon after and have been a much stronger person ever since. I can't say the same for him however.

This is RIGHT on time My ex-Fiance and I broke up since june and been together 4 years! He is trying everything to get me back! He was so verbally and physically abusive I had to Literally Pray him Away and God answered my prayers! My heart goes to you! I know, and understand what you are going through! I am here at that place now! Just remember stay strong and do not fall back b/c with people like that they get worse instead of better!
You ain't missing nothing. They cry because they are abusers and are manipulating you to get what they want. Glad you didn't give it to him! Call his family and tell them how stupid he is. He just threw a temper tantrum because you weren't going to let him back in to your life to abuse you. What a moron! Next time he calls to threaten his life, ask him where the funeral will be cuz you'll go to support the family. What a jerk! Honestly, you did the right thing. But seriously, calling the cops and not provoking him was the right thing to do. But at times, you just wanna give them a gun and let them shoot themselves lolol :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

So, Right on time!:yep:
You ain't missing nothing. They cry because they are abusers and are manipulating you to get what they want. Glad you didn't give it to him! Call his family and tell them how stupid he is. He just threw a temper tantrum because you weren't going to let him back in to your life to abuse you. What a moron! Next time he calls to threaten his life, ask him where the funeral will be cuz you'll go to support the family. What a jerk! Honestly, you did the right thing. But seriously, calling the cops and not provoking him was the right thing to do. But at times, you just wanna give them a gun and let them shoot themselves lolol :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

OMG! lol. I can't imagine.... haha.

He used to threaten to tell my family that we were living together (they didn't know). It's amazing how the tables have turned. He tries to threaten me still, and I give it right back to him. I tell him I'll tell his sister. She's already not talking to him because of the situation so imagine? He shuts up and gives me Saint-status :pray: :lachen:
Dang girl, what you do to him? I know this is serious but it so funny! You call the cops on him, they omit him, drug him up, then he was "normal?":lachen: You are a good friend! It happens.
lol. I didn't do anything. He treated me like I was scum. And when I was gone, he "saw the light." I wasn't having any of that so he's been irate ever since.

After the drugs he wasn't sad, nor happy. He had no emotions really. He was just "there." On his check-out paper it said, "Medications? None." lol.
Why are you still talking to him or why did you entertain his calls when you were finished with him? I am sure it is an ego boost, but if you were truly finished then he wouldn't have even gotten that far to threaten suicide.
Why are you still talking to him or why did you entertain his calls when you were finished with him? I am sure it is an ego boost, but if you were truly finished then he wouldn't have even gotten that far to threaten suicide.

Exactly! It's all one big manipulative game he's playing. By you continuing contact with him, of any kind, this only allows him a way to needle his way back in your life slowly.

I think you did the right thing. Actually I know you did. If you had coddled him he would just keep coming back to you and he'd bring mess and drama back in your life. It's not easy to cut them off, I understand that, but sometimes it just has to be done.

Good for you though in realizing 1-he needed to go and 2-a bully will bully you only if you let them.