FYI: New Book on Being a Pastor's Wife


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Havent' read the book. Just saw this article....

THE LIFE AND ROLE OF A PASTOR'S WIFE: New book unleashes the truth about being a pastor's wife.

Candie A. Price, a pastor's wife of seventeen years, explores the angst and ambiguity surrounding the role and expectations of the pastor's wife in her new book, First Lady: The Real Truth, A Practical Approach to an Ambiguous Role.

Price, whose husband, Rev. Arthur Price, Jr., currently pastors the historic Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL, provides insights from a personal and biblical perspective in this candid and transparent book about the lives of pastor's and minister's wives.

Price's life changed forever when her husband accepted the call to go into full-time ministry over fifteen years ago. "I was waiting for someone to say, "Baby, this is what you need to do...this is what you should prepare for. But no one ever did. Many women don't know what to expect when their husbands are called into ministry. What does this mean for her? What should she prepare for? This book will help her answer those questions," says Price.

She offers biblical responses to many issues relevant to the pastor's/minister's wives' lifestyle, including but not limited to

* What is God's purpose for your life as a pastor's/minister's wife?
* How do you balance church and home?
* How do you deal with the man of God when he is in sin?
* Do you have to be involved in the ministry to be an effective pastor's/minister's wife?
* How do you handle loneliness?

The Prices have served in two congregations and have approximately fifteen years full-time ministry experience. "It is my desire that everyone that reads this book will come away with a greater understanding of the commitment and sacrifices that it takes to serve God's people. In all reality this is not just a book for pastor's and their wives, but it can also serve as a guide for everyone already involved or attempting to be involved in church leadership."

First Lady: The Real Truth is available online via or through Faith By Hearing Publishing Group, P. O. Box 1994, Birmingham, AL 35202