FYI more room in fotki

Kurly K

New Member
i kno i posted bfore about running out of space and i got great responses and learned i could request more space....well today i just learned you can get more space by deleting the originals.....this will not delete ur fotos just the originals i dont kno what that means but ur pics r still thr and it frees up all of ur space basically. i take pics almost everyday so i ran out of space and now i have plenty.......instructions: go into ur album and on the left hand side near the bottom of the menu is delete all originals click there and do so :grin: with that i added new pics product album coming sooon
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Hi, thanks for sharing that. It is helpful.

I think I just reached my limit of requested space.
I can no longer get to the my settings page that allows me to request additional space. I think I hit the max amount.
Thanks for the info, I just got the no more space notice and I didnt want to pay for the premium one. It worked and now I have plenty of room.
No one should ever run out of room in their fotki album.

Here are my stats:

Account Statistics
Total folders: 12
Total albums: 50
Total photos: 761

Account Size: 82.7 MB (170 MB max, 48.66% used)

761 photos ladies!! I do not hold onto originals and i make sure i edit my photos before uploading them so they take as little space (while maintaining as much quality) as possible.

i also request the additional space every 30 days.

Please do not upload photos directly from your camera without resizing/resampling first or you will most certainly run out of space with the quickness.
I did this last nite and have a CRAZY amount of space left. Like 83% available and I can still request more space if needed.