Funny Story


New Member
I think it's funny.
I died laughing.
Please do not get offended because no one involved in the situation was.

XYZ: has mostly natural hair that she constantly flat irons and I've been trying to get her to lay off the heat and incorporate healthy hair habits because in the 7-8 years that I have known her, she has not gained one inch in length.
So XYZ wears her hair in a braid-out with her texture finally being displayed. It looks nice...not perfect but really cute. When I saw her, I said, "You go girl! Finally some texture!"

My co-worker (we always share any juice or vent to each other) comes into my office and says, "Is XYZ stressed or something? Is she overwhelmed or something? What is going on?" She was really worried.
I looked at her funny and said, "No...why do you ask?"
She says, "Well her hair is sticking out" and makes gestures illustrating big hair and pulling of hair.
I was like, "Noooooo, that's a style. It's called a braid-out."
She looks at me like "what the?????"
I start chuckling cause she's seen my hair in twist-outs and braid-outs and thought it was cute. Most of my co-workers are fascinated by my hair when I wear it out. They are used to my twists.
I explained to her that you braid the hair, let it set, and then unbraid it.
She said, "But her hair is usually more ??? and..." while making downward motions with her hands.
I said,"Yeah because it was straight! She's been flat ironing it and frying it to death. I finally talked her out of frying her hair all the time."
So she says, "I've only seen it (I assume black girl hair) like *straight hair hand gesture* and yours."
I say that's her hair and just started laughing really hard. I just kept shaking my head and saying, "You are so white. Go away white girl."

It just really hit me and reaffirmed my earlier opinion that most Anglo people assume that our hair grows out of our heads straight. I guess my co-workers just accept my hair as me and don't think that others have the same kind of hair. Although, I really don't understand that. There are 3 other naturals (1 wears an afro, 1 wears locks, 1 wears an afro puff). But then 2 of the 3 are also fascinated with the different ways I wear my hair and it's health.
That is a funny story and I also believe you are right that some caucasians don't know how our hair looks in it's natural state.
lol I know I shouldn't be but I really am surprised at how many people don't know our hair doesn't grow straight
Most of them choose to ignore logic even though its slapping them in their damn face. They can't get past their preconceived notions of "black hair".
I think it's just plain ignorance, and you can't blame a person for their ignorance, the best you can do is try to educate them. My college roommate was white, and she was deeply fascinated by the stuff I did to my hair...relaxing, roller-setting...I think that's pretty much all I did back then.
That is a funny story.....My bff had no clue either ....when I went natural she was like well how did you make it go from straight to curly...because she would have to get a curly perm to have curls.....

Most just don't know...they don't mean to be offensive.....She was not educated on my hair...just as I was not educated on hers...there was really no reason for either of us to be honestly...When we know better we speak and do better

I loved that story!!
Heck a lot of black people don't know any better either! The #1 question I get as a natural is "How do you get your hair like that?"