Funny Story


Well-Known Member
I was talking to a lady at work that I knew before I went on maternity leave, but not very well. She was complimenting me on my hair (I was wearing a puff) and then she went on to tell me about a girl on another floor that wore her hair natural and had it in twists with little curls at the end and how cute it was.

I was so excited and said that I wore my hair like that too. I asked her if she knew the girl's name and where she worked. I have never seen anyone else with twists (that weren't kinky twists) in real life.

The lady said she couldn't remember her name, but started to describe where she had seen her, etc. After she spoke for awhile I figured out that the girl she was talking about me

I had been working on a different floor as part of orientation and I didn't have my glasses on so it threw her off lol. I would've been so disappointed if it weren't so funny.
What was her reaction when you told her it was you she was talking about?

I am sure you two laughed about it.
What was her reaction when you told her it was you she was talking about?

I am sure you two laughed about it.

We did, but I spent about 5 more minute convincing her that was actually me she talked to. I described what she was wearing and she finally went "doh!" :blush:

There are so many people where I work, it can really get confusing. All of the blonds really get me confused lol.