@s_terry I share this response with all due respect.
I think you are settling in a major way. This man, as he is described, is like a shell; barely a man worthy of marriage. He is a broken, bruised person grasping at what is probably his last chance to secure his future with someone who can financially help him. He is like the very home that he is competitively maintaining. Just as he can't afford his home, he can't afford the life that you
need; let's not even talk about your wants. Like the home, the man may look good on the outside, but if you look below the surface there are cracks and other damages that require too large an investment to repair.
You didn't work your whole life, buy your dream house, and build this career to repair a man who has very little interest in rebuilding his foundation. Had that been the case, he would have taken action to correct his wrongs well before meeting you.
If bad financial decisions were his only vice, then maybe there would be room to get him help via a financial advisor and some strategic investments. However. it sounds as if alcoholism is a part of his lineage. It will envelope your life, and any children you may eventually wish to have. Additionally you have gotten indirect warnings that he is simply a person that makes bad decisions. What foundation does this man have to stand on, is that foundation strong enough to hold you up?
What if (God forbid) you fall ill and need a spouse who can cover you? What can he do for you?
You deserve something solid. Unless you are just looking for an empty shell in which you will provide all the sustenance and resources needed to carry you through your middle ages and elder years. I think you want more for yourself.