Full Silk Elements line DISCONTINUED!


Well-Known Member
...in the UK (US'ers breathe a sigh of relief)...

But i'm NOT happy at all, i finally found a moisturiser that works in my hair, a product that i don't need to mix with another to work to hear its being discontinued, megasilk leave in to be precise. A few weeks ago i went in a sallys store and found that half the SE line was in clearance, but now they have stepped it up, i went on the uk sallys website recently and found the whole line was 75% off, i couldn't believe my eyes... £0.61p for a jar of relaxer.
So i called up customer services and they confirmed the whole line was being discontinued due to shortages in the US and it being increasingly difficult to source SOME of the range, they felt that because they could not source SOME of the range it is best to cut its ties and discontinue the FULL line. I mean come-on how hard is it for them to get hold of it, especially as it's their OWN brand, Sallys UK, Sallys US its the same damn company. Also if they couldn't source SOME of the product line why should the FULL line suffer, i'm so sad. I felt so strongly that this is what tipped me over to finally pay the £4.40 (lol) to subscribe so i could rant and share the news, any uk'ers be sure to order now as it has already been REMOVED from some stores and at those prices i don't think it will last long, i ordered a few items but money is tight so couldn't order as much as i wanted, here's the link....... http://www.sallyexpress.com/search.aspx?q=silk+elements

Oh yeah you US'ers should be weary you could be next, who would put it past them to discontinue it completely. :sad:

Oh by the way let me end this post on a hi, since its my first post... hi :wave:... i'm new here (Sorry for my profile being blank, i will update in due time)
Welcome to the board and I am sorry to hear about your moisturizer being discontinued. I do hope that you find something else that works just as well.
Yes, Welcome! And I know how you feel. I posted on here just yesterday about a Aussie Slip Detangler being discontinued approximately 7 years ago. I'm still pissed about it.
Thank you for your replies and welcomes... i should probably just get over it but anyhow that rant made me feel better. @ NIN4eva lol 7 years - i'm hoping it won't take me that long
...in the UK (US'ers breathe a sigh of relief)...

But i'm NOT happy at all, i finally found a moisturiser that works in my hair, a product that i don't need to mix with another to work to hear its being discontinued, megasilk leave in to be precise. A few weeks ago i went in a sallys store and found that half the SE line was in clearance, but now they have stepped it up, i went on the uk sallys website recently and found the whole line was 75% off, i couldn't believe my eyes... £0.61p for a jar of relaxer.
So i called up customer services and they confirmed the whole line was being discontinued due to shortages in the US and it being increasingly difficult to source SOME of the range, they felt that because they could not source SOME of the range it is best to cut its ties and discontinue the FULL line. I mean come-on how hard is it for them to get hold of it, especially as it's their OWN brand, Sallys UK, Sallys US its the same damn company. Also if they couldn't source SOME of the product line why should the FULL line suffer, i'm so sad. I felt so strongly that this is what tipped me over to finally pay the £4.40 (lol) to subscribe so i could rant and share the news, any uk'ers be sure to order now as it has already been REMOVED from some stores and at those prices i don't think it will last long, i ordered a few items but money is tight so couldn't order as much as i wanted, here's the link....... http://www.sallyexpress.com/search.aspx?q=silk+elements

Oh yeah you US'ers should be weary you could be next, who would put it past them to discontinue it completely. :sad:

Oh by the way let me end this post on a hi, since its my first post... hi :wave:... i'm new here (Sorry for my profile being blank, i will update in due time)

NOOOOO! I just started using their DC and I love it :lick: and Sally's go and do this to me. Well, I guess it's back to Pantene R&N DC.

BTW, :hiya: There's some links in my siggy that you may find useful.

Should this come to pass in the U.S. I will personally buy out the entire stock of MegaSilk Moisturizing Treatment.

I'm so serious.

Thanks for the heads up.
Whew! Girl you scared me! I thought you meant they were discontinuing it everywhere! I hope you find a way to still receive the products though
Ooooh! I was researching Silk Elements because I saw it discounted at Sally's yesterday, I thought it was because they were repackaging or reformulating or something.

I don't like buying things just because they're discounted, I'll research it first before I part with my money.

Sheesh, maybe I should buy now to save later? :ohwell:
go to sallys website and get it tey still sell it where i live and when i asked about them discontinuing the line the sales clerk said they make way to much money in some regions to discontinue!
OK, so I bought one of each in the leave in, mayo and cholestorol and used them. Oh my goodness! I'm in love. And I'm kicking myself for not being on to this sooner.

My hair feels so LOVELY today, soft, strong and silky! I don't think I've been so happy with a product for such a long time.

I guess I have to go back to the stores and buy up the rest!

I'm disappointed with Sally's for discontinuing this line... it's hard enough as it is getting great products for afro hair in mainstream shops!
:lick:yea thats my sh*t i started a thread on it recently my staple leave in, i went to stock up at sallys last weekend were they are currently on sale:fat: love it