Frustrated! Who Knew Growing your Hair Would Take So Long!!


Nubian Girl
**RANT** ------> Help needed:(

I have been a member of this forum since Nov 2004. Ever since then... I have added vitamins to my daily regimen, I do regular CO washes, and layed off the heat for longer periods of time. The only things I can think of that would probably help my hair would be to cover it up at night ( I know spank::spank::) and wear more protective styles. Well from my Jan pic to my present pic (update pics later today!) there is a noticeable difference. My hair is longer, and thicker but not where I think I should be at this present time. Am I dreamin or should I at least be at APL? But I guess when I began my hair journey...I had heat damage...scraggly ends, over & under processed parts of my hair, and didn't moisturize properly.

I feel like my hair is in slump and I'm trying to push over the hill. I'm at a loss at what to do next. Should I add more vits? more protective styles ( I hate ponytails but they save me most of the time)? Eat more of certain kinds of food for growth? Ladies I want beautiful BSL length for my college the Spring of 2007. Can you help me reach my goals?
Apart from length, have you noticed any improvements to your hair? Your hair looks good to me. I joined at the same time and although my hair isn't much longer than before, I have more quality length than before joining the boards.
Your hair looks great! You've come a long way. Dont discount any of your progress. Think of your hair's status as you would temperature on a thermometer. You were in the negative before and now you are above zero. From here you will only go up.
hey vickkie...

you mentioned your hair is much longer and thicker now....and that's a good thing-that's progress!!!!!!!!!so you are doing something right...i would say patience is the key here....i hope you will reach brastrap length for your graduation.. but if you hair is not brastrap length by that time, just focus on how far you have come with your hair and how healthy it

take care...