Frustrated!! Salon Visit... Pic


Active Member
I went to the Dominican Salon today and I she cut my hair. I am not sure how much she actually cut but I know I had more hair than this:ohwell:. Anyways, I vow to stay out of salons for at least a year. I cant believe the set back. So here is my starting point again. Why is it that when my hair grows its so uneven? When I finally go to the salon I need a trim. They have to cut sooo much off just to make it even. How do I avoid this? SHould I trim regularly so that they dont cut so much at 1 time.

I dont know.... How are you ladies retaining the growth you achieve?
Dawg gone it!! All that hard work and I am worse off than I was last year this time.:sad:

The first pic was taken 5/07 and the second pic was taken today.
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I'm sorry this happened to you!

You answered your own question. Dont go into a salon or if you do dont let them get near you with scissors. PERIOD. No matter how they beg b/c they probably will. Your ends are bad, your hair needs to be evened up, blah blah blah.......
Oh girl, why did you let them cut that much off? Well you can't cry over spilt milk. I would do protective styles and hide my hair for a couple of months, while doing scalp massages every night religously. You'll be back where you were in no time, and I would suggest learning how to trim your hair yourself, that way you are in control of your hair.
I'm sorry this happened to you!

You answered your own question. Dont go into a salon or if you do dont let them get near you with scissors. PERIOD. No matter how they beg b/c they probably will. Your ends are bad, your hair needs to be evened up, blah blah blah.......

I know, I knew better. My sister was in town and wanted to go and she wanted me to go with her. Her treat.. I should have just said NO. Never again..
Girl I have been there! Even with my long time stylist, you just want what I call a mini trim (not a full even up)...just clean up the ends...and you get layers and a cute... Cute, but not what you wanted.

I always have a mirror when I'm getting a trim. Like uh uh... I'mma need the mirror before you take out the scissors. Just so you don't get out of hand...LOL! I've got them scared.
I would def. not return to that stylist either. You are not alone- my hair grows uneven and I am refusing to cut until I'm BSL- no matter what. I agree with the other ladies: hth, co-wash, and do what you know to get your length again. Your thickness is lovely!
Don't be defeated sweetie. You can even join the no trim for a year challenge.
It will grow back and surpass the past length for sure :yep:!
Thanks for the support ladies. I will join the NO trim challege. I joined the cowash daily challenge earlier but I probably wont start until next week. Any suggestions on how to grow evenly?
I know you are mad she cut your progress, I would be too, but your ends look so nice and full now. I like it:yep:
I'm sorry this happened to you!

You answered your own question. Dont go into a salon or if you do dont let them get near you with scissors. PERIOD. No matter how they beg b/c they probably will. Your ends are bad, your hair needs to be evened up, blah blah blah.......

I so agree...
I'm sorry this happened to you- I've been there as well:Rose:. This is why I bought a good pair of cutting shears and do it myself. My trim is not always "perfect", but it's good enough to keep my ends in good shape and keep my progress coming. Perhaps after I meet my goal, I'll go in to have a professional cut it - but then again I doubt it, because unfortunately most of the stylists I've encountered are just too scissor happy:nono:.
Your ends did not even look bad, your hair is just growing in uneven. No one would even notice if its styled with nice curls or in an updo. From what I've heard from the ladies who have grown to bsl and beyond, the other hair will eventually catch up, you just have to be patient. I would not be scared to go to the salon, but I would be scared to let someone come near me with scissors, especially since your hair grows unevenly--for some reason that just drives hairstylists crazy. She had no business cutting that much of your hair off.
I went to the Dominican Salon today and I she cut my hair. I am not sure how much she actually cut but I know I had more hair than this:ohwell:. Anyways, I vow to stay out of salons for at least a year. I cant believe the set back. So here is my starting point again. Why is it that when my hair grows its so uneven? When I finally go to the salon I need a trim. They have to cut sooo much off just to make it even. How do I avoid this? SHould I trim regularly so that they dont cut so much at 1 time.

I dont know.... How are you ladies retaining the growth you achieve?
Dawg gone it!! All that hard work and I am worse off than I was last year this time.:sad:

The first pic was taken 5/07 and the second pic was taken today.
View attachment 11865View attachment 11867
Sorry, about the set back. Your hair looks very healthy though. Don't worry it will be back in no time. You are obviously taking good care of it.:grin:
Have you ever thought about doing mini trims yourself? You are at a good starting point to begin doing this because your ends all even. All you have to do is buy some quality shears from beauty store and do little trims every 3 months or so. I have done this. My trimming technique is to section hair as if I am doing roller set ( I will actually rollerset my hair as I trim.) As I comb the hair straight I check the ends and snip the very ends only snipping what I feel comfortable with. I then proceed to set hair section with roller and move on. You should be able to see where the majority of the ends meet to decide where to cut. This is just a suggestion. You can find other techniques using the search engine or google search. I have read here that dry trimming is better than wet trimming. HTH :drunk:
Have you ever thought about doing mini trims yourself? You are at a good starting point to begin doing this because your ends all even. All you have to do is buy some quality shears from beauty store and do little trims every 3 months or so. I have done this. My trimming technique is to section hair as if I am doing roller set ( I will actually rollerset my hair as I trim.) As I comb the hair straight I check the ends and snip the very ends only snipping what I feel comfortable with. I then proceed to set hair section with roller and move on. You should be able to see where the majority of the ends meet to decide where to cut. This is just a suggestion. You can find other techniques using the search engine or google search. I have read here that dry trimming is better than wet trimming. HTH :drunk:

Thanks for the tip. I think I will give that a try. It sounds pretty easy. I need to get some shears.
Looking at your first pic if you asked for it to be evened up she had to cut the hair to finish somewhere between 3 and 3.5 inches on your shirt. Don't feel bad, your ends look awesome now. Just protect your ends and next time don't even it up until you're past your goal
Your hair and ends look great, sorry to hear how it all went down. Now you're armed with some tips from these great ladies. So invest in a pair of shears and use them for NOTHING but your hair only. It will be okay :)
Thanks for the love ladies. I am feeling much better today. It was really hard styling with all the different lengths anyway. Now I have a fresh new start :yep:.
I thought there were enough posts on this board to let people know to NEVER let the dominicans cut your hair EVER.

This has happened a 1000 too many times.
:eek: She cut off waaaay more than necessary!!!

Well, a plus is that your ends look great ad your hair looks healthy :yep: What's done is done, now it's time to move forward. Try using a growth aid and wear protective styles, if you like baggying, do that too. You'll get your length back, try not to stress :grouphug:
I went to the Dominican Salon today and I she cut my hair. I am not sure how much she actually cut but I know I had more hair than this:ohwell:. Anyways, I vow to stay out of salons for at least a year. I cant believe the set back. So here is my starting point again. Why is it that when my hair grows its so uneven? When I finally go to the salon I need a trim. They have to cut sooo much off just to make it even. How do I avoid this? SHould I trim regularly so that they dont cut so much at 1 time.

I dont know.... How are you ladies retaining the growth you achieve?
Dawg gone it!! All that hard work and I am worse off than I was last year this time.:sad:

The first pic was taken 5/07 and the second pic was taken today.
View attachment 11865View attachment 11867

Before I came to LHCF, I'd always have some cutting set back whenever I felt my hair was growing. It took about 3 times of that happening before I was able to have control over when and where my hair gets cut.
Your hair looks great but more was definitely cut off than necessary. You really have to be on them and watch every snip. I am very specific about how much I want cut. Next time, be very straight about it.

Don't worry though. Hair grows!
I must be a true control freak, because when the scissors come out, I turn my chair around and hold up another mirror so I can see what's going on - every snip and cut:yep::yep:. I make sure I say TRIM, don't give me a new style.

And it's not just Dominican Salons - some stylist period are scissor happy.
Your ends did not even look bad, your hair is just growing in uneven. No one would even notice if its styled with nice curls or in an updo. From what I've heard from the ladies who have grown to bsl and beyond, the other hair will eventually catch up, you just have to be patient. I would not be scared to go to the salon, but I would be scared to let someone come near me with scissors, especially since your hair grows unevenly--for some reason that just drives hairstylists crazy. She had no business cutting that much of your hair off.

I totally agree with the bolded. You can make your ends "pretty" when you reach your goal. I stayed at shoulder length for so many years because my stylist always kept evening up my hair. It just doesn't grow even.
I went to the Dominican Salon today and I she cut my hair. I am not sure how much she actually cut but I know I had more hair than this:ohwell:. Anyways, I vow to stay out of salons for at least a year. I cant believe the set back. So here is my starting point again. Why is it that when my hair grows its so uneven? When I finally go to the salon I need a trim. They have to cut sooo much off just to make it even. How do I avoid this? SHould I trim regularly so that they dont cut so much at 1 time.

I dont know.... How are you ladies retaining the growth you achieve?
Dawg gone it!! All that hard work and I am worse off than I was last year this time.:sad:

The first pic was taken 5/07 and the second pic was taken today.
View attachment 11865View attachment 11867

Awww man that sucks! The last thing you want is a setback by someone elses hands. You didnt feel them getting too scissor happy? You should have stopped her and asked her for the mirror. I really dont know what to do to retain the growth as I am fairly new to this site but the ladies here knows about hair. I am sure they will give u some great advice, and before you know it you will get your length back and maybe even longer as an added bonus.
Don't be discouraged. It's sad how some stylists take advantage when you let them trim. The good news is that we are approaching summer when most of us will have growth spurts. Your hair is still a nice length. Just try to enjoy how healthy it looks. I trimmed at the end of January and I was shocked at how fast my hair grew back. I've actually been going to generic chain hair cutting places for my trims and haircuts, and I've been very pleased. I think that stylists start feeling like they have free reign over your hair and can do what they want once they get to know you. Strangers seem more apt to listen to what you want, and they are cheaper.