Frustrated And Getting Desperate With My Hair

@Meira I've developed the bubble splits in the last few years as well. From everyone's comments I think mine were caused by the comb I've been using. I actually had a large mason Pearson and a small one but lost my large one a few years ago and was using an old plastic comb. I thought maybe it was my poor diet contributing to weaker hair that developed those splits but I don't know. I haven't used heat at all this time around being natural and have only blow dried on cool a few times in the last 3 years. Since your post I've decided to finger detangle and maybe I'll by another large seamless comb. Last weekend I tried pre-pooing with safflower oil and conditioner and my hair wasn't hard to detangle at all. Thanks to all you ladies who replied!
This is a helpful thread. What about frequent steaming during deep conditioning. Can that cause bubbles?
I've been lurking on this forum for almost 7 years. 5 years ago I decided to go natural because I was encouraged by all the beautiful coils & self acceptance that seemed to bloom that came with the process. The first few years were great.

My hair type is a mix of 4a/4B, though heavily favoring the 4B texture. My ends coil when washed but from the scalp to about 3" from the ends is just a frizzy mess.

But for the past 2 years I have been struggling non-stop with split ends! However they are not "True" split ends.. they are the type where my hair has bubble "holes" in the shaft. I have seen up to 7 of the bubble holes on one strand of hair! I do not know where they come from. I do NOT use heat, except for once a year at most.
7-8 months out of the year I will protective style with wigs just so I don't get depressed about my hair. I flat twist it away and hope it will recover somehow. When I'm not in wigs, I DC 3x a week, I cowash, and detangle with a denman and wide-tooth comb. I will go crazy with protein, and then I will switch to heavy moisture. Nothing stops them. I continually trim and trim and trim and sacrifice my desire for length. I am barely APL now; however I feel like I need to do a mini BC and start over. But my fear is that the bubble splits will re-appear and my hair will just keep getting shorter and shorter.

Has anyone else have this issue? How did you fix it?