Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long vent)


Genius never dies!
Ladies, a picture says a thousand words. I was going through some photo albums and came across some pics that I had taken with my father last Christmas. I was immediately struck by how gorgeous my hair was. Upon reflection, I realized that I had not yet embarked on my hair journey. My hair looked so healthy. It was long. My hair looked at APL, perhaps 1/2 inch longer. I was shocked! :eek: I didn't even realize how long my hair was, much less how healthy it looked. I sat and stared at the pic for about 10 minutes. I was under the dryer after just having washed, deep conditioned for 30 minutes using my heating cap, and rollerset my hair.

I began to wonder: am I doing all this work to my hair for nothing? My hair was already long and healthy this time last year. I used heat. I wore my hair down probably 90% of the time. Last year when I had long and healthy hair, I did not deep condition very often, did not take supplements/vitamins for my hair, did not use or know anything about Dominican products, and did not wear protective styles. And yet, I'm doing all these things right now, and again, my hair is limp, lifeless, and actually looks shorter rather than longer and has less body and life than it did last year when I wasn't putting this much effort into my hair. Even with the scaled down regimen, where I'm only using one product line (AVEDA) and leaving my hair alone by wearing protective styles 5 days a week, my hair is no more healthier or longer than it was last Christmas.:sad:

So the question is: is all this work I'm doing to get my hair healthy and long worth it? Sure, there have been some very helpful tips like stretching relaxers, staying away from heat, and wearing protective styles, drinking water and taking a good multi. But I am getting very discouraged because I do not see how incorporating all these hair tips is really helping my hair any more than it did last year when I was already APL.

I guess I'm discouraged and frustrated. I wonder if doing all this hair stuff is for naught.:nono:

Anybody else feel me?
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I sometimes ask myself the same question :look:

When I didnt put much of an emphasis on hair care, my hair THRIVED!!! Once I began jumping on bandwagons and becoming a bonafied PJ, my hair health plummeted :look:

However, I now know the balance and my hair is in good conditiion. Now, If only I can curb this breakage/shedding. :lol:

I also think, because we are somewhat 'obsessed' with wanting our hair to grow, and we are always 'watching' our hair, it seems to take a bit longer to achieve our goals. Just hang in there, you will get there :)
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I feel you on this..

I was thinking the same thing this weekend.

Since I have been "taking care of my hair"

I dont really see much of a difference .. and sometimes I feel like my hair was way better off.

and I never wore my hair up, used heat at least every other day ..

and it looked good .. :lol:

I will be the first to tell you I have jumped on many bandwagons, tried many a products, and I have gotten alot of good advice and habits from the forum. But I think its in my best interest to Keep It Simple .. I just Wash, Protien, Moisture weekly.

The last task Im going to take on it rollersetting weekly for a few months .

But I could just be in my Im 10 weeks post depression LOL
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

AWWWWWW Serenity Peace - I feel you on this one. :sad:
Some may call it "Monday Morning Blues" but what you are feeling is real. However, when I start feeling frustrated and discouraged I start thinking about how taking care of my hair is really taking care of the "whole me".
All that water you are drinking, taking those multi vitamins. Sure, they may have started out for your hair but they provide goodness for your entire body. Your internal organs are loving being hydrated and getting that extra umph from that vitamin.

Plus, there is the sisterhood that you have with the hundreds of women who want to know what YOUR secret is. A lot of us haven't gotten to APL yet and are lovin' you hair and your hair advice. So don't feel discouraged.

You have beautiful hair and a wealth of knowledge about good haircare.
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

Sounds like you need a break, Serenity_Peace. Keep looking after your hair, taking your vits, but wear your hair out for a week or two. I'm sure it looks great and when you get lots of positive comments you'll realize your hard work is worth it.
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I know how you feel. My hair was looking great before I started taking care of it. But it must have been damaged because it would take a year to retain 2 inches. :ohwell:
When I first started I jumped on every bandwagon and was doing 100 things to my hair everyday, it looked bad and didn't make any progress at all. About 6 months after I found the boards, I decided to stop with all the different products and techniques and keep a very simple regimen. My hair started thriving.
So that's what I've been doing and will continue to do. I've got the "look" of my pre-haircare days along with the health.
I sometimes think that all of the conditioners and moisturizers, 15 different vitamins, and taking 3 or 4 hours on wash day is just healthy overload for our hair and is actually damaging.
Maybe you should try a KISS regimen for a couple of months and see it that helps you.
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Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I feel you on this..

I was thinking the same thing this weekend.

Since I have been "taking care of my hair"

I dont really see much of a difference .. and sometimes I feel like my hair was way better off.

and I never wore my hair up, used heat at least every other day ..

and it looked good .. :lol:

I will be the first to tell you I have jumped on many bandwagons, tried many a products, and I have gotten alot of good advice and habits from the forum. But I think its in my best interest to Keep It Simple .. I just Wash, Protien, Moisture weekly.

The last task Im going to take on it rollersetting weekly for a few months .

But I could just be in my Im 10 weeks post depression LOL

This is the best advice. I believe in keeping it simple and sticking to what works for me. At 37 I am kind of over the PJ stage and kind of know what works best for me and my I am not even tempted to buy most products I see mentioned here. I just use what works for me.
I get wonderful advice from this board however on various hair techniques/routines..etc. I need a simple routine because I'm busy most days and can't imagine doing any more to my hair than I already do now.
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I have found that the KISS 'program' works :lol:

I pre-poo, wash, dc, and set my hair. This seems to be working for me. My only issue is breakage. I think that is coming from thread coming ... :lol:
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I understand how you feel....

I compared my year over year progress and I expected my hair to be much longer. This past weekend I said to myself when I was going to the hair salon every two weeks my hair was much longer. However, I found out what I was doing wrong. I stopped getting trims and I left my hair stylist because she was too scissor happy. I started doing my own hair without dusting and trimming, and the health of my hair suffered. I got a major trim last week and will continue dusting and trimming when needed.

I learned alot on this hair board but most of all I learned what works for one may not work for the other. I can wear my hair down 90% of the time. When I tried to wear buns it did more damage than good. I can't flat iron or curl my hair on a regular basis, so I just rollerset and wrap for a staright look. So, I'm basically starting all over but now I know what works for me!

Don't get discourage..have you considered re-evaluating your regimen? (HUGS).
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

oh how easy it is to be discouraged and frustrated... been there myself. I think for me its just learning a proper balance of what my hair likes/dislikes! and just sticking with a regimen that will work for me and my hair!! Trying new products is fine but when your hair is already thriving I am needing to learn to stick with what already works. Stretching relaxers has helped my hair to thicken but I need to stop overlapping those relaxers like I do.. that was the culprit for my breakage.. now I know to not leave it in for the full time and therefore resulting in texlaxing.. which helps my hairs health.. now if I can just remember all this from here on out my hair will like me back:lachen:
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I sometimes ask myself the same question :look:

When I didnt put much of an emphasis on hair care, my hair THRIVED!!! Once I began jumping on bandwagons and becoming a bonafied PJ, my hair health plummeted :look:

However, I now know the balance and my hair is in good conditiion. Now, If only I can curb this breakage/shedding. :lol:

I also think, because we are somewhat 'obsessed' with wanting our hair to grow, and we are always 'watching' our hair, it seems to take a bit longer to achieve our goals. Just hang in there, you will get there :)

Yes me too. This was a very good lesson for me to also keep it simple and if it isn't broke don't fix it. However the camaraderie on the forum helps me stay consistent with my plan.
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

yeah I stop the bandwagon pj. I'm sticking to what works and keep it simple.

pre poo most of the time
deep condition
leave in/serum

air dry or rollerset...
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I felt this way too but I soon realized my hair just looked healthy. Everytime I combed I would have tons of hair in the sink and it never got past shoulder length. Now my hair looks and is healthy but I understand the fustration. I just keep it single now and I try not to read the "rave threads". That's helping with my pj'ism:yep: I know what works now and I am sticking to it.
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I feel ya Serenity. Why did you cut your hair? Was it for hair health reasons or were you just trying a new look? I'm on the opposite side of the coin in that my hair was not looking right when I came here and my hair has thrived since I made some much needed changes. Why not modify your regimen a bit by simplifying it and enjoy your hair? Keep in mind, I believe that some people protective style and avoid heat to get faster results since one wouldn't have to trim too much when the time to trim arrives. I know I do. You can still enjoy your hair and use heat (in moderation of course and with protection) and still achieve your goals. Good luck with whatever you decide to do:)!
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Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I know how you feel... but ask yourself.... at that time how much good was what you were doing then doing you? If yes it looked healthy, and it was growing and such then.... then why did you loose your length? If it was going so great... then what was it that brought you here?

It must not have been THAT great or else you would be PAST apl by now and STILL have all that hair on your head.

Something you were doing was wrong. Or else your hair would still be looking like that or else better right?

Sometimes we get frustrated when it comes to our hair. Especially when we look around everywhere and see images of how "easy" hair care should be.

But the truth of the mater is, if you want nice hair, you can be discouraged.... you have to keep going.
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I must agree with all of you ladies. When I was jumping on challenges and much more conscientious of my hair care routines, it yielded me so-so results. Now that i'm pretty much too lazy to do more than a henna/indigo and slap some butter or oil in my hair and its been growing like crazy! :grin: I think when we get caught up in re-vamping our routines, we lose sight of the importance of keeping it simple, basic, and easy wherever possible and start adding in products and steps that complicate the process more than help...We may not have been treating our hair so good before we've all started on our own separate journeys but at least we kept it simple because WE DIDN'T KNOW ANY OTHER WAY! :yep:

I think the best regime just has you using a shampoo, conditioner, detangler/deep conditioner, oil, butter, clarifier (think baking soda or acv), doo-rag, comb and brush. I think anything else is probably taking it too far. Even the growth aids i'm not so sure about anymore... and I wasn't so worried before but I notice my body isn't the same when I use them so i'm pretty much done!

I think we all need to keep it a little more simple than we have been doing.... I think thats the key to hair growth... and I think personally speaking it helped me grow out my bc that much easier...:drunk:
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Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

Serenity, you totally took this thread right outta my head.:look:

I am feeling the same way too. And every time I think I have a regimen something goes and messes it up, so I dont even know now what is going on.

Sistaslick has been a tremendous help to me in my newbie challenge, so maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I can definitely relate.... ive been on this hair journey for years and have suffered more setbacks than growth. I agree 100% with the women who say that staying away from the latest product craze/ bandwagon is best. sure its nice to try new things every now and then, but dont try to MAKE it work... maybe this is why i feel so passionately about the whole stretching and texlaxing issue. there are women who can do this with success, but a lot cant and it wont work for everyone.

I'm finally secure now and use the board as a general guide, not so much as the hair "bible" i made it out to be before.
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I know how you feel. My hair was looking great before I started taking care of it. But it must have been damaged because it would take a year to retain 2 inches. :ohwell:
When I first started I jumped on every bandwagon and was doing 100 things to my hair everyday, it looked bad and didn't make any progress at all. About 6 months after I found the boards, I decided to stop with all the different products and techniques and keep a very simple regimen. My hair started thriving.
So that's what I've been doing and will continue to do. I've got the "look" of my pre-haircare days along with the health.
I sometimes think that all of the conditioners and moisturizers, 15 different vitamins, and taking 3 or 4 hours on wash day is just healthy overload for our hair and is actually damaging.
Maybe you should try a KISS regimen for a couple of months and see it that helps you.

Hi. I keep seeing this around...What does KISS mean?
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I feel the same way. My hair is shorter now than it was this time last year :ohwell: I stopped taking pictures because I am so disgusted with the state of my hair.

I have officially jumped off of all bandwagons and am no longer a product junkie. I am trying very hard not to be obsessed :sad: It's hard. BUT I have learned so much here. I think it was just information overload for me? or maybe just learned enough to hinder my progress?

I'm convinced that there is a very delicate protein/moisture balance that requires a keen sense to manage. not to mention my regrets for walking around looking a hot mess all the time only to discover that I had no progress. Shoot I could have been fly the whole time for the same result! :wallbash:

So, I'm trying to enjoy my hair. If I want to use heat.. I use it. In moderation to make me feel good about my hair and appearance every once in a while - and - all the while tracking my hair health and not taking anything overboard. - On the good habits side - or the bad habits side.

I hope it works :rolleyes: just so frustated... I understand big time.

Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I say Keep It Simple Sista :lol:

I am a conditioner Junkie though ..

and I think I have found the best ever

I think it's 'keep it simple stupid'. Well, some say 'stupid' - I prefer 'sweetie'! :grin:
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

Dear lovely ladies of LHCF,

Thank you so much for everything. I think it must be that time of month or something and I am overly emotional. I think what I will do is go back and review and reevaluate my hair regimen. I still may be doing so much, although I think I've kept it K.I.S.S. The first step is going back to evaluate what I think may be wrong. I made a vow to stick with one or two product lines, but I think I may take a break and choose only ONE product line, rather than alternating between one and two. And especially since AVEDA is so expensive, I'm going to stick with that for awhile and see if it makes a difference.

I also thought about washing only once a week. This is what I did before and my hair thrived. I think my hair is far too delicate to wash/manipulate for more than once a week.

I want to thank all of you again. I know that I'm going to have to have more patience than I already do. Hair healthy and growth take time and I will just have to learn to be patient.

I will definitely keep all of you posted on my progress. Still trying to stretch through December if possible.

Take care and stay ever blessed! :love::love:

SP ;)
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I agree with keeping it simple....when I first joined I jumped on each new bandwagon!

Now I'm trying to use up all of the stuff I have and stick to a regular schedule for for basic daily care.

For the last two weeks I've been too busy to do anything other than con wash during my shower, spray on moistuizer, and baggie under my wig and guess what - my hair has THRIVED!

No hours of deep con with heat, no extra oils on the ends, no pre-poos, or no daily con wahes or combing.

I think my hair needs a VACATION too!:rolleyes:
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I agree with keeping it simple....when I first joined I jumped on each new bandwagon!

Now I'm trying to use up all of the stuff I have and stick to a regular schedule for for basic daily care.

For the last two weeks I've been too busy to do anything other than con wash during my shower, spray on moistuizer, and baggie under my wig and guess what - my hair has THRIVED!

No hours of deep con with heat, no extra oils on the ends, no pre-poos, or no daily con wahes or combing.

I think my hair needs a VACATION too!:rolleyes:

Your story is very telling and says a lot. That's why I wanted to get braids and was disappointed that I couldn't. I'm tired of thinking about and dealing with my hair. I wanted to give it a break. I'm going to try these strategies and try not to dwell on the hair too much. I, too, made an effort to get rid of all the products that I didn't want or that didn't work for me. I'm going to reevaluate everything that I've been doing to my hair and try to pinpoint any extra things that may be doing more harm than good. My hair doesn't look bad. It looks rather healthy, though it's fine and limp. I have achieved some thickness and length. But I do think that it looked just as healthy if not healthier last year.

To answer an earlier post, I did in fact use more heat and did cut my hair. No particular reason why other than I just wanted to cut off the split ends and ended up being more scissor happy than what was necessary. I cut it to above shoulder length. When I started my journey back in March of this year, my hair was right at shoulder length. Since then, I've gained the traditional 3 or 4 inches or so. The good news is that I know that my hair can be healthy and I know that at least I can get to APL. It's possible, seeing those pictures and I was floored that my hair was even that long. I never even realized it.

If only I can re-program my mind not to even think so much about hair but just let it be. I could take a break from the forum, but I love you ladies too much for that. :kiss:
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

Awww, :needhug: maybe you are doing too much. My hair doesn't like being bunned all week. I've tried it a few times and I got nothing but breakage for my trouble. I think it's worth it to spend the time and effort, but ONLY if you're getting the results you want. You might want to consider adding back a favorite no-no. :look:
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

Thanks, Sareca with that gorgeous hair of yours! :kiss::love: In fact, I was just having a conversation with Sunshine_One and we are planning to do get a Dominican blowout sometime in the next few weeks or so. Kinda like a treat and a once in a while thing. I also though about just dusting my ends. It's long overdue. So if I do get the Dominican works, that'll be my occasional no-no, just to change things up a bit. I also think that I will give the buns a few days break. I'm using the Flexi-8 and some new hair accessories I have to but my hair up and try different things. Funnily enough I wore my hair down today after my wash/rollerset and I think people are so used to me wearing my hair up, then a co-worker asked why I was wearing my hair "wild." I didn't know what he meant by that. When I asked him, he said that I usually wear it back and look more "refined." Oh well. I can't win for losing. I finally wear my hair down and still people got ish to say. Anyway, I figured I'd take the "wild" comment as a compliment and turned it around in my head that maybe he saw my hair as know, WILD=THICK!! See, I'm tryna be positive with this hair thing. :look:
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

You might want to consider adding back a favorite no-no. :look:

Yep. Some of my hair practices are a big no-no on this board but thinking back I realized that some of the things I was doing to my hair to have that "look" were not so bad after all. Especially on healthy hair. So I went back to some of my favorite no-no's and it's been about 9 months or so since then and I have see great progress.

Haircare is very individul. :yep:
Re: Frustrated and discouraged. Is all this work really making a difference? (long ve

I think that's true. I probably need to change up my styles and perhaps do something different. Can't be braids but maybe more braid-outs for flexi-rod sets. Those are also protective styles. And I can get away from bunning so much. :yep: