front of hair not growing


Well-Known Member
i have a side of my hair that is not growing and its been over a year i went natural i dont know what to do and its so annoying. I thought it was the relaxers but its still not growing any advice?
You and me both gurl......i think the only thing you can do is keep it more oiled. Moisturized. And proteced then you normaly would the rest of your hair.....ohband reduce tension on that spot
Its growing..

You just need to figure out what you are doing that is preventing it from retaining it's length.
when i had a perm it was always damage on that side and i had a relaxer since i was 5 until sept 2011. my edges were damaged but they filled in nicely and its just that stupid part in the front. So i dont know what to do ???
Spritz with water and massage with Jamaican black castor oil every night. That helped my edges grow back.
Are you already taking hair vitamins, drinking plenty of water, working out regularly, deep conditioning regularly and not using any heat? Is the rest of your hair healthy, moisturized and properly conditioned? Have you applied a topical growth aid to your hair?

Have you applied vitamin E to that area on a consistent basis? Did you have any haircolor in your hair at all?

These are things that I would ask myself if one section of my hair appeared stagnant.
Are you already taking hair vitamins, drinking plenty of water, working out regularly, deep conditioning regularly and not using any heat? Is the rest of your hair healthy, moisturized and properly conditioned? Have you applied a topical growth aid to your hair?

Have you applied vitamin E to that area on a consistent basis? Did you have any haircolor in your hair at all?

These are things that I would ask myself if one section of my hair appeared stagnant.

I do not take any hair vitamins, i drink water but not as much as i should, i am starting to workout and drink water more as that was my goal nye goal which i have done so far. i deep condition and wash my hair a lot and its moisturized. but no topical growth aid on that side of hair.

i have cornrows that are micro sized and its tight and its looking damaging
I would take those braids out and avoid them until you start to see growth again. I used to get braids a lot and my edges stayed thin until i started prepooing with hair trigger
It may be because of those braids! Micros can be a killer on fine strands, particularly ones that have experienced damage in the front. I would find a new style immediately.
I would take those braids out and avoid them until you start to see growth again. I used to get braids a lot and my edges stayed thin until i started prepooing with hair trigger

I got these braids in on Sunday so i already took some out today its micro cornrows for treebraids. the hairstylist try to grab every strand of hair in the front for that cornrow
I had enough hair to conceal using two strand twist pinned really cute. I Did a lot of updos and bought a ton of scarfs from the thrift and did all sorts of wraps to conceal. Now I'm wigging it. Check youtube for ideas