From the Front till the Middle...(typing help!)


Well-Known Member
Erahhhh this is one of your many Hair typing questions.. I need some opinions.. im trying to conclude my exact hair type.. I'ma explain whats goin on with this sac of mess

Okay i've defintely established that I have 4a hair.. but i'm second guessing the fact that it's a total 4a... Now from the Front till about the middle of my hair is Waves with little to no curl definition, and the back is where the 4a comes in.. but my question is.. what's up with the front?? Could it just be it's a total 4a or is it a possibility i've got soemthing else in there 2. i've read and tried to define the front but i'm not gettin it.. so i'm askin you very intelligent ladies.. any opinions? i so corn-fused
You may have 3 hair in the front and 4a in the back. I've heard of several ladies here that have different hair types.
buffalosoldier said:
The hair typing thing confuses me too..I have at least 3 different textures in my hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

yup, it's very possible. The center of my hair is the corsest, and the nape has the loosest curl. Overall, I have 4a though.
i thought that i was going to have a uniform texture...boy was i mistaken! when i chopped on saturday i realized that i had 3a-4a hair....