From the bottom of my heart, Thank You LHCF!!!!


New Member
I joined LHCF in February of this year. At the time, my hair was badly damaged. On LHCF, I found so many good hair tips that I started living by it. I start washing my hair with a quality shampoo. I started deep conditioning with every shampoo. I didn't know anything about protein treatments. I did my first aphogee treatment in February. Basically, I just adapted a regimen for my then damaged relaxed hair. Understand my hair was in bad shape. I wanted to go natural but I had to put that on the hold until I can get my hair in order. I also learned about stretching my relaxer and only relaxing new growth. I didn't know. I should have been completely bald before LHCF. I would relax faithfully every four weeks and I would relax my entire head. No strand was safe. I must give props where it is due. Dontspeakdefeat's tips were awesome. She filled in the information that I was missing. Thanks! Five weeks ago, I visited a stylist. She cut relaxed and trimmed my hair. To upkeep my hair, I started shampoo and conditioning every three days. I started using keraphix for a light protein treatment. Basically, my regimen is keeping me together. Last night, I did another aphogee treatment. Incorporated with my up keeping, I see a 360 degree change in my hair. The texture is just so healthy looking. At five weeks post relaxer, I have never been able to style my hair and have body. I am not sure when I will relax again because long as it looks as it does, there is no reason to relax. Overall, I just want to thank each and every one of you ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers!
Happy Mothers Day and welcome to LHCF!! I'm glad that you are getting results so quickly. I agree- DSD's guide is awesome!!
Blu, not don't ask me why, but I thought you were an old timer :lol:

Well, I'm so happy that you are seeing results. There really are a lot of women here who KNoW their stuff ;) You'll be passing on your tips in a minute :)

Thanks for the mother's day wishes :kiss:
webby said:
Blu, not don't ask me why, but I thought you were an old timer :lol:

Well, I'm so happy that you are seeing results. There really are a lot of women here who KNoW their stuff ;) You'll be passing on your tips in a minute :)

Thanks for the mother's day wishes :kiss:

No Webby, I am fairly new! I am stalking your hair girl:sekret: . Totally gorgeous!!!!!
Blu I agree the ladies here know their stuff. I have leaned so much from this forum. My hair was long but unhealthy. Now I have long, healthy, hair and someday will have long, healthy, natural hair and it's all because of the ladies here. Whether it be advice, support or encouragement they are always here.

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers and soon to be mommies.