From PS to Rollersetting with a Pibbs


Well-Known Member
I have protected styled for several years. One pretty big set back and I am hovering somewhere between MBL and WL. I am tired of protective styling and ready to do something different. Since many ladies here do well with rollersetting I am thinking going that route. Right now, I wash and DC once a week. Put in a creamy leave-in then seal with a multi natural oil concoction then airdry, then put in a bun. I might wear a loose ponytail if going out on the weekends. Oh, one more thing. When in a bun, I often spritz with an aloe vera, oil and castor oil/veg glycerin mix.

Do you think my hair will go into shock if I try this? I would hate to loose my progress.

Anyone who has done similar please share. I have searched and read every rollersetting thread out there. I would love to hear your advice and/or the things you have learned.

Thanks beautiful ladies!
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If all you are going to change is your method of drying and styling without the addition of high temp heat....I don't see how your hair will go into shock. Roller setting is a healthy styling option for LOTS of ladies on this board. If it's your technique you are unsure of, maybe you should search through some youtube vids (there are tons of them).
I doubt your hair will go into shock. Just be gentle and patient as roller setting can be difficult...
No I don't think you're hair will go into shock, but you might find it difficult at first, especially if it's your first time doing it. If your hair is nearly WL that is obviously a lot of hair to be working with for someone new to rollersetting. You need to allow yourself a lot of time, don't be trying to start it if you're going out later in the day. Be patient and eradicate distractions, TV, radio etc, and watch lots of tutorials. :yep:

Enjoy, I love looking at MBL/WL ladies with rollerset hair it usually looks so beautiful!
I think you will love the texture and versatility that rollersetting provides. You can still bun, and when you take it down, your hair will still have lots of body and bounce. If you want tight curls, you can just re-roll your dry hair at night and it will be surper curly.

I normally do the mohawk rollerset, but I've been trying different rollersetting methods lately as I anticipate longer lengths will take more time to dry. My hair LOVES rollersets! I hope it works for you too.
You ladies are sweet. Thanks for responding. I guess "shock" is a little melodramatic. I'm just thinking about the increased manipulation. Plus, I am not bone straight. More texture-laxed if you will. If anyone one else has any advice it would be much appreciated.

I know to be gentle and take my time. I am really hoping I will like it, and can catch on pretty quickly.

Thanks ladies
Come join the rollersetting challenge the link is in my signature. There are lots of tips there. Please don't give up, roller setting is a frustrating process at first but I wouldn't trade the results it gives me for anything....