From past APL to NL


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting in front of my laptop, nearly in tears, about my hair today. I had stretched my relaxer for about 42 weeks with the aid of weaves and was so excited about my touch up today. I knew my hair would be well past BSL after all the hard work I put into it. :nono: Wrong! The stylist was over an hour late and I had the dreaded fine-toothed comb detangling my hair. It was yanked, pulled and just overall, brutalized. :antlers: I had checked how long it would probably be by stretching some of strands, but after the deep conditioning, hour under the dryer, blow out and flat iron, it went from :gorgeous: to :babyb: I just want to cry. I called one of my best friends about it to complain and had to get off the phone b/c I was SO UPSET!!!!! I needed a trim, but 6-7 inches? Come on now! I still tipped the ladies who worked on my hair, but as soon as I left, I went to the BSS and bought a phony pony. I don't want anyone to see my hair. Oh wait! I don't even think my hair is long enough for a ponytail. I'm so mad right now :wallbash: I'm trying to calm down, but I really just want to curl up in a ball. I feel naked w/o my own long hair. And I can't put a weave back in. You know how you see someone who wears makeup everyday and then you see them w/o it and it's like, OMG! Put it on! Well, I feel like the one w/o the "make up."

Disclaimer: Some people really don't look bad w/o their daily face of make up. And others, I'm not so sure.
So sorry to hear this happened to you! :bighug: this is the reason why I will never step foot into a hair salon again! Did you say you wanted a cut? Why would your stylist just cut off 6-7 inches? I'm upset for you!!! :wallbash:
Why didnt you stop her? After all of her unprofessional attitude, the last thing she needed to have near your head was a pair of scissors.

I hope you didnt pay
Hold up OP, why didnt you say anything to stop her? And this is coming from someone who is also not very good wth talking to stylists but for you to stretch that long, I wouldve been a drill sergeant while she relaxed my hair

Im sorry that happened to you. Do you have pics?

I am soo sorry that this happened to you but 1. Why did you allow her to cut your hair? We have seen this happen time and time again. 2. If she was going to give you a trim, why did you not watch her as she was cutting your hair....You worked so hard and now all that hard work is down the drain. Again, I am soo sorry that this happened, it will grow back (you have proven that), but you are another cautionary tale for SHS. Sending out positive energy...
I can't believe you tipped them.

I'm so sorry this happened. We need to learn from these experiences about other people (some stylists) and about ourselves.

Loadsa hugs xx
She said she would trim it a little and I saw her trim someone else's hair and it seemed fine. But I had already lost much of my hair through the detangling process and so the trim added made it that much shorter. I'm so upset. I really am. I haven't had hair this short since my sophomore year of college.
:angry2:.....I'm pissed off too and its not my hair! Please become a DIY'er and you will never be disappointed again.

The good news is that your hair WILL grow back:yep:

wow! thats so sad. im so sorry.

but how did this happen?! didn't you tell her how much to cut? 6-7 inches is a whole lot of hair to get chopped off w.o noticing. im trying to figure out how in the world this happened?!

hearing these stories have me so scared. i've worked so hard to get my hair to grow this past yr and a half. when i finally take it down in july it should be bsl. just thinking of someone cutting off my hair after all the blood, sweat, money, time and tears i put into it is enough to make me want to break someone's face open.

b/c of your story and countless others, i dont even think im going to get my hair professionally cut. im going to just learn how to do it myself.

i kno the right thing to say would be it's ok, it's only hair. but i know if that was me?!?! :boxing::210::gunner7:

all i can say is take it one day at a time. figure out a haircare plan and maybe a cute hairstyle. become a DIY'er and eventually it'll be all right.
There are some women who have made progress with weaves, but do you think some of the damage causing the need for a trim was due to the weave? Thankfully your hair will grow back with TLC. Sorry this has happened to you, sending you a big hug.
:bighug:I am so sorry that happened to you. I can relate to the "Cool" and "Cut' trick. One of my stylists, showed me n the mirror where she would cut my hair we both said "Cool" but after she turned me away from the mirror she "Cut" a lot more :wallbash:

Waiting that hour was your Hair Angel giving you ample time to get up and leave.:yep:

If she's not worth confronting, please find another stylist.
This is how I lost my hair.

It took the stylist(s) over 2 hours to take out the weave, unbraid my hair and detangle it. The main stylist was more gentle and combed my hair in sections, but it still hurt. After sitting under the dryer with the conditioner, I was sent back to have my hair washed and that's when trouble ensued. I had another stylist try to comb through the tangles and I don't even know what to say. My hair was SO tangled and she pulled, yanked and ripped combs and a brush through my hair while wet. I saw balls of hair on the floor from when my weave was taken out and I also saw pieces during the process.

This is all my fault. I will post a pic online and you be the judge. I don't like it. :nono:
There are some women who have made progress with weaves, but do you think some of the damage causing the need for a trim was due to the weave? Thankfully your hair will grow back with TLC. Sorry this has happened to you, sending you a big hug.

I think so. I had problems taking out the previous two weaves, so I'm thinking all of the damage isn't due to this one visit, but SOME of it definitely was.

During the hour before she came, someone else worked on my head and took out the weave.
Someone should become a DIYER !!!:yep:

I couldnt never go, it my stylist got to snipping inches off. Did you not see the hair falling on the floor?
I think so. I had problems taking out the previous two weaves, so I'm thinking all of the damage isn't due to this one visit, but SOME of it definitely was.

During the hour before she came, someone else worked on my head and took out the weave.

When they took out the weave, did they detangle properly first, before washing? If so, you should not have lost that much hair during the wash and detangling while wet portion.
I'm sorry this happened to you but I think you should've said something when she started ripping out your hair with a small tooth comb :/ This seems to happen a lot on here. Members go to get their hair done at salons, but are never assertive with what they want and how they want it.

hope you feel better
Gosh.... I think the threads of the weave can cut into or weaken our hair cuticles so that when your hair is being combed, it snaps very easily. Sometimes the damage doesn't show for months but the strands can still be very damaged, even at the roots, causing thinning for months to come. That, plus aggressive detangling can spell disaster for our hair.

BTW, you are beautiful and starting again is a sign of your strength and beauty.
When they took out the weave, did they detangle properly first, before washing? If so, you should not have lost that much hair during the wash and detangling while wet portion.

You know, I don't think so. For a long time, I usually detangled myself and if I made a mistake, it was on me. This whole ordeal is still on me. No one forced me to endure it.

I will say that my hair has become a buddaback. You know, everything looks good, but the back. Corny, I know.

I think I'll become a DIY for relaxers. I'm so tired of this mess. Maybe I'll work my way up to weaves if I can't get in with Reniece or Jehan. This stylist was touted on this forum so I thought she would be fine.
This makes me mad. For real.

I let a good friend remove my weave, then I unbraid the tracks and detangle myself. It's not super difficult. It's because only YOU know your hair and care the best for it. I part my own hair and wash in sections. I flat iron on my own and KIM. With all the suspect things and horror stories we've read on this board, we shouldn't risk it. All the stretching, all the time you took and this.

Just take this as a lesson learned. lots of youtube vids out there to make us DIYers.

I'm real mad you paid AND tipped them.


I hope you feel better though. Just PS from now on
"I don't even think my hair is long enough for a ponytail."

This here.:nono:

I wish that you would've said something to stop her, and I wish that you would not have paid her butt a dime.

I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry. :kiss: :bighug: I'm thinking maybe you should have called a friend/cousin or sister to help you take out your weave and detangle, wash then waited a week or so and then relaxed?
I've never had a weave but from what I read on this board, weave takedown and detangling is no joke. especially when you have a line of demarcation to tend to.
Are you sure that you hair is as long as you thought it was? I know that stylists are happy to cut off your hair, something is off.
This is how I lost my hair.

It took the stylist(s) over 2 hours to take out the weave, unbraid my hair and detangle it. The main stylist was more gentle and combed my hair in sections, but it still hurt. After sitting under the dryer with the conditioner, I was sent back to have my hair washed and that's when trouble ensued. I had another stylist try to comb through the tangles and I don't even know what to say. My hair was SO tangled and she pulled, yanked and ripped combs and a brush through my hair while wet. I saw balls of hair on the floor from when my weave was taken out and I also saw pieces during the process.

This is all my fault. I will post a pic online and you be the judge. I don't like it. :nono:

Guuuurl, even before LHCF, I never let anyone detangle my hair after taking down braids or a weave. People just don't have the patience when the hair is so matted/tangled/possibly dry.

I'm sorry this happened to you, but thanks for posting it. I was thinking about taking a trip to the salon, but this just scared me straight.
I am so very sorry this happened to you. When it comes to stylists, I have them do the bare miminum to my hair. Which means, had I been in your shoes, I would have taken down my weave myself, fully detangled, and washed and conditioned my hair in sections. The only thing I would have gone to her for is applying the actual relaxer. I would have also watched her very carefully when trimming.

Like you, I have stretched for a year and am fully expecting to be BSL-ish once I finally do texturize. For a stylist to take off that much- trust and believe that I am leaving there in handcuffs.

Still not sure why you tipped them though; the service/outcome sounded less than desirable. In any case, your hair will grow back. Lessons learned.