From dating to a relationship


Well-Known Member
how did this transition happen for you? Did you have "the talk", was it just a mutual agreement or was it just assumed.

Well,in my last relationship it kind of just happened. We were going out on dates about 3-4 times a week, talking regularly etc and one Sunday while he was talking to his sister on the phone he told her "I'm hanging out with my girlfriend." I was surprised, because at that point I didn't know we were official, lol. I think it kind of slipped out of his mouth without thought, because when he got off the phone, he was blushing and said to me "Are you my girlfriend?" So I asked him "Are you my boyfriend?" and that was it, we became official.

How about you.....
how did this transition happen for you? Did you have "the talk", was it just a mutual agreement or was it just assumed.

Well,in my last relationship it kind of just happened. We were going out on dates about 3-4 times a week, talking regularly etc and one Sunday while he was talking to his sister on the phone he told her "I'm hanging out with my girlfriend." I was surprised, because at that point I didn't know we were official, lol. I think it kind of slipped out of his mouth without thought, because when he got off the phone, he was blushing and said to me "Are you my girlfriend?" So I asked him "Are you my boyfriend?" and that was it, we became official.

How about you.....

That's how FH and I became "official."

I've had guys in the past say they wanted to be exclusive/wanted to be my boyfriend, but FH didn't do that. So in my head, both of us were free to date/talk to other people.

He seemed somewhat weirded out that I seemed rather nonchalant about our "relationship," but I only figured out later that he considered us together when he said, "I told my dad that he would get to meet my new girlfriend next week."

I was like, "I'm your girlfriend? Since when?"

He laughed and said, "Well, I guess I should have actually asked you first, huh?"

So that's how it happened!
I had the most amazing date ever, we didn't do anything special, just walked around Manhattan talking and sat in a park for a while getting to know each other. After dinner we were about to get on different trains when he said to me, 'I know it's the first date and all, but I really want you to be my girlfriend, I wish I could tell everyone you're mine. I know it's too soon but I had to say it.' I felt the same way. So we've always known we were in a relationship, there was just no other option. That was a year and 8 months ago, we live together now & it's been the happiest time of my life :heart2:
It just kind of happened with current SO. There are usually signs though. When he started referring to me as his girl that was it. I was still interviewing potentials up until then. :look:
Last ex-SO, within two weeks he said that he didn't want me to see other people . So, I said, does that mean we're exclusive? He said yes. He had already stated he wasn't interested in seeing other people or seeing anyone else.

-Another ex, twice removed, referred to me as his GF at his friend's Superbowl party. I kind of gave him a look, like, "When did we discuss this?" But it was cool, I went along with it...LOL
Great stories ladies! Keep them coming! :grin: :yep:

I love how in most of these stories the men just basically came out with it and called the women "their girlfriends". :yep: It's like they basically saw them as their girlfriend, so that's the title they gave them.

Whereas SOME guys will just string you along saying lines like: " know baby I want to make you my girlfriend one day...I want to grow old with would make a good wife.....blah blah BLAAAAH..." :blah: :blah: ALLLL talk, and NO action! :down:

I think that when a man means it, he just DOES it. There's no "future talk" just ARE his girlfriend.
This thread makes a total shammockery of the claims that men don't buy into labels. When you're his girlfriend he says it. And if he's not saying it there's a reason. Love these stories.
My boo, told me about the conversation he was having a friend about relocation to my city (we are LDR). His friend ask why (that city) and he told him why he was interested in my city, "because my girlfriend is there and I have family there and I like that city". I said, "So your girlfriend is in x?" and he said, "Yeah, that is where you live." We both said it with a chuckle. That was it.
I can't stand it guys don't even ask anymore it just happens lol. In my current relationship he still never asked. I don't even use the term boyfriend or girlfriend. We kinda went from friends to friends with cuddling to friends that want to get married lol then one day on our way to church he was like is it ok if I introduce you as my SO I was like uh... Sure lol It's cool though