Question Frizz be gone for wash n go's

Is Frizz a hair type? Or a product of lack of moisture?

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Hello, :wave:

I'm a :newbie: going on three years natural this October.

I am content with my curl pattern and would like everyone to see how beautiful it is not just WHEN wet. So I use Ecko styler to define and hold them, first doing the shingling method but now taking the suggestion to do it in the shower, which works a little better considering the time it takes to shingle.

However, I dont want to use gel all the time. I would like a real wash n go, and had the thought that if I moisturize well enough I would be able to seriously WASHnGO. I noticed that cholesterol is thick enough like Ecko to hold my hair down and let it create its pattern, but I still have frizz. :nono:

Do you think that frizz is due to lack of moisture, like those stands not being saturated well enough? I'm already using the product LIBERALLY. Or is frizz just a part of the deal that I'll have to live with.

Thanks in advance. I'll include pics for you to refer to.


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After i do the co wash and get out of the shower I immediately use the leave in conditioner, now this is just me, I don't follow a regiment because, I am just not with it anymore, anywho, i do one side at a time with the leave in I comb it through very well each section and then I style it and leave it alone, I have had no frizz, I do have frizz when I do not get all the strands coated. Sometimes I sprizt with oil. I purchased an olive oil spray bottle from Bed &Bath and it cost 10 dollars I use that for my hair. but only while its soaking wet after it drys I don't add anything or mess with it then it gets frizzed. HTH
Frizz is part of the deal. Of course every case is different. There are some people who need more moisture in the regimen. But for me personally, frizz is a characteristic of my hair. And I know this to be true because of the different textures I have on my head, 1 is frizzless, 1 is low frizz and 2 are high frizz. If you've been using moisturizing conditioners and dc with some regularity than most likely some level of frizz is an attribute of your hair.

I have never been a fan of shingling because of how long it takes to do it and I abhor standing in the shower for hours, so I understand how you would want to move away from that. I currently use the LOC method with Paul Mitchell The Conditioner, I prefer Vatika but right now I'm using grapeseed oil, and Curls Creme Brulee or Mixed Chicks leave-in and my hair loves it. I stretch my wash-n-gos because my hair is really long, but I believe that you could try a similar approach and get great results. I part my hair into 6 sections. Then apply the products (or rather product types) mentioned above. Afterwards I twist each section and allow it to dry for a while (that's how I stretch it) but for you, you could skip that part.
Can I see pictures of your hair? I did a quick search in your posts and didn't see any right away.. could you link them?
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What's your leave in of choice? Hair type? Think it'll be heavy enough to define my curls?

I use AS I AM, I use a wide toothcomb, kind of like the curly girl method going though sections but since my hair is soaked its much faster. I have 3c, 4a texture and some very straight hair in my back. Not really sure about the 4a, but the side of my hair just don't seem to curl on its own. the top, bang and back curl up without any products but the front sides are just there, no curls at all. I have to curl it around my fingers.
When I left in onditioner, my hair was frizzy. When I used gel, it was defined but oh so dry, even after I mxed oil or shea butter with the gel. Now I use good old fashioned hair grease (yes, with petrolatum) on t-shirt dried damp over leave in conditioner (DevaCurl heaven in Hair, to be exact) and I have no frizz and my hair stays moisturized and defined (with minimal refreshing) for one week.