Frequent washers and growth aids...


New Member
For those of you that wash or co-wash frequently and use topical growth aids (i.e. BT, MN, Gro-Aut, etc) are you still seeing the benefits? I know this may sound like a silly question but if you are washing your hair everyday aren't you washing out what you put on your scalp? I really am not trying to sound ignorant or anything just wanted to hear from those that do it and see results because I plan on co-washing daily and using BT or Gro-Aut. Thanks in advance for your responses.
I use Ovation Cell Therapy (no longer use MN or Boundless Tresses, they are on hiatus because this has given me an inch a month thus far) but I apply it at night. I cowash my hair, apply it to my hair and scalp, then repeat the cycle the next night. This product is supposed to be kept in for a little while then rinsed, but I go for broke and use it as a leave-in :grin:
Just wanted to add that I found the link for Ovation cell therapy (and placed an order :rolleyes:) but I'm bumping this to see if someone will be willing to answer my original question. Thanks!