What happened to MN, BT, and the other Growth aids?

Eventually, when my hair is long enough to wash and go, then i will start using the OCT; but until then I have been using MTG for 2 weeks now, and i already notice more growth than normal. I'm content with my stinky (which btw doesn't bother me after masking it), oily, greasy MTG. It really is doing what I need it to do, and I'm seeing the results quick. My sew in may not last for six weeks at this rate. But again, I do plan on trying OCT in the future.
BT and MN have worked wonders for me. I've been able to control my dandruff and itching using both of these aids. I'm running out of my BT (I had to extend it by adding another sulfur oil product to it). I'm definitely going to continue using them plus I can't afford MegaTek or Ovation. Progress pic is attached below:

June 2008 - September 2008


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I still use MN and i love it!!!!!! I have been getting good growth from it. I had stopped for a small period but when i went back to it, i told myself never to stop again. I like it because its cheap, 1 dollar @ Dollar Tree and all i do is mix it with my Mahabhringraj and i spritz it on my scalp, massage it in and wrap my hair. Its a keeper for me.

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I've been using MTG since Aug and ireally like what i'm seeing. It gives me more growth than normal. I hate the smell but i try to tolerate it. I'll be using this for a 5mth period to see just how much growth i'll get from it as i stretch. I also have a folder in my fotki album title MTG stretch that i'll be updating periodically just to document my results from using it for a particular period.

I find that my hair sheds a bitmore, maybe it's all in my mind but i'll definately pay closer attention to it. MTG leaves me with tiny grains also esp when i wearing a sewin and i'm wearing cornrows underneath it for 4wks.

If i have fabulous results then y'all know its a keeper!
I stopped using MN because I like having a simple regimen. Not using the mix made it even simplier. I'd only bought 2 tubes, and I still have half of one remaining :look:.

ETA: After seeing what I wrote above, I threw the remaining MN in the trash. If I ever decide to use growth aids again, I'd use sublimed sulfur since it's natural. But at this point, I don't want to. Ladies, I've officially jumped off the growth aid bandwagon :driver:.
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I have beemine which is pretty much the same as BT

One night my scalp felt like it was on fire and that was the end of me using sulfur

lol that would have made some people keep using it! OOoooh I feel that tingle now!! I know my hair growing LOOOOL! ...Hair be all up on the pillows and stuff