Freeze wave pattern in 4b hair w/o texturizer


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies. Does anyone know how to freeze the curl pattern of 4b hair once it is dry.

Ladies with 4b hair you know how when we wash out natural hair it curls. But when it drys, it kinks out? Does anyone know how to keep that pattern (twa)? Without gel or beeswax?

Well if you do use bee's wax and gel; please tell me how.


I'm not a 4b, but I have found Texture My Way Curl Keeper locks in my curls however they look while wet (preventing frizzing). It seems to give hold like a gel (without being a gel) while also being moisturizing.

Tricks I use:

1. Co-wash hair.
2. While hair is soaking wet apply gel(Fantasia IC or Eco-Styler medium hold) and a creamy or liquid leave-in conditioner.
3. Finger coil hair or gently elongate hair and let the coils snap back.
or two strand twist hair.
4. Let hair air dry and untwist.

I always style my hair when it is soaking wet; sets my coils better and my hair doesn't frizz up.
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I just shingle with conditioner.

Problem is my hair still sticks up, and that is the reason you can not see my texture. If I lay if flat, I look like Bozo the Clown (my hair is short and sticks out, lol)
Have you ever seen the curly primer method at I've seen it work for different textures. I've seen the tighter 4s will use something heavier along with the conditioner, like fantasia IC gel; or just the fantasia IC gel and water, etc.
Thanks ladies. So much I am signing back on to tell you that I have taken your advice and doing the CG method. Thanks again.