Free Hard Water Test


New Member
I'm curious to know what type of water everyone has. I am almost positive that my water is the reason that I haven't been having any success with my hair. A thread that was started not long ago by GodMadeMePretty prompted me to start looking for a water softener. Well...I had a Culligan guy come out and give me some info on water softeners and as part of his sales pitch he tested my water. My water had a score of 10 which, according to his chart, equals very hard water. I really didn't need that test to tell me that my water was hard, though.

I would like to know if anyone knows if their water is hard or soft. For those of you that know, please post and tell wether it's hard or soft. And if you don't know, there's a number you can call to get a free testing kit. Once you get your kit and test your water please remember to post your score and tell if it's hard or soft.

I'm thinking that there's a possible link between the hard water and those of us that are having hair problems.

Thanks SPice, I ordered it. You my have to bump this thread back up in a few weeks to get the results.
And even after you get a water softener, it's a good idea to test your water to see if the softener is doing its job. After PMs from Spicee1t last night, I ordered the testing kit again. Even testing the water from a shower filter is a good idea - you can get a pretty good idea of how much the filter is actually filtering. Shoot, I need to order another kit.
Whoo HOo, free kit--thanks!