Four Seasons: What Changes Do You Make To Your Regimen?

Lady Esquire

New Member
Since January, I've been wearing a half wig. MsKibibi does so every winter and her hair thrived.
I like to baggy more often in the winters. And I notice I always need more moisturizer in winter.

It gets relly humid here, so I use a lot more serums and anti-humectants.
I may self-install braids.

I wash more frequently in the summer because the heat dries out my hair.
Maybe I'll continue on with the braids.

Rollersetting and wearing my hair out seems to look the best during fall, because it is not too hot, cold, dry or humid.
But this Fall I may continue with the braiding or wearing the half-wig.
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Winter: definitely more protective styling. Buns and half-wigs. I also tend to skip my mid-week cowash and just do my shampoo wash/DC on Sundays.

Summer: wayyyyy more cowashing, I can't get enough! I :love: cowashing and wet bunning in the summer, I feel so refreshed and smell like shampoo all day :love3:

-also do a lot of twists and twistouts in summer, and therefore stretch longer :yep:
none really
I still wet my hair daily no matter what the weather. In the winter, the only time I am generally outside is when I am going to and from my car. My fleece ski hat or winter hat combined with the hood of my coat, keep my wet/damp head toasty warm. If my office is cold which it sometimes is, I put my winter hat on and my body heat quickly warms my head up.
During the summer, I do tend to where more braid-outs and twist-outs.
I don't really change much. I just use heavier oils like castor oil in the winter, and lighter ones like olive oil in the summer, to seal.
I can't say I change too much. The only difference is I use more castor oil in the winter time thats it.

Whats good for the winter is still good for the summer and vice versa. I'm a wig lady anyway so it doesn't make a difference.
I so far haven't changed my regimen for the seasons. I wear my hair down for a week or so after my touch up and then after that I am back in PS. I still moisturize and dc just the same. I may change it a little once I get to my goal length because I plan on wearing my hear more.
Winter: I DC much much longer. More overnight DCs. My hair needs the moisture in the winter. I don't cowash during this time. Definitely more protective styling as well. I notice that I use more direct heat during the winter too because airdrying can be difficult and I get lazy with the rollersetting.

Summer: Cowash more. This summer will be trying to stretch my relaxers much longer (I normally relax every 12 weeks) and after 4 years (had a horrible experience with braids in college) I'm going to try utilizing braids to help with growth and retaining length.
Wash less: about weekly or biweekly. Moisturize more: about 1-2x a week.

Wash/co-wash more frequently: about 1-2x a week ... maybe 3x if I sweat like crazy.