Fotki visitors that are not your hair type.


All I want to do is drink and fuhk.
Hmmm. I am interested in what you think.

Here goes.

I LOVE to visit fotkis. Any fotki, I will look. You WILL see my picture in your MY GUEST section under OTHER FOTKI MEMBERS!:yep: I love them. I also love to leave comments and ask questions.

Here's my sensitve issue. It may be rational. It may be irrational.

I've noticed that sometimes, maybe more than I like to think, I only seem to get any play from fotkis with a hair type similar to mine. :ohwell:
I don't really get any replies or answers or anything from fotkis who's hair type I don't share.

I used to think well maybe that person is busy and they don't respond to no one. BUT NO! You can see that they correspond and answer questions and leave replies all the live long day but "skip" over mine.

So here's the question:

Do you naturally pay more "attention" to visitors that share your hair type?
Do you ever feel like your wanted advice is not "needed" for someone who doesn't share your hair type so why bother?

Am I just being a baby about it? If so, I have provided for you pre-selected responses for your convenience! You may choose up to 4.

a) "Get over it!"
b) "Get your self together!"
c) <puts "L" on forehead and points to MixedBerry>
d) "It's just hair, who cares?!"
e) "Forget those fotki people, I'll be your friend!"
f) "You're making a big deal out of it!"
g) "Don't sweat it!"

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I usually only really pay attention to people with my exact hair type, especially naturals who where their hair out. I'm always looking for new hair styles.
i look at many fotkis whether they are natural,relaxed, texlaxed, loc'ed, long, short, curly, wavy, nappy, or weaved. i may not comment though but i love fotki surfing
I answer everybody. I recently unfriended a few people on fotki because they were relaxed. It wasn't because I was being discriminant, it was because I needed to step away from the temptation. I didn't go bald headed for nothing. :lol:
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I chose options e & d :grin:
I couldn't tell you why that is's strange. I'd answer anybody's questions.
I'm horrible at leaving comments. It's not so much that I don't want to but I feel stupid being the 33rd person to say "pretty". KWIM?

If the person whose album it is doesn't get that it's pretty by, I don't know...the 21st person then is me at 33 really gonna make a difference.
I chose G

Honestly I will answer EVERYONE's question.. but sometimes I don't necessarily go back to that person's Fotki to answer. I just edit, then answer right below. I try to answer within the first week so I won't seem rude. Sometimes I will write the answer under the comment AND copy and paste on that person's guestbook as a private entry.

I Fotki stalk all day. I love looking at progress pictures. I also love looking at pictures of people's kids, their products, read their About Me section. I have to be in the mood though. I don't always leave a comment. I am usually struggling to find the time to do a million things so nobody should take it personal.
I enjoy looking at Fotkis but I am more likely to ask a question if the hair looks similar. I haven't figured out how to respond to questions comments yet.
Interesting observation.
I'll answer anyone's question. Sometimes I'll put it as a private guest book message and when I first got fotki, I'd answer by editing the comment.

I do like to stalk fotki's, but I don't always leave comments and I don't really feel bad, especially if the person has 50-leven others saying how pretty it is. Plus, I know plenty of people visit my fotki and don't leave comments so, it's no biggie to me.

I must say that I'm more likely to click on a person's fotki who is natural though.
Hmmm. I am interested in what you think.

Here goes.

I LOVE to visit fotkis. Any fotki, I will look. You WILL see my picture in your MY GUEST section under OTHER FOTKI MEMBERS!:yep: I love them. I also love to leave comments and ask questions.

Here's my sensitve issue. It may be rational. It may be irrational.

I've noticed that sometimes, maybe more than I like to think, I only seem to get any play from fotkis with a hair type similar to mine. :ohwell:
I don't really get any replies or answers or anything from fotkis who's hair type I don't share.

I used to think well maybe that person is busy and they don't respond to no one. BUT NO! You can see that they correspond and answer questions and leave replies all the live long day but "skip" over mine.

So here's the question:

Do you naturally pay more "attention" to visitors that share your hair type?
Do you ever feel like your wanted advice is not "needed" for someone who doesn't share your hair type so why bother?

Am I just being a baby about it? If so, I have provided for you pre-selected responses for your convenience! You may choose up to 4.

a) "Get over it!"
b) "Get your self together!"
c) <puts "L" on forehead and points to MixedBerry>
d) "It's just hair, who cares?!"
e) "Forget those fotki people, I'll be your friend!"
f) "You're making a big deal out of it!"
g) "Don't sweat it!"

1. i love ur kitties!!! i have 2 too, and a english bully puppy
2. if u have ever been to mine && commented && i didnt respond...... its because i cant seem to figure it out......
I love looking at FOTKIs too, but as SOON as I realize that the person does not share the hair type or already started their journey with long hair I don't look any further. For me to comment or closely examine your FOTKI you have to be a 4 a or b RELAXED. While I do appreciate the support from ALL hair types represented on this board - I am coming to realize that a lot of the tactics of my natural sistas don't work for me. So I don't spend a lot of time looking on their FOTKI's....
I chose G

Honestly I will answer EVERYONE's question.. but sometimes I don't necessarily go back to that person's Fotki to answer. I just edit, then answer right below. I try to answer within the first week so I won't seem rude. Sometimes I will write the answer under the comment AND copy and paste on that person's guestbook as a private entry.

I Fotki stalk all day. I love looking at progress pictures. I also love looking at pictures of people's kids, their products, read their About Me section. I have to be in the mood though. I don't always leave a comment. I am usually struggling to find the time to do a million things so nobody should take it personal.
I do the same - just edit and answer below or thank them for the compliment if they left one. :yep:
A person's hair type has no influence on whether I answer a person's question or respond to a person's comment on my fotki. I go through times where I am very good at responding and other times when I don't keep up due to various things going on with me and life and etc. Ideally, I like to respond to everyone because I deeply appreciate when people take the time to look at my fotki and comment/ask questions. It has nothing to do with them or their hair type when I don't.
Nobody's safe! If you have hair period and you have a fotki centered around it, chances are I will look at your page :grin:. I don't care if your 1a-4z; healthy, pretty hair is just healthy and pretty hair. I have fotki inspirations that are relaxed heads, naturals, pin straight hair to kinky hair. I love versatility. If I only veered toward people's fotki's whose hair looked pretty much similar, I'd get bored with a quickness :yep:. But I have visited fotki's of people whose fotki's pretty much consist of hair and hair types that are similar to theirs. I think they do that to give them inspiration and to associate with people who know how to take care of and style hair that's similar to theirs. Doesn't mean I can't admire though, lol.
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I choose e and g. I'll answer any question. I love fotki stalking also, but it does take me a while to get back to my fotki. I don't want to look at my own hair.:lachen:
Ill look at whomevers regardless of hair type..I dont as far a comments Im bad with those but I rarely visit my won fotki so when I do log in to upload more pics there are tons of questions and I get overwhelemed. Fotki is acting wack tonite with my PC but tomorrow Im going to disable the comments. I always answer pms with questions about my hair though.
HI there!!!

Here is my answer board....

a) "Get over it!" :look: nope - not this one....
b) "Get your self together!" :look: - nah
c) <puts "L" on forehead and points to MixedBerry> :lachen:Funny - but - no...
d) "It's just hair, who cares?!" :rolleyes: nope
e) "Forget those fotki people, I'll be your friend!":yep: - :hiya: Hi!I am Samantha!
f) "You're making a big deal out of it!" well, Sorta...:drunk:
g) "Don't sweat it!":yep::yep::yep::yep:

I don't always respond to people on Fotki....
I just don't have time.

But - I don't concern myself with Hair type......... Heck - I don't even know MY hair type......

ETA - LOVEEEEE your Kitties!
HI there!!!

Here is my answer board....

a) "Get over it!" :look: nope - not this one....
b) "Get your self together!" :look: - nah
c) <puts "L" on forehead and points to MixedBerry> :lachen:Funny - but - no...
d) "It's just hair, who cares?!" :rolleyes: nope
e) "Forget those fotki people, I'll be your friend!":yep: - :hiya: Hi!I am Samantha!
f) "You're making a big deal out of it!" well, Sorta...:drunk:
g) "Don't sweat it!":yep::yep::yep::yep:

I don't always respond to people on Fotki....
I just don't have time.

But - I don't concern myself with Hair type......... Heck - I don't even know MY hair type......

ETA - LOVEEEEE your Kitties!

haha! Thanks!

Im not really talking about responding in general. I understand folks are busy and yada yada. Im talking about those who NEVER respond to me but are clearly responding to other people in that same day. To put it plainly.

Like, I'll go back to see what the answer was and there will be nothing. But then the comment RIGHT after mind says something like "You on the grow for sho'!" or something like that and the fotki owner replies with all kinds of stuff.

Just wondering.

Alright, back to Green Light
<carries on with the dancing "She said, "What kind of girl do you think that I are? The kind that you meet in a bar?">
I will answer everyone's questions. However, I am more likely to ask a question if you have a similar hair type. For example, there's really not point in me asking a type 2 how she gets her bun to look so slick. :)
Okay, brief story.

...*bows head in shame*...a little while back I had someone comment on my fotki whose hair was in REALLY...I mean REALLY bad condition. I was really bad. She had like two strands touching APL and the rest were neck length. Also, when she did a close up on her strands at neck length you could see there was a LOT of breakage. Anyway, to make a long story short, she congratulated me on my progress and said, "looks like we are both on our way to BSL." I didn't really know what to say. I mean, there was absolutely NO way that I was going even going to drizzle on her parade. That being said, I also didn't feel right congratulating her on her progress. (Although, there were quite a few fotki members who did). So instead, I commented in one of her protective styles album. (Don't worry, my fotki is currently down so no one can go look and be nosy:)

That being said, because of this, I don't expect anyone to comment and am flattered when they do. I never get upset when people don't comment since I know there are a variety reasons that people don't.
If it's a QUESTION....I usually try and answer those right away.
Because if the perosn is anything like me...they're goinna be looking for answers!!!

But if it's a compliment--I might not get my "thank u's" in as fast.
At my leisure...I DO go back to post a response to every old comments...just because they took the time out at some point to write them.
I will answer everyone's questions. However, I am more likely to ask a question if you have a similar hair type. For example, there's really not point in me asking a type 2 how she gets her bun to look so slick. :)

I totally agree with the above! :yep::yep:
Don't sweat it! I think we're all looking for tips on how to improve our own hair, so naturally we gravitate towards other ladies who have hair similar to our own. It gives us hope when we see a good looking head of hair that we can strive for too.
Hmmm. I am interested in what you think.

Here goes.

I LOVE to visit fotkis. Any fotki, I will look. You WILL see my picture in your MY GUEST section under OTHER FOTKI MEMBERS!:yep: I love them. I also love to leave comments and ask questions.

Here's my sensitve issue. It may be rational. It may be irrational.

I've noticed that sometimes, maybe more than I like to think, I only seem to get any play from fotkis with a hair type similar to mine. :ohwell:
I don't really get any replies or answers or anything from fotkis who's hair type I don't share.

I used to think well maybe that person is busy and they don't respond to no one. BUT NO! You can see that they correspond and answer questions and leave replies all the live long day but "skip" over mine.

So here's the question:

Do you naturally pay more "attention" to visitors that share your hair type?
Do you ever feel like your wanted advice is not "needed" for someone who doesn't share your hair type so why bother?

Am I just being a baby about it? If so, I have provided for you pre-selected responses for your convenience! You may choose up to 4.

a) "Get over it!"
b) "Get your self together!"
c) <puts "L" on forehead and points to MixedBerry>
d) "It's just hair, who cares?!"
e) "Forget those fotki people, I'll be your friend!"
f) "You're making a big deal out of it!"
g) "Don't sweat it!"


Okay, I have to :lachen: because you didn't give an option of "yeah, that is a real trend" or "that's a shame and we must stop this trend!" I do visit the Fotkis of people with my hair type more than those whose are very different, but it's not exclusive. The things they do are more likely to be applicable to me, the styles are more likely to be ones I can replicate. Also to be totally honest I admit that, while I find almost all curly hair types to be pretty, I feel the need to tell people with my hair type that their hair is pretty because I think they are otherwise less likely to hear it.

eta: I don't discriminate based on hair type for responding to comments. I try to answer all questions and if someone leaves me multiple comments, I try to respond to at least one of the comments they left and usually leave a comment on their fotki, esp. if it's the first time I'm seeing them comment.
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The things that work for hair type 2, 3 I automatically assume will not work for my 4a/b hair. I'm trying to get past that but it is hard.

When I see a thread or comment that says look at my wash and go and all I used was this and then I look at their hair type, my automatic response is "ohh it worked because of said poster's hair type." That gel, technique, combo will not work on my hair.

Or I see a thread that says look how straight and shiny my flat iron came out and then I see the hair type, I move on. What worked on 2,3 I assume again will not work for me.

I may give a 4a/b a comment/compliment because I know the "struggle". It ain't easy. Not saying it's easy for other hair types but know...