fotki updates from a slow grower


Magical Mythical Princess
hey ladies....i finally updated my fotki with some growth updates. (my hair is not super long or super impressive...but it's mine:lol:)

feel free to comment. i also updated my current regi in the journal section.

things i have learned in my hair journey:

i am a slow grower, technically speaking. i grow my sides first half of the year. then i grow in the back the last half of the year. so i save length trims for april or may, so i don't miss the hair for too long. i usually can grow 3 inches of length from june to december.

my hair likes low manipulation. as low as possible. so i hide my hair ALOT.

my hair likes long stretches. i stretch texlax touch ups to once or twice a year.

my hair doesn't like shea butter, loves olive oil. doesn't like moisture, loves protein.

my hair doesn't like change. when i find something that works, i have to stick with it.:look:

my hair doesn't like pregnancy or breastfeeding. this is always a blessing to the family, but disasterous for my hair.:lol:

any other slow growers out there? feel free to share what you have learned over your journey. i love to learn!:yep:
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Your hair looks really good and healthy. As longs as you retaining heathy hair, it doesn't matter if your hair grows slow.
LOVE YOUR HAIR!!! It looks VERY healthy and has grown a lot! Can't wait to see our stylist in a few weeks. She's awesome! ;-)
Congrats!! :yay:

wow your hair is snobby :lol:

my hair doesn't like shea butter, loves olive oil. doesn't like moisture, loves protein.

my hair doesn't like change. when i find something that works, i have to stick with it.:look:

my hair doesn't like pregnancy or breastfeeding. this is always a blessing to the family, but disasterous for my hair.:lol:

Nice progress...and no one's racing here. Slow but sure, wins the race. And really, when you reach your hair goal, no one will care how long it took.

BTW, your list of your hair's likes and dislikes made me smile. Nothing like getting to know your hair. Makes any relationship better when the people involved understand each other. :grin:
Awesome progress, I am a fellow slow grower and this keeps me motivated because I have been a little discouraged. I met SL in 2009 and still not APL. I love your U shape.