Fotki questions


Active Member
I am trying to do the fotki thing but I feel like I am failing miserably! It takes a ton of time to get a good shot of my hair then I have to edit the color or brightness so folxs can see. I don't know how to compare shots and half the time I am experimenting myself so I don't like to offer advice. Does it help others to have a fotki? I can't really see how I am helping folks really. I feel like deleting it but maybe someone can help me organize it. Do you benefit from other's fotki? What exactly are you looking for when you go into someone's fotki or journal?
Bumping! Somebody got something to say about this. Somebody? Anybody? ello? I really wanna know. Pretty please.:sad:
My fotkis are not laid out well. But they are for me to view and if others want to view them, that makes me feel good. But it's really for me to track my progress.

I don't edit my color or anything, maybe I should.

When I view other member fotki, most times I'm viewing to keep up with their progress.
My fotkis are not laid out well. But they are for me to view and if others want to view them, that makes me feel good. But it's really for me to track my progress.

I don't edit my color or anything, maybe I should.

When I view other member fotki, most times I'm viewing to keep up with their progress.

Thanks for responding!! Mine aren't laid out well either. I have pictures on my computer so I never really look at the fotki unless I am updating. I use to check out other's fotki to get some ideas but I don't see how I can give someone ideas. Maybe I will keep it just in case I lose the pics on the computer. IDK..sorry..just thinking out loud.

Now thread you can die...I got one response! :):dead:
I tried to search for a thread called "What makes a good fotki" but I got side-tracked looking up some BT threads (yes I am a PJ :look:)...

Anyhoo...I made my fotki to track my progress as well (and to sort of see what everyone else sees when they look at me...), but I leave my comments and guestbook sections open so that if someone has something to say, they can. I'd for it to be constructive criticism, and so far so good. That's why I keep it open.

Now how you format the thing is totally up to you. If you want one folder and add all your updates to it as you get them, fine. If you want separate folders for each update, that is ok as well. It's whatever you want.

Regarding angles of shots, go check out some of the fotkis of ladies' hair that interest you. See how they take their pics, and perhaps that will help with camera angles and whatnot.

Fotkis are meant to be helpful and fun, not anxiety-inducing. If it is to you, then don't do one :)
The only reason I opened a Fotki in the first place was to track my progress. Every time I think my hair isn't growing, I just refer back to my photos and see that it's doin' just fine. I'm not even sure if other people are looking at it, since I never get any comments from people.
I tried to search for a thread called "What makes a good fotki" but I got side-tracked looking up some BT threads (yes I am a PJ :look:)...

Anyhoo...I made my fotki to track my progress as well (and to sort of see what everyone else sees when they look at me...), but I leave my comments and guestbook sections open so that if someone has something to say, they can. I'd for it to be constructive criticism, and so far so good. That's why I keep it open.

Now how you format the thing is totally up to you. If you want one folder and add all your updates to it as you get them, fine. If you want separate folders for each update, that is ok as well. It's whatever you want.

Regarding angles of shots, go check out some of the fotkis of ladies' hair that interest you. See how they take their pics, and perhaps that will help with camera angles and whatnot.

Fotkis are meant to be helpful and fun, not anxiety-inducing. If it is to you, then don't do one :)

Thanks for your help!! I tried the search function but it NEVER works for me. Never.

LOL @ bold. I get anxiety over anything.This fotki is just something new added to the list!! :drunk:
I am trying to do the fotki thing but I feel like I am failing miserably! It takes a ton of time to get a good shot of my hair then I have to edit the color or brightness so folxs can see. I don't know how to compare shots and half the time I am experimenting myself so I don't like to offer advice. Does it help others to have a fotki? I can't really see how I am helping folks really. I feel like deleting it but maybe someone can help me organize it. Do you benefit from other's fotki? What exactly are you looking for when you go into someone's fotki or journal?

Hey Kenedie!
I know how you feel about fotki, it took me a little while to navigate the site, and then I have to take a million pics to get the right shot, and only end up uploading half of them. Depending on the camera you have, see if you can take pics with the flower thingy (I have no idea what it's called or how it works) but pictures more defined and clear with that feature turned on. I *THINK* it was Sareca who gave that tip, maybe you can ask her what it is? Also, maybe you can get someone to help you take pictures? If not, standing with your back towards a mirror, while using a smaller mirror in your hand really helps you see what kind of picture you're taking. And lastly, if you're taking the pic in mirror, of course don't use the flash.

I honestly don't think there is anything wrong with your fotki. The pics you have aren't blurry, and you have many different angles so I can see exactly what your hair looks like. You also have descriptions and dates. I think your fotki is great! Keep on doing what you're doing!

I definitely benefit from looking through people's fotkis, especially when they have instructions on how to do certain things like pincurls or bantu knots. :spinning: I like to see what people's hair looked like before their journey, and I especially love the "rags to riches" albums. I actually had a fotki before I even joined LHCF just to keep track of my length. I like to keep it open to hopefully inspire someone else, like the many fotkis I've seen have inspired me. It gets kind of discouraging hearing friends and family saying you're "hair crazy" and telling me "I don't have good hair, it will never get that long", so seeing people's hair like yours keeps me motivated to get to that length one day. And your hair is absolutely beautiful!
The only reason I opened a Fotki in the first place was to track my progress. Every time I think my hair isn't growing, I just refer back to my photos and see that it's doin' just fine. I'm not even sure if other people are looking at it, since I never get any comments from people.

Yeah I think I need to look at it that way.The hassle of trying to get the pictures right is bothering me. I know it's all me!!:spinning: I just spend too much time this morning trying to get a good shot. I am too anal!! Noone else prolly even cares about it or even looks at it.
Hey Kenedie!
I know how you feel about fotki, it took me a little while to navigate the site, and then I have to take a million pics to get the right shot, and only end up uploading half of them. Depending on the camera you have, see if you can take pics with the flower thingy (I have no idea what it's called or how it works) but pictures more defined and clear with that feature turned on. I *THINK* it was Sareca who gave that tip, maybe you can ask her what it is? Also, maybe you can get someone to help you take pictures? If not, standing with your back towards a mirror, while using a smaller mirror in your hand really helps you see what kind of picture you're taking. And lastly, if you're taking the pic in mirror, of course don't use the flash.

I honestly don't think there is anything wrong with your fotki. The pics you have aren't blurry, and you have many different angles so I can see exactly what your hair looks like. You also have descriptions and dates. I think your fotki is great! Keep on doing what you're doing!

I definitely benefit from looking through people's fotkis, especially when they have instructions on how to do certain things like pincurls or bantu knots. :spinning: I like to see what people's hair looked like before their journey, and I especially love the "rags to riches" albums. I actually had a fotki before I even joined LHCF just to keep track of my length. I like to keep it open to hopefully inspire someone else, like the many fotkis I've seen have inspired me. It gets kind of discouraging hearing friends and family saying you're "hair crazy" and telling me "I don't have good hair, it will never get that long", so seeing people's hair like yours keeps me motivated to get to that length one day. And your hair is absolutely beautiful!

Aww...thanks Keisha!! So maybe now I will stop stressing over how to get a shot. I'll take 53 shots, delete 50 and upload 3.:sad: I should just let it do what it do, I guess. Okay I am over it. I am moving on to other anxiety inducing issues like rollersetting...:grin:
i love my fotki! i try to keep it as simple as possible so i put all my updates in one album and try to minimize the number of albums i have. I opened it to keep track of my progress. I was embarrassed to post my "before" hair pictures cause my hair looked so rough but i'm glad i posted them. I was gonna lock it but i left it open to inspire others like me. One thing i don't do though is i don't allow non-fotki members to post comments or sign my guestbook. I know it'll drive me crazy if someone kept leaving me nasty messages anonymously. so i took measures to prevent that cause i've seen it happen way too many times.

p.s. i have my siblings take my hair pics for me cause i can't take good shot of my head. I take about 10 shots and usually only post 3.
Yeah I think I need to look at it that way.The hassle of trying to get the pictures right is bothering me. I know it's all me!!:spinning: I just spend too much time this morning trying to get a good shot. I am too anal!! Noone else prolly even cares about it or even looks at it.

LOL ... I understand exactly what you mean (about being all anal about the pics). I have all kinds of shots on my hard drive that were not "good enough for display". But I'm keeping those photos for me to view because they still help me to determine what's working with my hair and what isn't.

By the way: your hair is gorgeous!!
Aww...thanks Keisha!! So maybe now I will stop stressing over how to get a shot. I'll take 53 shots, delete 50 and upload 3.:sad: I should just let it do what it do, I guess. Okay I am over it. I am moving on to other anxiety inducing issues like rollersetting...:grin:

Dang it, woman!! It's always something, LOL! J/k :lol:

Just relax, and remember it's all a/b the FUN!! Enjoy the ride.

Oh, and that "flower" button is the Macro setting. It's great for close ups. I've been using it on my personal "Nape Challenge" updates.
Ok, I am looking at your fotki now, and girl, your hair is da bomb!!! *drools*

I wish you had comments enabled cuz I'd be posting, "Beautiful" and "Wow! so pretty" all up and through those albums :D
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i love my fotki! i try to keep it as simple as possible so i put all my updates in one album and try to minimize the number of albums i have. I opened it to keep track of my progress. I was embarrassed to post my "before" hair pictures cause my hair looked so rough but i'm glad i posted them. I was gonna lock it but i left it open to inspire others like me. One thing i don't do though is i don't allow non-fotki members to post comments or sign my guestbook. I know it'll drive me crazy if someone kept leaving me nasty messages anonymously. so i took measures to prevent that cause i've seen it happen way too many times.

p.s. i have my siblings take my hair pics for me cause i can't take good shot of my head. I take about 10 shots and usually only post 3.

It's just me so I am the lone camera girl. I don't know nothing about locking comments. I didn't know that was possible. I am about to go see what is up.
LOL ... I understand exactly what you mean (about being all anal about the pics). I have all kinds of shots on my hard drive that were not "good enough for display". But I'm keeping those photos for me to view because they still help me to determine what's working with my hair and what isn't.

By the way: your hair is gorgeous!!

Thanks TaraDyan!!
Dang it, woman!! It's always something, LOL! J/k :lol:

Just relax, and remember it's all a/b the FUN!! Enjoy the ride.

Oh, and that "flower" button is the Macro setting. It's great for close ups. I've been using it on my personal "Nape Challenge" updates.

@ bolded I'm going to check that out tonight. Thanks!
Ok, I am looking at your fotki now, and girl, your hair is da bomb!!! *drools*

I wish you had comments enabled cuz I'd be posting, "Beautiful" and "Wow! so pretty" all up and through those albums :D

Me know nothing about comments enabled or disabled. oops! Thanks for the almost posted comments. Hee..hee
On your fotki page, there is a "Go To" button. Click on it and choose "My Settings". You should be able to modify your page from there. The comments can be enabled in "Albums" section on the right.

HTH :)
Kenedie, I think your fotki is perfectly fine! It is organized, easy to navigate and I think you have some great shots of that beautiful hair! I love the fact that you make comments about what you did to your hair with some of the pictures. It find it very helpful and appreciate when people do this. No worries girl, you're good:grin:!